Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)


Database of the Italian Chrysididae

Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

European distribution of Chrysura dichroa
World distribution of Chrysura dichroa Chorology of Chrysura dichroa

Systematic position of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)
Species group dichroa
Original combination Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854
Type series Syntypi ♂♂, ♀♀, (Mus.: Turin, Lund)
Original description Oblonga robusta 2½-3 lin. decimal. long. subcrasse punctata viridi-cyanea; pronoto, mesonoto, abdominisque dorso aureis, hoc confertim punctulato l. nitido 1. coriaceo-subopaco, segmento 3:tio infra discum transversaliter obsoletissime immerso et tum ante seriem lenissime calloso, serie ante-apicali 1. regolari 1. irregulari foveolis parvis numerosis aut distinctis aut confluentibus, ventre 1. concaviusculo -plano 1. modice fornicato igneo nitidissimo nigro-maculato; alis subhyalinis, venis fuscis, celluli radiali completa, postscutello mutico convexo.

Spintharis dichroa Klug Mus. Berolin.
Chrysis coerulipes var. coeruleo-cephala Mus. Spinolae.
Chrysis bicolor Megerl, Mus. Vienn. teste Kollàr.

Habitat in Austria D. D. Klug, Kollàr, Parreys et Spinola: in Italia ad Buda, D. Zeller; in Asia minori ad Ephesum mense Aprili 1812, D. Loew.

Observ. Sculptura et pictura maxime affinis duabus proxime praecedentibus (Chr. Gyllenhali et Chr. sociae); at certe distinguitur corpore majori et robustiori, punctura thorarica crassiori, abdominis segmento 3:tio infra discum obsoletissime immerso et tum mox ante seriem apicalem lenissime calloso. Etiam Chrysidi coerulipedi valde similis, sed capite coeruleo et postscutello mutico convexo certe dignoscitur. Caput mediocre rotundato-triangolare, pronoto paullulum latius, confertim modice punctatum subrugulosum coeruleum aut cyaneum parum nitidum subopacum, orbita viridi. Vertex convexo-depressus. Cavitas facialis mediocris subtilissime sparse punctulata, canalicula mediana subtili abrupta. Antennae breves robustae nigro -fuscae cano et fusco-puberulae, scapo infra cyaneo, sequentibus duobus articulis supra virescentibus. Clypeus mediocris cyanco-viridis punctulatus, medio carinato-convexus, utrinque concavus, margine apicali polito piceo-troncato. Mandibulae mediocres basi virides, tum piceae et ante apicem rufescentes. Pronotum et mesonotum coriaceo-rugulosa crasse punctata virescenti-aurea; pronoti sulcus medianus propter rugositatem irregularis, truncatura antica concaviuscula subcrasse punctata viridi-aenea: areola centrali polita utroque sulco arcuato; dorsuli suturae 2 medianae subprofundae subrectae crenulatae basi parumper curvae. Postscutellum convexo-obtusum modice punctato-reticulatum. Metanoti anguli postico-laterales mediocres triangulares. Metanotum cyaneum, ad latera nonnihil virescens. Pleurae rugosae punctatae sub-opacae, sternum nitidum subtiliter punctulatum viridi-cyanea aut cyaneo-viridia, pedes concolores tarsis fuscis. Alae hyalinae, interdum disco sordidae, tegulis l. viridi-aeneis l. viridi-cyaneis, venis piceis, cellula radiali completa triangulariter lanceolata: angulo disci recto, in cellula radiali vitta brunneo-fumosa. Abdomen capite thoraceque simul sumtis longius, latitudine thoracis, ovali-ellipticum, dorso convexum purpureo-, coccineo- aut virescenti-aureum, confertissime punctulatum 1. coriaceo-subopacum 1. nitidum, in disco segmentorum 2:di et 3:tii lineola mediana sublilis elevata animadvertitur; segmentum 3:tium disco (1. paullulum inferius) obsolete aut obsoletissime (scil. varie in variis individuis) transverse subarcuato-immersum, tum (secundum immersitatem) lenissime callosum 1. convexo-subelevatum, series ante-apicalis infra hanc lenissimam convexitatem sita regularis aut irregularis scil. foveolis parvis ovalibus numerosis distinctis aut confluentibus constituta; margo apicalis fortiter convexo-arcuatus, angustior quam margo basalis, convexo-depressus subtiliter punctulatus, summus brunneus; segmenta ventralia basi nigra, apice ignea marginibus summis apicalibus piceo-scariosis, segmentum anale piceum.
Synonyms and subspecies  
Systematic notes  

World distribution of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

World distribution
Type locality Austria, Italy, Asia Minor
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: CS Europe (Austria, Italy, Anatolia), Middle East, SW URSS
Linsenmaier CS Europe, Crete, Anatolia, Palestine
Other Authors Mediterranean area (as dichroa typ.)
Chorology Turano-Europeo-Mediterranean
Distribution notes  

European distribution of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

Country Records
France Mainland
France Corsica
Greece Crete
Greece N Aegean
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Italy Sicily
Portugal Mainland
Spain Mainland
Distribution notes

Italian distribution of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Chrysura dichroa
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records Online records Personal records
Piedmont Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999; Rosa, 2002c, 2005; Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley Rosa, 2002c, 2005a, 2006a;
Lombardy Rosa, 2002a, 2002b;
Trentino Alto Adige Cobelli, 1903 (as Chrysis); Bonelli, 1968 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2005;
Veneto Cobelli, 1910, Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Friuli V.G. Graffe, 1895 (as Chrysis on Euphorbia); Ducke, 1901 (as Chrysis); Kusdas, 1958 (as Chrysis); Kusdas & Thurner, 1955 (as Chrysis); Strumia, 2005;
Liguria Mantero, 1899 (as Chrysis); Invrea, 1922a; Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927 (as Chrysis), 1954 (as Chrysis (Holochrysis)); Zangheri, 1969 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006b; Strumia, 2005;
Tuscany Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999 (parasitoid of Hoplitis rufohirta (Latr.), Osmia versicolor Latr. (Ferton 1905), O. ferruginea Latr. and O. caerulescens (L.) (Grandi 1961)); Strumia, 1990 (as Chrysis), 2005; Rosa, 2005a;
Marche Strumia, 2005;
Lazio Strumia, 2005;
Abruzzo Rosa, 2004; Strumia, 2005;
Apulia Strumia, 2005;
Basilicata Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily Buysson, 1891; Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999; Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Costa, 1883 (as Chrysis on flowers of Tapsia); Mocsáry, 1889 (as Chrysis); Mantero, 1906 (as Chrysis); Invrea, 1952 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF on Chrysura dichroa

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 231 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Syrian Arab Republic Lattakia 52023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Humam Ghanim Observations iNaturalist Humam Ghanim
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kharkivs'ka Oblast' 52023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Viter S. G.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 42022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 42022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Romania - Brăila 52021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 196111 Observations
BOLD:AET1511 Spain Cadiz, Grazalema, Rio Guadalete Andalusia 52021 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Thomas Wood Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Romania - Brăila 62021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 196111 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 52018 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN LE DIVELEC Romain LE DIVELEC Romain
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 42017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Ferrière-Larçon, Eperon de Murat 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
BOLD:AET1511 Portugal Forte do Rato, Tavira Faro 42016 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Thomas Wood Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 42016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Chinon, Puy Besnard 42016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 62016 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Jean-Yves Barbier, Gilles Choffin (Agupe) Jean-Yves Barbier, Gilles Choffin
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION UMS PatriNat
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION UMS PatriNat
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Durandeau Sylvain, Lemesle Bernard UMS PatriNat
BOLD:AAJ3474 Hungary 42014 MATERIAL_SAMPLE H. Muehle, W. Wolf Lars Hendrich
BOLD:AAJ3474 Hungary 42014 MATERIAL_SAMPLE H. Muehle, W. Wolf Lars Hendrich
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Greece Greece - Lesbos - Eftalou to Skala Sikaminias 52014 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 43444 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Greece Greece - Lesbos - Anaxos 52014 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 138486 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2013 HUMAN_OBSERVATION UMS PatriNat
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 52012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 52012 HUMAN_OBSERVATION LESSIEUR David (CEN AQUITAINE) LESSIEUR David (CEN AQUITAINE)
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Starobesheve Donetsk oblast 52012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Italy - Entracque (comuni) 72012 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 50326 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Italy - Entracque (comuni) 72012 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 50326 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 62010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Millefonts 72010 HUMAN_OBSERVATION LAIR Xavier LAIR Xavier
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Piste vers lac de Pia 72010 HUMAN_OBSERVATION LAIR Xavier LAIR Xavier
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Pyshchevyk Donetsk oblast 102010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Botoșani Co., Loerda vill. 42009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Pyshchevyk Donetsk oblast 52009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kyi Khmelnytskyi oblast 52009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 52009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 1 km S Fontan 72009 HUMAN_OBSERVATION SCHMID-EGGER (EDIT - PNM- PNAM - MNHN) SCHMID-EGGER
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France St. Dalmas-Valdeblore, Millefonts 72009 HUMAN_OBSERVATION SCHMID-EGGER (EDIT - PNM- PNAM - MNHN) SCHMID-EGGER
BOLD:AAJ3474 Bulgaria 72009 MATERIAL_SAMPLE T. Ljubomirov Toshko Ljubomirov
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Pyshchevyk Donetsk oblast 42008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 52008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Pobershau 62008 HUMAN_OBSERVATION """Schwarzwassertal"" bei Pobershau" GEO
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Crawinkel 62007 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artenvielfalt auf der Weide - GEO-Hauptveranstaltu GEO
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Verrayes, loc. Promellian 62007 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Villu Soon TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Verrayes, loc. Promellian 62007 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Villu Soon TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Luchyste Crimea 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Yakovenkove Crimea 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
BOLD:AAJ3474 Italy Veneto 52006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Stefan Schmidt
BOLD:AAJ3474 Italy Veneto 52006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Stefan Schmidt
BOLD:AAJ3474 Italy Veneto 52006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 52005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 52005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce, 70 km N Budapest 52005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce, 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce, 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 72005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Salfold, Lake Balaton 82005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Ivanivske Kharkiv oblast 72004 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 82003 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Odesa Odessa oblast 42002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kalynivka Odessa oblast 52002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia Fornova (PR), Oriano 62002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gian Luca Agnoli TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia Fornova (PR), Oriano 62002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gian Luca Agnoli TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Fátima, Moita Redonda" 52000 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia (PARMA), dint. ORIANO 51995 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN V. Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia (PC), Tabiano 61994 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Col d'Aspet 61994 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Wolf NMOK
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Türkiye Ismir, Bergama 41992 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN G. E. Bohart TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal Santo Estevão 61992 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ten. Cor. A. Figueira MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Roggendorf b. Melk 31990 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Schluderns = Sluderno 81990 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Schluderns = Sluderno 81990 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Fátima, Moita Redonda" 51985 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 31977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 31977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nuno de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 41977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 41977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Wiener-Neustadt 51973 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal Vila Nova de Milfontes 71972 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France 51971 HUMAN_OBSERVATION KUSDAS Karl (Indépendant) KUSDAS Karl
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Finland Tb 11970 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl,Ort:Oberbergen,Badberg: (incl. Horberig) 51970 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Rottenegg NW Walding 71969 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71966 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 61965 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71965 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Neusiedl am See 71964 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71964 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71963 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71963 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 61960 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Hundsheim b. Hainburg 41959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Hundsheim b. Hainburg 41959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Dürnstein (Wachau) 61959 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Pfaffenberg NO Hainburg 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Pfaffenberg NO Hainburg 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Hainburg 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Croatia Rovinj 71953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Mte. Simeone (Friaul) 71953 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Mte. Simeone (Friaul) 71953 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Bisamberg N Wien 41951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Sievering (Wien 19.) 41951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Interneppo, Friaul 51951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Neusiedl am See 61951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Interneppo, Friaul 91951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Brückl 51950 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Finland Keski-Suomi 101950 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Podole, Kasperovtse 61935 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MNHW
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Germany Tauberbischofsheim 61935 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 41931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 61931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 41930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Cuvette crétacée 71930 HUMAN_OBSERVATION BERNARD Francis BERNARD Francis
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 71930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Croatia Dalmatien 51926 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Emmendingen,Gemeinde: Sasbach (Emmendingen),Ort:Sasbach,Limberg: (incl.Ruine Limburg) 61925 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Strohm, SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Emmendingen,Gemeinde: Sasbach (Emmendingen),Ort:Sasbach,Limberg: (incl.Ruine Limburg) 61925 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Strohm, SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kerch 71901 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France 11898 HUMAN_OBSERVATION FERTON Charles (Indépendant) FERTON Charles
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Karavan [Kuryazh] Kharkiv oblast 71884 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera Nature Museum of Kharkiv National University Martynova K.V.
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Greece Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysogena dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ZEN UPS
Chrysogena dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ZEN UPS
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK

Biology of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

Known Hosts

Megachilidae   Osmia rufohirta, O. aurulenta, O. versicolor, O. stelidoides, O. exenterata in shells of: Helix, Bulimus and Cyclostomata (Berland & Bernard, 1938), Osmia ferruginea aenea in stems of Arundo phragmites (Grandi, 1961); Hoplitis rufohirta (Latr.), Osmia versicolor Latr. (Ferton 1905), O. ferruginea Latr. and O. caerulescens (L.) (Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Euphorbia (Graffe, 1895); Tapsia (Costa, 1883); Euphorbia for the dichroa group (Schmidt, 1977); in Centranthus ruber (Invrea, 1920)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) drawn from GBIF

Pictures taken from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.

Systematic position of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)
Species group dichroa
Original combination Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854
Type series Syntypi ♂♂, ♀♀, (Mus.: Turin, Lund)
Original description Oblonga robusta 2½-3 lin. decimal. long. subcrasse punctata viridi-cyanea; pronoto, mesonoto, abdominisque dorso aureis, hoc confertim punctulato l. nitido 1. coriaceo-subopaco, segmento 3:tio infra discum transversaliter obsoletissime immerso et tum ante seriem lenissime calloso, serie ante-apicali 1. regolari 1. irregulari foveolis parvis numerosis aut distinctis aut confluentibus, ventre 1. concaviusculo -plano 1. modice fornicato igneo nitidissimo nigro-maculato; alis subhyalinis, venis fuscis, celluli radiali completa, postscutello mutico convexo.

Spintharis dichroa Klug Mus. Berolin.
Chrysis coerulipes var. coeruleo-cephala Mus. Spinolae.
Chrysis bicolor Megerl, Mus. Vienn. teste Kollàr.

Habitat in Austria D. D. Klug, Kollàr, Parreys et Spinola: in Italia ad Buda, D. Zeller; in Asia minori ad Ephesum mense Aprili 1812, D. Loew.

Observ. Sculptura et pictura maxime affinis duabus proxime praecedentibus (Chr. Gyllenhali et Chr. sociae); at certe distinguitur corpore majori et robustiori, punctura thorarica crassiori, abdominis segmento 3:tio infra discum obsoletissime immerso et tum mox ante seriem apicalem lenissime calloso. Etiam Chrysidi coerulipedi valde similis, sed capite coeruleo et postscutello mutico convexo certe dignoscitur. Caput mediocre rotundato-triangolare, pronoto paullulum latius, confertim modice punctatum subrugulosum coeruleum aut cyaneum parum nitidum subopacum, orbita viridi. Vertex convexo-depressus. Cavitas facialis mediocris subtilissime sparse punctulata, canalicula mediana subtili abrupta. Antennae breves robustae nigro -fuscae cano et fusco-puberulae, scapo infra cyaneo, sequentibus duobus articulis supra virescentibus. Clypeus mediocris cyanco-viridis punctulatus, medio carinato-convexus, utrinque concavus, margine apicali polito piceo-troncato. Mandibulae mediocres basi virides, tum piceae et ante apicem rufescentes. Pronotum et mesonotum coriaceo-rugulosa crasse punctata virescenti-aurea; pronoti sulcus medianus propter rugositatem irregularis, truncatura antica concaviuscula subcrasse punctata viridi-aenea: areola centrali polita utroque sulco arcuato; dorsuli suturae 2 medianae subprofundae subrectae crenulatae basi parumper curvae. Postscutellum convexo-obtusum modice punctato-reticulatum. Metanoti anguli postico-laterales mediocres triangulares. Metanotum cyaneum, ad latera nonnihil virescens. Pleurae rugosae punctatae sub-opacae, sternum nitidum subtiliter punctulatum viridi-cyanea aut cyaneo-viridia, pedes concolores tarsis fuscis. Alae hyalinae, interdum disco sordidae, tegulis l. viridi-aeneis l. viridi-cyaneis, venis piceis, cellula radiali completa triangulariter lanceolata: angulo disci recto, in cellula radiali vitta brunneo-fumosa. Abdomen capite thoraceque simul sumtis longius, latitudine thoracis, ovali-ellipticum, dorso convexum purpureo-, coccineo- aut virescenti-aureum, confertissime punctulatum 1. coriaceo-subopacum 1. nitidum, in disco segmentorum 2:di et 3:tii lineola mediana sublilis elevata animadvertitur; segmentum 3:tium disco (1. paullulum inferius) obsolete aut obsoletissime (scil. varie in variis individuis) transverse subarcuato-immersum, tum (secundum immersitatem) lenissime callosum 1. convexo-subelevatum, series ante-apicalis infra hanc lenissimam convexitatem sita regularis aut irregularis scil. foveolis parvis ovalibus numerosis distinctis aut confluentibus constituta; margo apicalis fortiter convexo-arcuatus, angustior quam margo basalis, convexo-depressus subtiliter punctulatus, summus brunneus; segmenta ventralia basi nigra, apice ignea marginibus summis apicalibus piceo-scariosis, segmentum anale piceum.
Synonyms and subspecies  
Systematic notes  

Geographic distribution of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

World distribution

World distribution
Type locality Austria, Italy, Asia Minor
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: CS Europe (Austria, Italy, Anatolia), Middle East, SW URSS
Linsenmaier CS Europe, Crete, Anatolia, Palestine
Other Authors Mediterranean area (as dichroa typ.)
Chorology Turano-Europeo-Mediterranean
Distribution notes  

European distribution

Country Records
France Mainland
France Corsica
Greece Crete
Greece N Aegean
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Italy Sicily
Portugal Mainland
Spain Mainland
Distribution notes

Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Chrysura dichroa
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records FEI records Personal records
Piedmont Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999; Rosa, 2002c, 2005; Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley Rosa, 2002c, 2005a, 2006a;
Lombardy Rosa, 2002a, 2002b;
Trentino Alto Adige Cobelli, 1903 (as Chrysis); Bonelli, 1968 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2005;
Veneto Cobelli, 1910, Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Friuli V.G. Graffe, 1895 (as Chrysis on Euphorbia); Ducke, 1901 (as Chrysis); Kusdas, 1958 (as Chrysis); Kusdas & Thurner, 1955 (as Chrysis); Strumia, 2005;
Liguria Mantero, 1899 (as Chrysis); Invrea, 1922a; Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927 (as Chrysis), 1954 (as Chrysis (Holochrysis)); Zangheri, 1969 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006b; Strumia, 2005;
Tuscany Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999 (parasitoid of Hoplitis rufohirta (Latr.), Osmia versicolor Latr. (Ferton 1905), O. ferruginea Latr. and O. caerulescens (L.) (Grandi 1961)); Strumia, 1990 (as Chrysis), 2005; Rosa, 2005a;
Marche Strumia, 2005;
Lazio Strumia, 2005;
Abruzzo Rosa, 2004; Strumia, 2005;
Apulia Strumia, 2005;
Basilicata Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily Buysson, 1891; Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999; Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Costa, 1883 (as Chrysis on flowers of Tapsia); Mocsáry, 1889 (as Chrysis); Mantero, 1906 (as Chrysis); Invrea, 1952 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 231 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Syrian Arab Republic Lattakia 52023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Humam Ghanim Observations iNaturalist Humam Ghanim
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kharkivs'ka Oblast' 52023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Viter S. G.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 42022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 42022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Thibault Le Pen
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Romania - Brăila 52021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 196111 Observations
BOLD:AET1511 Spain Cadiz, Grazalema, Rio Guadalete Andalusia 52021 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Thomas Wood Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Romania - Brăila 62021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 196111 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 52018 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN LE DIVELEC Romain LE DIVELEC Romain
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 42017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 52017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Bléré, Les Vezons 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Ferrière-Larçon, Eperon de Murat 62017 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
BOLD:AET1511 Portugal Forte do Rato, Tavira Faro 42016 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Thomas Wood Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 42016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Chinon, Puy Besnard 42016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 62016 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Jean-Yves Barbier, Gilles Choffin (Agupe) Jean-Yves Barbier, Gilles Choffin
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 52015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France Boussay, La Forge 62015 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Indre-et-Loire Chrysididae inventory Christian Cocquempot TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION UMS PatriNat
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION UMS PatriNat
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2015 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Durandeau Sylvain, Lemesle Bernard UMS PatriNat
BOLD:AAJ3474 Hungary 42014 MATERIAL_SAMPLE H. Muehle, W. Wolf Lars Hendrich
BOLD:AAJ3474 Hungary 42014 MATERIAL_SAMPLE H. Muehle, W. Wolf Lars Hendrich
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Greece Greece - Lesbos - Eftalou to Skala Sikaminias 52014 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 43444 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Greece Greece - Lesbos - Anaxos 52014 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 138486 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 62013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 72013 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France France métropolitaine 2013 HUMAN_OBSERVATION UMS PatriNat
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 52012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 52012 HUMAN_OBSERVATION LESSIEUR David (CEN AQUITAINE) LESSIEUR David (CEN AQUITAINE)
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Starobesheve Donetsk oblast 52012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Italy - Entracque (comuni) 72012 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 50326 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Italy - Entracque (comuni) 72012 HUMAN_OBSERVATION User 50326 Observations
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 62010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Millefonts 72010 HUMAN_OBSERVATION LAIR Xavier LAIR Xavier
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Piste vers lac de Pia 72010 HUMAN_OBSERVATION LAIR Xavier LAIR Xavier
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Bulgaria Kavarna, slope by sea border 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lucian Fusu|Maria-Magdalena Dascălu TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Pyshchevyk Donetsk oblast 102010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Botoșani Co., Loerda vill. 42009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Pyshchevyk Donetsk oblast 52009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kyi Khmelnytskyi oblast 52009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 52009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea, Constanța 62009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France 1 km S Fontan 72009 HUMAN_OBSERVATION SCHMID-EGGER (EDIT - PNM- PNAM - MNHN) SCHMID-EGGER
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France St. Dalmas-Valdeblore, Millefonts 72009 HUMAN_OBSERVATION SCHMID-EGGER (EDIT - PNM- PNAM - MNHN) SCHMID-EGGER
BOLD:AAJ3474 Bulgaria 72009 MATERIAL_SAMPLE T. Ljubomirov Toshko Ljubomirov
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Moțca, Iași 82009 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ana-Maria Doacǎ TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Pyshchevyk Donetsk oblast 42008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Mariupol Donetsk oblast 52008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Pobershau 62008 HUMAN_OBSERVATION """Schwarzwassertal"" bei Pobershau" GEO
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Romania Agigea 62008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ovidiu Popovici TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Crawinkel 62007 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Artenvielfalt auf der Weide - GEO-Hauptveranstaltu GEO
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Verrayes, loc. Promellian 62007 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Villu Soon TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Verrayes, loc. Promellian 62007 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Villu Soon TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Luchyste Crimea 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Yakovenkove Crimea 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
BOLD:AAJ3474 Italy Veneto 52006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Stefan Schmidt
BOLD:AAJ3474 Italy Veneto 52006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Stefan Schmidt
BOLD:AAJ3474 Italy Veneto 52006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Veneto - 20 km NW of Verona, Monte 52006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Stefan Schmidt
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 52005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 52005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce, 70 km N Budapest 52005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce, 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce, 70 km N Budapest 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N 62005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Veroce 70 km N Budapest 72005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Hungary Salfold, Lake Balaton 82005 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Z. Nyiro TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Ivanivske Kharkiv oblast 72004 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Dronivka Donetsk oblast 82003 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Odesa Odessa oblast 42002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kalynivka Odessa oblast 52002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera SIZK Martynova K.V.
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia Fornova (PR), Oriano 62002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gian Luca Agnoli TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia Fornova (PR), Oriano 62002 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gian Luca Agnoli TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Fátima, Moita Redonda" 52000 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia (PARMA), dint. ORIANO 51995 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN V. Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Italy Emilia (PC), Tabiano 61994 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Col d'Aspet 61994 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Wolf NMOK
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Türkiye Ismir, Bergama 41992 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN G. E. Bohart TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal Santo Estevão 61992 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ten. Cor. A. Figueira MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Roggendorf b. Melk 31990 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Schluderns = Sluderno 81990 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Schluderns = Sluderno 81990 OCCURRENCE Tiefenthaler Johann ZOBODAT LI Tiefenthaler Johann
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Fátima, Moita Redonda" 51985 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 31977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 31977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nuno de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 41977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal "Ribeira de Santarém, Quinta das Chantas" 41977 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Wiener-Neustadt 51973 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Portugal Vila Nova de Milfontes 71972 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Pedro de Mendoça MB07 MNHNC Pedro Mendoça
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France 51971 HUMAN_OBSERVATION KUSDAS Karl (Indépendant) KUSDAS Karl
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Finland Tb 11970 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Insects MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl,Ort:Oberbergen,Badberg: (incl. Horberig) 51970 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Rottenegg NW Walding 71969 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71966 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 61965 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71965 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Neusiedl am See 71964 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71964 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71963 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71963 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 61960 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Hundsheim b. Hainburg 41959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Hundsheim b. Hainburg 41959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Dürnstein (Wachau) 61959 OCCURRENCE Schmidt Josef Helmut ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71959 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Pfaffenberg NO Hainburg 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Pfaffenberg NO Hainburg 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Hainburg 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71958 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Ostalbkreis,Gemeinde: Ellwangen (Jagst),Ort:Ellwangen (Jagst),- 81958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Croatia Rovinj 71953 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Mte. Simeone (Friaul) 71953 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Mte. Simeone (Friaul) 71953 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Bisamberg N Wien 41951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Sievering (Wien 19.) 41951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Interneppo, Friaul 51951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Neusiedl am See 61951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Winden am See 71951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Italy Interneppo, Friaul 91951 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Austria Brückl 51950 OCCURRENCE Kusdas Karl ZOBODAT LI
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Finland Keski-Suomi 101950 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MZH Paukkunen, Juho
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Podole, Kasperovtse 61935 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MNHW
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Germany Tauberbischofsheim 61935 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 31931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 41931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 61931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol 71931 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 41930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 51930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France Cuvette crétacée 71930 HUMAN_OBSERVATION BERNARD Francis BERNARD Francis
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely 71930 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Croatia Dalmatien 51926 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Emmendingen,Gemeinde: Sasbach (Emmendingen),Ort:Sasbach,Limberg: (incl.Ruine Limburg) 61925 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Strohm, SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Emmendingen,Gemeinde: Sasbach (Emmendingen),Ort:Sasbach,Limberg: (incl.Ruine Limburg) 61925 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Strohm, SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Kerch 71901 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN TUZ TU Villu Soon
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 France 11898 HUMAN_OBSERVATION FERTON Charles (Indépendant) FERTON Charles
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Ukraine Karavan [Kuryazh] Kharkiv oblast 71884 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera Nature Museum of Kharkiv National University Martynova K.V.
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) France PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) Greece Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysogena dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ZEN UPS
Chrysogena dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ZEN UPS
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Cyprus Limassol PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854 Hungary Keszthely PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hymenoptera coll. Leininger NMOK

Biology of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

Known Hosts

Megachilidae   Osmia rufohirta, O. aurulenta, O. versicolor, O. stelidoides, O. exenterata in shells of: Helix, Bulimus and Cyclostomata (Berland & Bernard, 1938), Osmia ferruginea aenea in stems of Arundo phragmites (Grandi, 1961); Hoplitis rufohirta (Latr.), Osmia versicolor Latr. (Ferton 1905), O. ferruginea Latr. and O. caerulescens (L.) (Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Euphorbia (Graffe, 1895); Tapsia (Costa, 1883); Euphorbia for the dichroa group (Schmidt, 1977); in Centranthus ruber (Invrea, 1920)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854) drawn from GBIF

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More info on Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)

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All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854), in: Database of the European Chrysididae. Interim version 31 March 2025, URL: