Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)


Database of the Italian Chrysididae

Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

European distribution of Omalus biaccinctus
World distribution of Omalus biaccinctus Chorology of Omalus biaccinctus

Systematic position of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Elampini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)
Species group  
Original combination Ellampus biaccinctus Buysson (in André), 1893.
Type series Syntypi (Mus.: Paris)
Original description Pronotum et mesonotum imponctuès mais vaguement ruguleux. - Corps de petite taille, très convexe, l'avant-corps bleu-indigo, subparallele, l'abdomen plus large que l'avant-corps, feu-doré resplendissant, parfois un peu verdâtre sur le disque. Tête avec l'occiput imponctué mais vaguement ruguleux, le reste ponctue-réticulé; face vert-bleu, cavité faciale finement striée transversalement; antennes brunes, les deux premiers articles verts. Pronotum très convexe, les angles antérieurs ponctués-réticulés; écusson déprimé, avec quelques gros points réticulés, les intervalles finement ruguleux; postécusson largement gibbeux, un peu produit en arrière dans toute sa largeur, déprimé à sa base en dessus, ponctué-réticulé comme les mésopleures; angles posticolatéraux du métathorax à pointe assez forte, finement aiguë, un peu dirigée en arrière; écailles bleuâtres, subscarieuses; ailes assez enfumées dans la moítié postérieure. Pattes bleu-vert, tarses brun-roussâtre, le premier article vert; ongles armés de trois crochets. Abdomen très brillant, très convexe, subglobuleux, à ponctuation très fine, obsolète, très espacée: troisième segment court, à points plus gros mais obsolètes, les côtés du segment vaguement bisinués, l'incision apicale assez profonde, triangulaire, à sinus obtus, les angles formés par l'incision un peu saillants, dirigés un peu parallèlement, de manière à simuler deux dents à pointe obtuse, scarieuse, roussâtre; l'extrême bordure apicale est égale-scarieuse, roussâtre. Ventre noir-bronzé avec des taches vert-doré chez la femelle et entièrement bleues chez le mâle.
♂♀ Long. 4 mm.
Patrie: France.
Synonyms and subspecies gasperinii (Mocs.)
Systematic notes  

World distribution of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

World distribution East Palearctic, Near East
Type locality France
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: Europe (France), SW URSS
Linsenmaier Europe, Finland, W Asia
Other Authors biaccinctus: S Europe, W Asia, biaccinctus gasparinii: Cyprus. Maltese islands (Valletta, 1971)
Chorology European
Distribution notes  

European distribution of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

Country Records
Denmark Mainland
France Mainland
France Corsica
Greece Mainland
Greece Crete
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Spain Mainland
Spain Balearic
Distribution notes

Italian distribution of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893) according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Omalus biaccinctus
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records Online records Personal records
Piedmont Rosa, 2002c, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley Rosa, 2002c, 2006a;
Lombardy Rosa, 2002a, 2002b, 2005a;
Trentino Alto Adige Kofler, 1975;
Friuli V.G.
Liguria Invrea, 1921 (as Ellampus biaccinctus gasperinii on leaves of Ceratonia siliqua L.); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1954, 1959; Rosa, 2005a, 2005b;
Tuscany Rosa, 2005; Strumia, 2005;
Marche Erlandsson, 1972;
Lazio Lepri, 1911 (as Ellampus);
Abruzzo Strumia, 2005;
Apulia Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Strumia, 1995, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF on Omalus biaccinctus

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 242 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Québec 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Olivier Barden Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations apryllark Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Dave Rudkin Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Joe Bartok Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Hilversum Noord-Holland 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 3966 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Ommen - West Overijssel 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 186182 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Uithoorn Noord-Holland 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 108319 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Sachsen-Anhalt 72023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Brenda Black Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Oegstgeest - Haaswijk Zuid-Holland 72023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 752742 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 82023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist Milo "Bulle" van Loon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Meerlo Limburg 82023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 180251 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Ospel - Groote Peel Limburg 52022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 17258 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Hilversum Noord-Holland 52022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 3966 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Sachsen-Anhalt 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Brenda Black Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Utrecht - Lunetten Utrecht 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 22311 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Woerden - Schilderswijk Utrecht 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 133520 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Dieren Gelderland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 46264 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Huizen - Huizermaat Noord-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 186587 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Leiden Zuid-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 306411 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Huizen - Huizermaat Noord-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 186587 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Drachten - De Drait Friesland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 23049 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Leiden - Merenwijk Zuid-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 242954 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Voorburg Zuid-Holland 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 99421 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Bonavik, Upl Uppland 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Mårten Nilsson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Thomas Appelqvist
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Finsjöbrännan, Sm Småland 72022 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Michael Tholin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Finsjöbrännan, Sm Småland 72022 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Michael Tholin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Heiloo Noord-Holland 82022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 17728 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands 's-Hertogenbosch - Aa-Wijk Noord-Brabant 62021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 117221 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Sassenheim Zuid-Holland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 108970 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Arnhem - Lombok / Hoogstede Gelderland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 54391 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Ängstorpsbackar, Upl Uppland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Erik Sjödin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Bergesta, Focksta, Upl Uppland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Erik Sjödin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 82021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Martin Galli Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Kampina - Bisschopsvelden Noord-Brabant 82021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 64119 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany TK25 Blatt 4510/1 - Dortmund / Lütgendortmund / Stockum 82021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION 1436317490 naturgucker naturgucker
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Argentina Buenos Aires 122021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Cornelia Witschi Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Joe Bartok Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Elliot S. Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Kevin Kerr Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Denmark 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Jonas Ravn Jensen MST-and-NHMD Jonas Ravn Jensen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 82020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations lizgm Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Kraftledningsgata 5, Täby, Upl Uppland 72019 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Kraftledningsgata 4, Täby, Upl Uppland 72019 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Hamra 3, Srm Södermanland 72019 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson, Håkan Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Lunsen brandfält 2017, Upl Uppland 42018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Ingemar Struwe Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Lars norén
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Switzerland Valais 52018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Sophie Giriens Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 62018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Bernard Nogues
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Île-de-France 62018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Bernard Noguès Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 62018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Bernard Nogues
BOLD:ACG1502 Pakistan Chakwal, Balkassar, Balkasar Bear Sanctuary Punjab 32017 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Malik Ghulam Sarwar Kate Perez
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Kuitia Varsinais-Suomi 62017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Prehls Garten (Nellmersbach) 62017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION -432725309 naturgucker naturgucker
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Genillé, Forêt de Loches 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 82017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 82017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Hölö (Södermanland) Södermanland 72016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN H. Andersson NHRS NRM Lars Norén
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 72016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Skörbyhöjden, Upl Uppland 72016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Niedersachsen 62015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Jakob Fahr Observations iNaturalist villu
BOLD:ABW7174 Germany Saxony-Anhalt 62015 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 62015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Toverud Buskerud 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artsprosjekt_44-13_ACUNOR 2016 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Träkvista ovanför marinan, Träkvista, Upl Uppland 72015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Anders Haglund Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Sven Hellqvist
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Hemfosa, Dikartorp S, Srm Södermanland 72015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 82015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 82015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Tegelhagsvägen, Upl Uppland 82015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Lars norén
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Norviksudden, Srm Södermanland 82015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Burgenland 62014 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations gernotkunz Observations iNaturalist villu
BOLD:ACG1502 Pakistan Faisalabad, Gatwala, Park Punjab 42013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Q. Abbas Paul Hebert
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Wellington County|Guelph|Biodiversity Institute of Ontario Ontario 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (BIOUG) BIO Collections Staff BIOUG University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics Angela Telfer
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
BOLD:ACO7829 Egypt Smouha, Antoniades Gardens Alexandria 62013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE O.El-Ansary Paul Hebert
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario, Wellington County, Guelph, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN BIO Collections Staff Angela Telfer
BOLD:ABW7174 Canada Wellington County, Guelph, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario Ontario 62013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE BIO Collections Staff Angela Telfer
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Kharkiv Kharkiv oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
BOLD:ACO7829 Egypt Smouha, Antoniades Gardens Alexandria 72013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE O.El-Ansary Paul Hebert
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany 62012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oliver Niehuis
BOLD:ABW7174 Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
BOLD:ABW7174 Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Lappohja Uusimaa 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paukkunen, Juho MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Lappohja Uusimaa 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paukkunen, Juho MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Lappohja Uusimaa 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paukkunen, Juho MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
BOLD:ABW7174 Bulgaria Godech Sofiya 82012 MATERIAL_SAMPLE I. Iliev Kate Perez
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 52011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ralph S. Peters
BOLD:ABW7174 Italy Abruzzi 62011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Toshko Ljubomirov Toshko Ljubomirov
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Utstranda Buskerud 72011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artsprosjekt_44-13_ACUNOR 2016 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
BOLD:ABW7174 Norway Buskerud 72011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Frode Odegaard Frode Odegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Brandalsund, Trindborgen, Srm Södermanland 72011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Utstranda Buskerud 82011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artsprosjekt_44-13_ACUNOR 2016 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
BOLD:ABW7174 Norway Buskerud 82011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Frode Odegaard Frode Odegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Viker (Asmaløy) Østfold 62010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Aculeata FØ tom 2010 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MARTHA Benoit MARTHA Benoit
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N. of Tende 72009 HUMAN_OBSERVATION SCHMID-EGGER (EDIT - PNM- PNAM - MNHN) SCHMID-EGGER
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N of Tende Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 72009 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N of Tende Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 72009 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N. of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Schmid-Egger All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory - Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy) European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT) Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France - N of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France - N of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France - N of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Frankfurt Oder - 13 km NNW Frankfurt Oder, Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Maerkisch Oderland - Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Maerkisch Oderland - Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Maerkisch Oderland - Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Ösmo, Djursnäs, 7-800 m SSV Hultö, Srm Södermanland 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Darmstadt, 5,8km from Jurinea cyanoides 72008 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Petr Jansta Jakub Straka
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany - Darmstadt, 5,8km from Jurinea cyanoides 72008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Petr Jansta BOLD ZSM Jakub Straka
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Stora Vika, kalkbrottet, Srm Södermanland 72007 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland, Orlamuende, Kemenadenhang Thuringia 62000 MATERIAL_SAMPLE F. Burger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland, Orlamuende Thuringia 62000 MATERIAL_SAMPLE F. Burger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland - Orlamuende, Kemenadenhang 62000 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN F. Burger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland - Orlamuende 62000 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN F. Burger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Vasshammar, 600 m SO, Srm Södermanland 81998 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Linz 61987 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Luxembourg Bonnevoie 61983 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Collection hymenoptères MNHNL Nico Schneider COL-MNHNL Leclercq Jean
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Luxembourg Bonnevoie 81982 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Altes LuxNat-Projekt zur Datenübernahme Nico Schneider COL-MNHNL MNHNL Schneider Nico
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ka 71974 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH ?
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 71973 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 71973 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Pi Varsinais-Suomi 71973 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Radkersburg 81972 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ta 71965 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Georgia 61964 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Valkeila, E.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61960 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Sa 61960 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Mönchgraben S Ebelsberg 61959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Herzograd 71959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steinleiten (Rodltal) 61958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 11957 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Mönchgraben S Ebelsberg 81957 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91957 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91957 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Siikajärvi Ab 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Siikajärvi Uusimaa 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Karvonen, Viljo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 11954 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71954 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71954 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ta 61953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Kanta-Häme 61953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Valkeila, Erkki MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81950 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81950 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Zeist, Den Dolder Utrecht 1949 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMR Collection NMR P.M.F. Verhoeff
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Plesching 71948 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyregg 71948 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Zeist, Den Dolder Utrecht 41941 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMR Collection NMR P.M.F. Verhoeff
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Mayschoß 71939 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Klapperich, Johann Friedrich HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 81935 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland St 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland St 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Russian Federation Ik 71934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Russian Federation Leningrad Oblast 71934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 51933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 51933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Karlsruhe 51928 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Friedrichstal bei Karlsruhe 71928 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Grötzingen (Baden) 71928 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 61926 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lindblom, Kurt MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Uusimaa 71922 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forsius, Runar ZMAA Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Uusimaa 61921 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forsius, Runar ZMAA Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Tvärminne N PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland ? PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Estonia MATERIAL_CITATION
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Estonia MATERIAL_CITATION
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany MATERIAL_SAMPLE
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Tvärminne Uusimaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Listo, Jaakko MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) unknown or invalid Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Spain Segovia, 66 kilometers north of Fuentiduena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN , F. D. Parker EMEC EMEC
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Erlangen PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK

Biology of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

Known Hosts

Sphecidae Passaloecus sp. (Jacob-Remacle, 1987)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Ceratonia siliqua L. (Invrea, 1922), flowers of Euphorbia (Schmidt, 1977)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893) drawn from GBIF

Pictures taken from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.

Systematic position of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Elampini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)
Species group  
Original combination Ellampus biaccinctus Buysson (in André), 1893.
Type series Syntypi (Mus.: Paris)
Original description Pronotum et mesonotum imponctuès mais vaguement ruguleux. - Corps de petite taille, très convexe, l'avant-corps bleu-indigo, subparallele, l'abdomen plus large que l'avant-corps, feu-doré resplendissant, parfois un peu verdâtre sur le disque. Tête avec l'occiput imponctué mais vaguement ruguleux, le reste ponctue-réticulé; face vert-bleu, cavité faciale finement striée transversalement; antennes brunes, les deux premiers articles verts. Pronotum très convexe, les angles antérieurs ponctués-réticulés; écusson déprimé, avec quelques gros points réticulés, les intervalles finement ruguleux; postécusson largement gibbeux, un peu produit en arrière dans toute sa largeur, déprimé à sa base en dessus, ponctué-réticulé comme les mésopleures; angles posticolatéraux du métathorax à pointe assez forte, finement aiguë, un peu dirigée en arrière; écailles bleuâtres, subscarieuses; ailes assez enfumées dans la moítié postérieure. Pattes bleu-vert, tarses brun-roussâtre, le premier article vert; ongles armés de trois crochets. Abdomen très brillant, très convexe, subglobuleux, à ponctuation très fine, obsolète, très espacée: troisième segment court, à points plus gros mais obsolètes, les côtés du segment vaguement bisinués, l'incision apicale assez profonde, triangulaire, à sinus obtus, les angles formés par l'incision un peu saillants, dirigés un peu parallèlement, de manière à simuler deux dents à pointe obtuse, scarieuse, roussâtre; l'extrême bordure apicale est égale-scarieuse, roussâtre. Ventre noir-bronzé avec des taches vert-doré chez la femelle et entièrement bleues chez le mâle.
♂♀ Long. 4 mm.
Patrie: France.
Synonyms and subspecies gasperinii (Mocs.)
Systematic notes  

Geographic distribution of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

World distribution

World distribution East Palearctic, Near East
Type locality France
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: Europe (France), SW URSS
Linsenmaier Europe, Finland, W Asia
Other Authors biaccinctus: S Europe, W Asia, biaccinctus gasparinii: Cyprus. Maltese islands (Valletta, 1971)
Chorology European
Distribution notes  

European distribution

Country Records
Denmark Mainland
France Mainland
France Corsica
Greece Mainland
Greece Crete
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Spain Mainland
Spain Balearic
Distribution notes

Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Omalus biaccinctus
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records FEI records Personal records
Piedmont Rosa, 2002c, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley Rosa, 2002c, 2006a;
Lombardy Rosa, 2002a, 2002b, 2005a;
Trentino Alto Adige Kofler, 1975;
Friuli V.G.
Liguria Invrea, 1921 (as Ellampus biaccinctus gasperinii on leaves of Ceratonia siliqua L.); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1954, 1959; Rosa, 2005a, 2005b;
Tuscany Rosa, 2005; Strumia, 2005;
Marche Erlandsson, 1972;
Lazio Lepri, 1911 (as Ellampus);
Abruzzo Strumia, 2005;
Apulia Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Strumia, 1995, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 242 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Québec 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Olivier Barden Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations apryllark Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Dave Rudkin Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Joe Bartok Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Hilversum Noord-Holland 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 3966 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Ommen - West Overijssel 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 186182 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Uithoorn Noord-Holland 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 108319 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Sachsen-Anhalt 72023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Brenda Black Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Oegstgeest - Haaswijk Zuid-Holland 72023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 752742 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 82023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist Milo "Bulle" van Loon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Meerlo Limburg 82023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 180251 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Ospel - Groote Peel Limburg 52022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 17258 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Hilversum Noord-Holland 52022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 3966 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Sachsen-Anhalt 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Brenda Black Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Utrecht - Lunetten Utrecht 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 22311 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Woerden - Schilderswijk Utrecht 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 133520 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Dieren Gelderland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 46264 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Huizen - Huizermaat Noord-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 186587 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Leiden Zuid-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 306411 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Huizen - Huizermaat Noord-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 186587 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Drachten - De Drait Friesland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 23049 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Leiden - Merenwijk Zuid-Holland 62022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 242954 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Voorburg Zuid-Holland 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 99421 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Bonavik, Upl Uppland 72022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Mårten Nilsson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Thomas Appelqvist
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Finsjöbrännan, Sm Småland 72022 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Michael Tholin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Finsjöbrännan, Sm Småland 72022 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Michael Tholin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Heiloo Noord-Holland 82022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 17728 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands 's-Hertogenbosch - Aa-Wijk Noord-Brabant 62021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 117221 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Sassenheim Zuid-Holland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 108970 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Arnhem - Lombok / Hoogstede Gelderland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 54391 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Ängstorpsbackar, Upl Uppland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Erik Sjödin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Bergesta, Focksta, Upl Uppland 72021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Erik Sjödin Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 82021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Martin Galli Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Kampina - Bisschopsvelden Noord-Brabant 82021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 64119 Observations
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany TK25 Blatt 4510/1 - Dortmund / Lütgendortmund / Stockum 82021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION 1436317490 naturgucker naturgucker
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Argentina Buenos Aires 122021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Cornelia Witschi Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 62020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations ryanwhyte Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Joe Bartok Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Elliot S. Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Kevin Kerr Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Denmark 72020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Jonas Ravn Jensen MST-and-NHMD Jonas Ravn Jensen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario 82020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations lizgm Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Kraftledningsgata 5, Täby, Upl Uppland 72019 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Kraftledningsgata 4, Täby, Upl Uppland 72019 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Hamra 3, Srm Södermanland 72019 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson, Håkan Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Lunsen brandfält 2017, Upl Uppland 42018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Ingemar Struwe Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Lars norén
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Switzerland Valais 52018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Sophie Giriens Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 62018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Bernard Nogues
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Île-de-France 62018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Bernard Noguès Observations iNaturalist villu
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 62018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Bernard Nogues
BOLD:ACG1502 Pakistan Chakwal, Balkassar, Balkasar Bear Sanctuary Punjab 32017 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Malik Ghulam Sarwar Kate Perez
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Kuitia Varsinais-Suomi 62017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Prehls Garten (Nellmersbach) 62017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION -432725309 naturgucker naturgucker
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Braslou, Les Varennes 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Genillé, Forêt de Loches 72017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 82017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 82017 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Hölö (Södermanland) Södermanland 72016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN H. Andersson NHRS NRM Lars Norén
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 72016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Skörbyhöjden, Upl Uppland 72016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly 82016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Niedersachsen 62015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Jakob Fahr Observations iNaturalist villu
BOLD:ABW7174 Germany Saxony-Anhalt 62015 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 62015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Toverud Buskerud 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artsprosjekt_44-13_ACUNOR 2016 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 72015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Träkvista ovanför marinan, Träkvista, Upl Uppland 72015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Anders Haglund Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Sven Hellqvist
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Hemfosa, Dikartorp S, Srm Södermanland 72015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 82015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France Charnizay, Forêt de Preuilly, Bois Rond 82015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Tegelhagsvägen, Upl Uppland 82015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artportalen Petter Andersson Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken Lars norén
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Norviksudden, Srm Södermanland 82015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Burgenland 62014 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations gernotkunz Observations iNaturalist villu
BOLD:ACG1502 Pakistan Faisalabad, Gatwala, Park Punjab 42013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Q. Abbas Paul Hebert
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Wellington County|Guelph|Biodiversity Institute of Ontario Ontario 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (BIOUG) BIO Collections Staff BIOUG University of Guelph, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics Angela Telfer
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
BOLD:ACO7829 Egypt Smouha, Antoniades Gardens Alexandria 62013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE O.El-Ansary Paul Hebert
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Canada Ontario, Wellington County, Guelph, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN BIO Collections Staff Angela Telfer
BOLD:ABW7174 Canada Wellington County, Guelph, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario Ontario 62013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE BIO Collections Staff Angela Telfer
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Kharkiv Kharkiv oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
BOLD:ACO7829 Egypt Smouha, Antoniades Gardens Alexandria 72013 MATERIAL_SAMPLE O.El-Ansary Paul Hebert
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany 62012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oliver Niehuis
BOLD:ABW7174 Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
BOLD:ABW7174 Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Lappohja Uusimaa 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paukkunen, Juho MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Lappohja Uusimaa 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paukkunen, Juho MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Lappohja Uusimaa 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paukkunen, Juho MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Nylandia, Hanko, Lappohja 72012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Juho Paukkunen Juho Paukkunen
BOLD:ABW7174 Bulgaria Godech Sofiya 82012 MATERIAL_SAMPLE I. Iliev Kate Perez
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 52011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ralph S. Peters
BOLD:ABW7174 Italy Abruzzi 62011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Toshko Ljubomirov Toshko Ljubomirov
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Utstranda Buskerud 72011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artsprosjekt_44-13_ACUNOR 2016 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
BOLD:ABW7174 Norway Buskerud 72011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Frode Odegaard Frode Odegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Brandalsund, Trindborgen, Srm Södermanland 72011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Utstranda Buskerud 82011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artsprosjekt_44-13_ACUNOR 2016 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
BOLD:ABW7174 Norway Buskerud 82011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Frode Odegaard Frode Odegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Norway Viker (Asmaløy) Østfold 62010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Aculeata FØ tom 2010 Frode Ødegaard INS NINA Frode Ødegaard
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MARTHA Benoit MARTHA Benoit
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Bulgaria Banya (nr Panagyurishte) 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cees van Achterberg TUZ TU Villu Soon
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N. of Tende 72009 HUMAN_OBSERVATION SCHMID-EGGER (EDIT - PNM- PNAM - MNHN) SCHMID-EGGER
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N of Tende Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 72009 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N of Tende Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 72009 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France N. of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Schmid-Egger All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory - Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy) European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT) Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France - N of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France - N of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) France - N of Tende 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Frankfurt Oder - 13 km NNW Frankfurt Oder, Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Maerkisch Oderland - Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Maerkisch Oderland - Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Maerkisch Oderland - Mallnow 72009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Ösmo, Djursnäs, 7-800 m SSV Hultö, Srm Södermanland 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Darmstadt, 5,8km from Jurinea cyanoides 72008 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Petr Jansta Jakub Straka
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany - Darmstadt, 5,8km from Jurinea cyanoides 72008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Petr Jansta BOLD ZSM Jakub Straka
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Stora Vika, kalkbrottet, Srm Södermanland 72007 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland, Orlamuende, Kemenadenhang Thuringia 62000 MATERIAL_SAMPLE F. Burger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland, Orlamuende Thuringia 62000 MATERIAL_SAMPLE F. Burger Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland - Orlamuende, Kemenadenhang 62000 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN F. Burger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Saale Holzland - Orlamuende 62000 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN F. Burger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Sweden Vasshammar, 600 m SO, Srm Södermanland 81998 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Artportalen Johan Abenius Artportalen SLU Artdatabanken
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Linz 61987 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Luxembourg Bonnevoie 61983 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Collection hymenoptères MNHNL Nico Schneider COL-MNHNL Leclercq Jean
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Luxembourg Bonnevoie 81982 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Altes LuxNat-Projekt zur Datenübernahme Nico Schneider COL-MNHNL MNHNL Schneider Nico
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ka 71974 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH ?
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 71973 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 71973 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Pi Varsinais-Suomi 71973 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Radkersburg 81972 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ta 71965 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Georgia 61964 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Valkeila, E.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61960 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Sa 61960 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Mönchgraben S Ebelsberg 61959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Herzograd 71959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steinleiten (Rodltal) 61958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 11957 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Mönchgraben S Ebelsberg 81957 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91957 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91957 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Siikajärvi Ab 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Siikajärvi Uusimaa 71955 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Karvonen, Viljo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91955 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 11954 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71954 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71954 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ta 61953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Kanta-Häme 61953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Valkeila, Erkki MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 71953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91953 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 91951 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81950 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyrermuehl 81950 OCCURRENCE ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Zeist, Den Dolder Utrecht 1949 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMR Collection NMR P.M.F. Verhoeff
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Plesching 71948 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Austria Steyregg 71948 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Netherlands Zeist, Den Dolder Utrecht 41941 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMR Collection NMR P.M.F. Verhoeff
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Mayschoß 71939 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Klapperich, Johann Friedrich HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 81935 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland St 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland St 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 61934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Russian Federation Ik 71934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Russian Federation Leningrad Oblast 71934 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 51933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 51933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab 61933 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Karlsruhe 51928 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Friedrichstal bei Karlsruhe 71928 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Grötzingen (Baden) 71928 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi 61926 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lindblom, Kurt MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Uusimaa 71922 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forsius, Runar ZMAA Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Uusimaa 61921 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forsius, Runar ZMAA Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Tvärminne N PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Ab PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland ? PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Estonia MATERIAL_CITATION
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Estonia MATERIAL_CITATION
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany MATERIAL_SAMPLE
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Varsinais-Suomi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Merisuo, Aimo MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Finland Tvärminne Uusimaa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Listo, Jaakko MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) unknown or invalid Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Spain Segovia, 66 kilometers north of Fuentiduena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN , F. D. Parker EMEC EMEC
Omalus biaccinctus (Du Buysson, 1892) Germany Erlangen PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK

Biology of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

Known Hosts

Sphecidae Passaloecus sp. (Jacob-Remacle, 1987)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Ceratonia siliqua L. (Invrea, 1922), flowers of Euphorbia (Schmidt, 1977)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893) drawn from GBIF

No pictures in GBIF.

More info on Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893)

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All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Omalus biaccinctus (Buysson, 1893), in: Database of the European Chrysididae. Interim version 31 March 2025, URL: