Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003


Database of the Italian Chrysididae

Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

European distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum
World distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Chorology of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum

Systematic position of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Elampini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003
Species group monochroum
Original combination Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003
Type series  
Original description Color: pronotum bronze-red without black dot or central and transverse stripe (over 95% of individuals), head vertex, mesonotum and scutellum bronze-red to pink-red, central part of mesonotum often partially black, facial cavity green or golden green, rarely bronze-red, metanotum green-gold to bronze-red; mesopleuron from bronze-red to green-gold; femora and tibiae from bronze-red to bronze-green, tarsi brown. T-I color ranges from bronze-red to golden-green without trace of black stripe or dots near the posterior margin. T-II of the same color as T-I but with a large central black dot starting from the anterior margin but not reaching the posterior one. T-III variable in color from bronze-red to green with red or gold shining, sternum mostly metallic bronze to bronze-green (Fig. 1, 2). Antennae normal, not expanded; scape metallic bronze; pedicel and flagellum black; F-I 1/w = 3.0; length ratio F-I/P = 1.4; length ratio F-I/F-II = 1.5 to 1.7; flagellomere from F-IV on 1/w > 1.
Face oval in shape in frontal view, facial W/H = 1.45; punctures on frons and vertex reticulate PD = 0.4 MOD, TFC absent. Scapal basin with coarse punctures laterally (PD = 0.4 MOD), and a few coarse and transverse striae in the middle, Clypeus short, 0.9 MOD; malar space short (1.0 MOD) and strongly converging. Mandible dark, brown at center, with two additional teeth. IOA smaller than 90° (for 54 Corso-Sardinian individuals the average is IOA = 84.6°, SD = 1.7°, for the 11 Maltese islands specimens IOA = 85.7°, SD = 1.1°; for the 18 Sicilian specimens IOA = 87.3°, SD = 2.3°). IOD smaller than OOD, and vertex with the occipital angles rounded.
Pronotum slightly converging on anterior border; punctures on pronotum, mesonotum and scutellum reticulate to close (PD = 0.4 MOD), uniform; notauli parallel. Metanotum punctures reticulate, uniform PD = 0.5 MOD, metanotum as long as scutellum; mesopleuron rounded ventrally, with punctures simple, close to reticulate, uniform, PD = 0.3-0.4 MOD. Lateral propodeal angle acute and pointing outward. Pronotum to scutellum length ratio 1.1; head to pronotum width ratio 1.2; anterior femora simple, without ventral longitudinal carina.
Wings light brown, veins brown; tegulae metallic bronze; median vein M nearly straight; Rs =1.2 times stigma length; Cu not sclerotized; posterior wings with 5-6 hamuli. Abdomen markedly convex, short, 1/w = 1.05, without longitudinal or transverse carinae, punctures simple, uniform, close to reticulate, PD = 0.2-0.3 MOD, posterior margin of T-III round, smooth and canaliculated. The punctures on S-II are numerous, sparse and deep, PD = 0.2 MOD. Pubescence on all body white and short, less than 1 MOD in length. Sexual dimorphism absent, only the male posterior margin of T-III more round and S-IV less visible.
The male genital capsule is similar to that of monochroum, but the males from the Corso-Sardinian region have a different paramere internal margin as shown in Figure 3. The individuals from this region (including Asinara, Capraia, and Montecristo) appear to be a uniform group with facial cavity, mesopleuron and metanotum prevalently golden green to green.
Individuals from the Maltese islands are more or less entirely red-bronze in color, including the central part of mesonotum, that is, on the contrary, stained more or less black in the Corso-Sardinian individuals. Such differences are possible evidence of two distinct subspecies. The individuals from Sicily are unfortunately known only from a single locality near Selinunte and show a color range from pink-red, close to those from the Maltese islands, to more greenish where only the scutellum is bronze-red in color, the remainder being a mixture of bronze and green. In the same locality, the only known to me from Sicily, also 8 specimens of H. monochroum were found. Two additional individuals showed mixed characters and the presence of hybrids cannot be ruled out.
Synonyms and subspecies  
Systematic notes  

World distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

World distribution
Type locality Italy and Malta.
Localities: 1) from Maltese islands, 11 specimens: 1 f St. Marija Bay, Comi-no, 13-VII-1976; 2 f St. Thomas Bay, Malta, 26-VII-1977; 1 m and 2 f Wied Mistra, 13-VIII-1997, Malta; 1 m Ghasti Wied Lunzjata, 20-VIII-1996, Malta; 4 f Marsalforn, 27/28-IX-1980, Gozo; 2) from Sardinia, 21 specimens: 5 f Elmas (Cagliari), 01/02- IX-1993; 2 m Quartu St. Elena (Cagliari), 01-IX-1993; 2m 1 f Geremeas (Cagliari), 01-IX-1993; 1 f Stintino (Sassari), 08-IX-1993; 1 f Berchidda, 490 m. a.s.l., (Sassari), summer 2000 and 16 f 04-VI/30-VIII-2002, Malaise trap (40° 47.49' N 9° 08.87' E); 1 f Luras, 450 m. a.s.l., (Sassari), Malaise trap (40°56.84' N 9°09.65' E), 17/31-VIII-2000; 3) from Asinara: 1 m 5 f, VIII-1903, legit S. Folchini; 2 m and 11 f Fornelli Malaise trap (40°59.48' N 8°l4.73' E) 11-VI/09-X-2002; 4) from Corsica, 29 specimens: 2 m 6 f, Moltifao near the bridge on the Asco river, Pan trap, 08/10-VII-1998; 1 m La Marana, Casone, Pan trap, 01/04-VII-1997; 1m Piana, River Tartagine, 09-VI-1997; Castirla, River Golo, Malaise trap (42°22.91' N 9°09.08' E), 1 m and 7 f 11-VI/16-VIII-1999; 5 f 24-VI/24-VII-2000, 2 f 05-VI/01-VIII-2002, 5 f Cuttoli, Malaise trap (41°57.85' N 8°50.83' E), 15-VII/15-VIII-2001; 5) from Montecristo, Malaise trap: 2 f 25-VII/25-VIII-1999, 1 f 30-VI/15-VII-2000, 1 f 1/15-VII-2001; 6) from Capraia, Malaise trap, 25 specimens: 1 f 30-VI/31-VII-2000; 1 f 03/15-VII-1999 (I Pollai: 43°02.17' N 9°50.02' E), 1 m and 8 f 06/22-VI-2002, 8 f 22-VI/08-VII-2002, 6 f 08/23-VII-2002 (San Rocco: 43°02.63' N 9°50.54r E); 7) from Sicily 18 specimens: 1 f Selinunte (Trapani), 12-VI-1983; 2 m and 15 f, Foce del Modione, Selinunte (Trapani), 10-VIII-1985; 8) from Ustica: 2 f, 17 and 18-VII-1984.
Kimsey & Bohart  
Other Authors  
Chorology Italian-continental
Distribution notes  

European distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

Country Records
France Corsica
Greece Crete
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Italy Sicily
Distribution notes

Italian distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records Online records Personal records
Aosta Valley
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna
Tuscany Strumia, 2003; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily Strumia, 2003; Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Strumia, 2003; Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes known from island and continental Italy.

Data from GBIF on Hedychridium tyrrhenicum

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 7 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 Italy Sardenya 62002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Art Strumia, Franco MCNB-Art MCNB
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France 72001 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France Rivière de Golo 51999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France 61997 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France Piana, Rivière de Tartagine 61997 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Collection Hymenoptera SMF

Biology of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

Known Hosts

Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge  
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 drawn from GBIF

Pictures taken from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.

Systematic position of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Elampini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003
Species group monochroum
Original combination Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003
Type series  
Original description Color: pronotum bronze-red without black dot or central and transverse stripe (over 95% of individuals), head vertex, mesonotum and scutellum bronze-red to pink-red, central part of mesonotum often partially black, facial cavity green or golden green, rarely bronze-red, metanotum green-gold to bronze-red; mesopleuron from bronze-red to green-gold; femora and tibiae from bronze-red to bronze-green, tarsi brown. T-I color ranges from bronze-red to golden-green without trace of black stripe or dots near the posterior margin. T-II of the same color as T-I but with a large central black dot starting from the anterior margin but not reaching the posterior one. T-III variable in color from bronze-red to green with red or gold shining, sternum mostly metallic bronze to bronze-green (Fig. 1, 2). Antennae normal, not expanded; scape metallic bronze; pedicel and flagellum black; F-I 1/w = 3.0; length ratio F-I/P = 1.4; length ratio F-I/F-II = 1.5 to 1.7; flagellomere from F-IV on 1/w > 1.
Face oval in shape in frontal view, facial W/H = 1.45; punctures on frons and vertex reticulate PD = 0.4 MOD, TFC absent. Scapal basin with coarse punctures laterally (PD = 0.4 MOD), and a few coarse and transverse striae in the middle, Clypeus short, 0.9 MOD; malar space short (1.0 MOD) and strongly converging. Mandible dark, brown at center, with two additional teeth. IOA smaller than 90° (for 54 Corso-Sardinian individuals the average is IOA = 84.6°, SD = 1.7°, for the 11 Maltese islands specimens IOA = 85.7°, SD = 1.1°; for the 18 Sicilian specimens IOA = 87.3°, SD = 2.3°). IOD smaller than OOD, and vertex with the occipital angles rounded.
Pronotum slightly converging on anterior border; punctures on pronotum, mesonotum and scutellum reticulate to close (PD = 0.4 MOD), uniform; notauli parallel. Metanotum punctures reticulate, uniform PD = 0.5 MOD, metanotum as long as scutellum; mesopleuron rounded ventrally, with punctures simple, close to reticulate, uniform, PD = 0.3-0.4 MOD. Lateral propodeal angle acute and pointing outward. Pronotum to scutellum length ratio 1.1; head to pronotum width ratio 1.2; anterior femora simple, without ventral longitudinal carina.
Wings light brown, veins brown; tegulae metallic bronze; median vein M nearly straight; Rs =1.2 times stigma length; Cu not sclerotized; posterior wings with 5-6 hamuli. Abdomen markedly convex, short, 1/w = 1.05, without longitudinal or transverse carinae, punctures simple, uniform, close to reticulate, PD = 0.2-0.3 MOD, posterior margin of T-III round, smooth and canaliculated. The punctures on S-II are numerous, sparse and deep, PD = 0.2 MOD. Pubescence on all body white and short, less than 1 MOD in length. Sexual dimorphism absent, only the male posterior margin of T-III more round and S-IV less visible.
The male genital capsule is similar to that of monochroum, but the males from the Corso-Sardinian region have a different paramere internal margin as shown in Figure 3. The individuals from this region (including Asinara, Capraia, and Montecristo) appear to be a uniform group with facial cavity, mesopleuron and metanotum prevalently golden green to green.
Individuals from the Maltese islands are more or less entirely red-bronze in color, including the central part of mesonotum, that is, on the contrary, stained more or less black in the Corso-Sardinian individuals. Such differences are possible evidence of two distinct subspecies. The individuals from Sicily are unfortunately known only from a single locality near Selinunte and show a color range from pink-red, close to those from the Maltese islands, to more greenish where only the scutellum is bronze-red in color, the remainder being a mixture of bronze and green. In the same locality, the only known to me from Sicily, also 8 specimens of H. monochroum were found. Two additional individuals showed mixed characters and the presence of hybrids cannot be ruled out.
Synonyms and subspecies  
Systematic notes  

Geographic distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

World distribution

World distribution
Type locality Italy and Malta.
Localities: 1) from Maltese islands, 11 specimens: 1 f St. Marija Bay, Comi-no, 13-VII-1976; 2 f St. Thomas Bay, Malta, 26-VII-1977; 1 m and 2 f Wied Mistra, 13-VIII-1997, Malta; 1 m Ghasti Wied Lunzjata, 20-VIII-1996, Malta; 4 f Marsalforn, 27/28-IX-1980, Gozo; 2) from Sardinia, 21 specimens: 5 f Elmas (Cagliari), 01/02- IX-1993; 2 m Quartu St. Elena (Cagliari), 01-IX-1993; 2m 1 f Geremeas (Cagliari), 01-IX-1993; 1 f Stintino (Sassari), 08-IX-1993; 1 f Berchidda, 490 m. a.s.l., (Sassari), summer 2000 and 16 f 04-VI/30-VIII-2002, Malaise trap (40° 47.49' N 9° 08.87' E); 1 f Luras, 450 m. a.s.l., (Sassari), Malaise trap (40°56.84' N 9°09.65' E), 17/31-VIII-2000; 3) from Asinara: 1 m 5 f, VIII-1903, legit S. Folchini; 2 m and 11 f Fornelli Malaise trap (40°59.48' N 8°l4.73' E) 11-VI/09-X-2002; 4) from Corsica, 29 specimens: 2 m 6 f, Moltifao near the bridge on the Asco river, Pan trap, 08/10-VII-1998; 1 m La Marana, Casone, Pan trap, 01/04-VII-1997; 1m Piana, River Tartagine, 09-VI-1997; Castirla, River Golo, Malaise trap (42°22.91' N 9°09.08' E), 1 m and 7 f 11-VI/16-VIII-1999; 5 f 24-VI/24-VII-2000, 2 f 05-VI/01-VIII-2002, 5 f Cuttoli, Malaise trap (41°57.85' N 8°50.83' E), 15-VII/15-VIII-2001; 5) from Montecristo, Malaise trap: 2 f 25-VII/25-VIII-1999, 1 f 30-VI/15-VII-2000, 1 f 1/15-VII-2001; 6) from Capraia, Malaise trap, 25 specimens: 1 f 30-VI/31-VII-2000; 1 f 03/15-VII-1999 (I Pollai: 43°02.17' N 9°50.02' E), 1 m and 8 f 06/22-VI-2002, 8 f 22-VI/08-VII-2002, 6 f 08/23-VII-2002 (San Rocco: 43°02.63' N 9°50.54r E); 7) from Sicily 18 specimens: 1 f Selinunte (Trapani), 12-VI-1983; 2 m and 15 f, Foce del Modione, Selinunte (Trapani), 10-VIII-1985; 8) from Ustica: 2 f, 17 and 18-VII-1984.
Kimsey & Bohart  
Other Authors  
Chorology Italian-continental
Distribution notes  

European distribution

Country Records
France Corsica
Greece Crete
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Italy Sicily
Distribution notes

Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records FEI records Personal records
Aosta Valley
Trentino Alto Adige
Friuli V.G.
Emilia Romagna
Tuscany Strumia, 2003; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily Strumia, 2003; Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Strumia, 2003; Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes known from island and continental Italy.

Data from GBIF

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 7 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 Italy Sardenya 62002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Art Strumia, Franco MCNB-Art MCNB
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France 72001 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France Rivière de Golo 51999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France 61997 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 France Piana, Rivière de Tartagine 61997 HUMAN_OBSERVATION STRUMIA STRUMIA
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Collection Hymenoptera SMF

Biology of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

Known Hosts

Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge  
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003 drawn from GBIF

No pictures in GBIF.

More info on Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ Chrysis.net unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Chrysis.net Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Hedychridium tyrrhenicum Strumia, 2003, in: Chrysis.net Database of the European Chrysididae. Interim version 31 March 2025, URL: https://www.chrysis.net/database-of-the-european-chrysididae/species/?rif=Hedychridium_tyrrhenicum.