Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)


Database of the Italian Chrysididae

Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

European distribution of Chrysura candens
World distribution of Chrysura candens Chorology of Chrysura candens

Systematic position of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)
Species group candens
Original combination Chrysis candens Germar, 1817
Type series Holotypus ♀ (Mus.: Berlin)
Original description Chrysis candens (ano integro): corpore coeruleo, capitis vertice, thoracis antico, abdomineque supra aureis.
Von Fiume.

Die Fühler sind schwarz. Die Stirn ist schwarz-blau. Der Mittellappen des Rückenschildes ist schwärzlich. Der Vorderlappen mit dem Seitenlappen haben leuchtenden Goldglanz; Rückenschildchen, Hinterücken, Brust und Beine sind blau. Der Bauch hat, so wie das sehr schmal hervortretende Aftersegment eine schwärzliche ins blaugrüne schillernde Färbung.

Sie hat onhgefähr die Grösse und Gestalt der Chrys. succincta.
Synonyms and subspecies lais (Ab.)
Systematic notes  

World distribution of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

World distribution
Type locality Croatia (Fiume)
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: S Europe (Yugoslavia: Fiume)
Linsenmaier S Europe, from Spain to Greece, Austria, Hungary
Other Authors S Europe
Chorology S-European
Distribution notes  

European distribution of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

Country Records
France Mainland
Greece Mainland
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Italy Sicily
Distribution notes

Italian distribution of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Chrysura candens
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records Online records Personal records
Piedmont Invrea, 1922 (as Chrysis lais on flowers of Daucus carota L.); Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley
Trentino Alto Adige Dalla Torre & Kohl, 1879;
Veneto Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Friuli V.G. Ducke, 1901 (as Chrysis); Kusdas, 1958 (as Chrysis);
Liguria Mantero, 1908 (as Chrysis lais); Invrea, 1920 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2005a (on Euphorbia, Sedum rupestre); Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927 (as Chrysis lais); Rosa, 2005b;
Tuscany Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Umbria Grandi, 1954 (as Holochrysis);
Lazio Buysson, 1891; Lepri, 1910 (as Chrysis semicyanea); Strumia, 2005;
Abruzzo Rosa, 2005a;
Campania Strumia, 2005;
Apulia De Marzo, 1994 (on Ophrys lutea Cav.); Strumia, 2005;
Basilicata Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily De Stefani, 1888 (as Chrysis lais); Mocsáry, 1889 (as Chrysis); Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Strumia, 1995;
Distribution notes Sardinia?

Data from GBIF on Chrysura candens

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 20 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) 32023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Θάνος Μπουλάς Observations iNaturalist Thibault le Pen
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) 42023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Θάνος Μπουλάς Observations iNaturalist Θάνος Μπουλάς
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Sicily 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Matteo Forzese Observations iNaturalist Milo "Bulle" van Loon
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Portugal Faro 42022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Valter Jacinto Observations iNaturalist Valter Jacinto
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Abruzzo 62021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Emanuele Santarelli Observations iNaturalist villu
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Abruzzo 42020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Emanuele Santarelli Observations iNaturalist villu
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Croatia Splitsko-Dalmatinska 52020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Anton Gjeldum Observations iNaturalist villu
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) France 52018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION sofiane lemieuvre
BOLD:ABU6387 Italy Abruzzi 62011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Toshko Ljubomirov Toshko Ljubomirov
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Liguria occid. ALBENGA 61993 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Ventimiglia (IM), loc. CIAIXE 61993 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Croatia Rovinj 61958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Chrysis candens Germar, 1817 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) France PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Greece Rhodes [No precise locality information available] Rhodes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NHRS NRM

Biology of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

Known Hosts

Sphecidae ?Tachysphex nitidus (Berland & Bernard, 1938)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Euphorbia dulcis L., E. spinosa L., Sedum rupestre L. (Invrea, 1920); Daucus carota L. (Invrea, 1922);
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) drawn from GBIF

Pictures taken from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.

Systematic position of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)
Species group candens
Original combination Chrysis candens Germar, 1817
Type series Holotypus ♀ (Mus.: Berlin)
Original description Chrysis candens (ano integro): corpore coeruleo, capitis vertice, thoracis antico, abdomineque supra aureis.
Von Fiume.

Die Fühler sind schwarz. Die Stirn ist schwarz-blau. Der Mittellappen des Rückenschildes ist schwärzlich. Der Vorderlappen mit dem Seitenlappen haben leuchtenden Goldglanz; Rückenschildchen, Hinterücken, Brust und Beine sind blau. Der Bauch hat, so wie das sehr schmal hervortretende Aftersegment eine schwärzliche ins blaugrüne schillernde Färbung.

Sie hat onhgefähr die Grösse und Gestalt der Chrys. succincta.
Synonyms and subspecies lais (Ab.)
Systematic notes  

Geographic distribution of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

World distribution

World distribution
Type locality Croatia (Fiume)
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: S Europe (Yugoslavia: Fiume)
Linsenmaier S Europe, from Spain to Greece, Austria, Hungary
Other Authors S Europe
Chorology S-European
Distribution notes  

European distribution

Country Records
France Mainland
Greece Mainland
Italy Mainland
Italy Sardinia
Italy Sicily
Distribution notes

Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Chrysura candens
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records FEI records Personal records
Piedmont Invrea, 1922 (as Chrysis lais on flowers of Daucus carota L.); Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley
Trentino Alto Adige Dalla Torre & Kohl, 1879;
Veneto Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Friuli V.G. Ducke, 1901 (as Chrysis); Kusdas, 1958 (as Chrysis);
Liguria Mantero, 1908 (as Chrysis lais); Invrea, 1920 (as Chrysis); Rosa, 2005a (on Euphorbia, Sedum rupestre); Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927 (as Chrysis lais); Rosa, 2005b;
Tuscany Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Umbria Grandi, 1954 (as Holochrysis);
Lazio Buysson, 1891; Lepri, 1910 (as Chrysis semicyanea); Strumia, 2005;
Abruzzo Rosa, 2005a;
Campania Strumia, 2005;
Apulia De Marzo, 1994 (on Ophrys lutea Cav.); Strumia, 2005;
Basilicata Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily De Stefani, 1888 (as Chrysis lais); Mocsáry, 1889 (as Chrysis); Strumia, 2005;
Sardinia Strumia, 1995;
Distribution notes Sardinia?

Data from GBIF

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 20 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) 32023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Θάνος Μπουλάς Observations iNaturalist Thibault le Pen
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) 42023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Θάνος Μπουλάς Observations iNaturalist Θάνος Μπουλάς
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Sicily 62023 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Matteo Forzese Observations iNaturalist Milo "Bulle" van Loon
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Portugal Faro 42022 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Valter Jacinto Observations iNaturalist Valter Jacinto
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Abruzzo 62021 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Emanuele Santarelli Observations iNaturalist villu
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Abruzzo 42020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Emanuele Santarelli Observations iNaturalist villu
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Croatia Splitsko-Dalmatinska 52020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION iNaturalist research-grade observations Anton Gjeldum Observations iNaturalist villu
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) France 52018 HUMAN_OBSERVATION sofiane lemieuvre
BOLD:ABU6387 Italy Abruzzi 62011 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Toshko Ljubomirov Toshko Ljubomirov
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Liguria occid. ALBENGA 61993 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Ventimiglia (IM), loc. CIAIXE 61993 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Croatia Rovinj 61958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Chrysis candens Germar, 1817 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NMNH Extant Biology ENT USNM
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) France PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Italy Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) Greece Rhodes [No precise locality information available] Rhodes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NHRS NRM

Biology of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

Known Hosts

Sphecidae ?Tachysphex nitidus (Berland & Bernard, 1938)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Plants for rest/refuge Euphorbia dulcis L., E. spinosa L., Sedum rupestre L. (Invrea, 1920); Daucus carota L. (Invrea, 1922);
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817) drawn from GBIF

No pictures in GBIF.

More info on Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817)

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Chrysura candens (Germar, 1817), in: Database of the European Chrysididae. Interim version 31 March 2025, URL: