Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879


Database of the Italian Chrysididae

Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

European distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris
World distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris Chorology of Chrysis rutiliventris

Systematic position of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879
Species group ignita
Original combination Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879
Type series Typus ? (Mus.: Paris)
Original description Varièté d'assez petite taille, différant des précédentes par son ventre feu et surtout la finesse de la ponctuation du 2e segment abdominal. M. Pérez la prend à Bordeaux.
Synonyms and subspecies dusmeti Traut.
Systematic notes  

World distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

World distribution East Palearctic, Near East
Type locality France (Bordeaux)
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: Europe, Eurasia, N Africa
Linsenmaier France, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Siberia, Korea
Other Authors Eurasia (as rutiliventris tipica)
Chorology Palearctic
Distribution notes  

European distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

Country Records
France Mainland
France Corsica
Greece Mainland
Italy Mainland
Italy Sicily
Norway Mainland
Portugal Mainland
Spain Mainland
United Kingdom
Distribution notes

Italian distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879 according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records Online records Personal records
Piedmont Buysson, 1890 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Invrea, 1922 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris on stones and Daucus); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris; over 2,000 mts); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley Invrea, 1921, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Rosa, 2002c, 2005a, 2006a; Strumia, 2005;
Lombardy Invrea, 1941; Strumia, 2005;
Trentino Alto Adige Bonelli, 1966; Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Veneto Strumia, 2005;
Friuli V.G. Strumia, 2005;
Liguria Invrea, 1921 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Strumia, 2005;
Tuscany Strumia, 2003, 2005;
Marche Strumia, 2005;
Abruzzo Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF on Chrysis rutiliventris

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 47 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Selshion (Cornamucklagh/Annakeera) Quarry 52020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Anna Hart WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 France 72011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oliver Niehuis
BOLD:AAY6931 France Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 72010 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 France - La Foux dAllos 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
BOLD:AAY6931 Italy Aosta Valley 82008 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy - Courmayeur, Val Veny, Talschluss 82008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
BOLD:AAY6931 Italy Lombardy 72006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy Lombardia Valtellina - 14 km SW Bormio, Eita 72006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 62001 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Clara Vale 62001 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland The Raven NNR 62000 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 82000 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Clara Vale 61999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland The Cull, Ballyteige 71999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 81999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 61998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 61998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 61998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 71998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 71998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 71998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 71997 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy dint. Pila 71996 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Skerries 61994 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy Ozein 81993 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Skerries 81986 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Argory 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION B. Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Castleward 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION B. Nelon WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Argory, Derrycaw 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Argory, Derrycaw 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Castleward (National Trust) 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Castleward (National Trust) 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Dromore Forest Park 71978 HUMAN_OBSERVATION DN. Dowling WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Clear Island 71972 HUMAN_OBSERVATION John Breen WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl,Ort:Achkarren,- 51968 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perraudin, SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Stegen,Ort:Wittental,- 71968 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris vanlithi Linsenmaier, 1959 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl,Ort:Achkarren,- 51964 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Stegen,Ort:Wittental,- 61958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris vanlithi Linsenmaier, 1959 Sweden Båstad Skåne 81938 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NHRS NRM
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
Chrysis rutiliventris rutiliventris Austria Hinterbrühl PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Chrysis rutiliventris rutiliventris PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Sweden Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Austria Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU

Biology of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

Known Hosts

Eumenidae   ?Ancistrocerus oviventris, A. scoticus (Morgan, 1984)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Habitat on stones (Invrea, 1922); over 2,000 mts (Invrea, 1941)
Plants for rest/refuge Daucus (Invrea, 1922)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879 drawn from GBIF

Pictures taken from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 0 occurrences.

Systematic position of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

Subfamily & Tribe Chrysidinae (Chrysidini) Size (mm)
Size (mm):
Genus & species Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879
Species group ignita
Original combination Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879
Type series Typus ? (Mus.: Paris)
Original description Varièté d'assez petite taille, différant des précédentes par son ventre feu et surtout la finesse de la ponctuation du 2e segment abdominal. M. Pérez la prend à Bordeaux.
Synonyms and subspecies dusmeti Traut.
Systematic notes  

Geographic distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

World distribution

World distribution East Palearctic, Near East
Type locality France (Bordeaux)
Kimsey & Bohart Palaearctic: Europe, Eurasia, N Africa
Linsenmaier France, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Siberia, Korea
Other Authors Eurasia (as rutiliventris tipica)
Chorology Palearctic
Distribution notes  

European distribution

Country Records
France Mainland
France Corsica
Greece Mainland
Italy Mainland
Italy Sicily
Norway Mainland
Portugal Mainland
Spain Mainland
United Kingdom
Distribution notes

Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

Macroregion North (N): South (S): Sicily (Si): Sardinia (Sa):
Italian distribution of Chrysis rutiliventris
Italian distribution

Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Adm. Region Literature records FEI records Personal records
Piedmont Buysson, 1890 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Invrea, 1922 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris on stones and Daucus); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris; over 2,000 mts); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Aosta Valley Invrea, 1921, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Rosa, 2002c, 2005a, 2006a; Strumia, 2005;
Lombardy Invrea, 1941; Strumia, 2005;
Trentino Alto Adige Bonelli, 1966; Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Veneto Strumia, 2005;
Friuli V.G. Strumia, 2005;
Liguria Invrea, 1921 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Strumia, 2005;
Emilia Romagna Grandi, 1927 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Invrea, 1941 (as Chrysis ignita rutiliventris); Strumia, 2005;
Tuscany Strumia, 2003, 2005;
Marche Strumia, 2005;
Abruzzo Rosa, 2005a; Strumia, 2005;
Sicily Strumia, 2005;
Distribution notes

Data from GBIF

Data from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). 47 occurrences.

Scientific name Country Locality State province Coordinates Month & Year Basis of record Dataset Recorded by Collection code Institution code Identified by
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Selshion (Cornamucklagh/Annakeera) Quarry 52020 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Anna Hart WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 France 72011 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oliver Niehuis
BOLD:AAY6931 France Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 72010 MATERIAL_SAMPLE Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 France - La Foux dAllos 72010 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
BOLD:AAY6931 Italy Aosta Valley 82008 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy - Courmayeur, Val Veny, Talschluss 82008 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
BOLD:AAY6931 Italy Lombardy 72006 MATERIAL_SAMPLE C. Schmid-Egger Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy Lombardia Valtellina - 14 km SW Bormio, Eita 72006 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. Schmid-Egger BOLD ZSM Christian Schmid-Egger
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 62001 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Clara Vale 62001 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland The Raven NNR 62000 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 82000 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Clara Vale 61999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland The Cull, Ballyteige 71999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 81999 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 61998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 61998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 61998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 71998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 71998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Devil's Glen 71998 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Furnish Island 71997 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy dint. Pila 71996 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Skerries 61994 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Italy Ozein 81993 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Paolo Rosa TUZ TU Paolo Rosa
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Skerries 81986 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Colm Ronayne WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Argory 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION B. Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Castleward 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION B. Nelon WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Argory, Derrycaw 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Argory, Derrycaw 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Castleward (National Trust) 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Castleward (National Trust) 71985 HUMAN_OBSERVATION Brian Nelson WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Dromore Forest Park 71978 HUMAN_OBSERVATION DN. Dowling WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Ireland Clear Island 71972 HUMAN_OBSERVATION John Breen WaspsOfIreland NBDC
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl,Ort:Achkarren,- 51968 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perraudin, SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Stegen,Ort:Wittental,- 71968 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris vanlithi Linsenmaier, 1959 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl,Ort:Achkarren,- 51964 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Baden-Württemberg, Lkr.Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,Gemeinde: Stegen,Ort:Wittental,- 61958 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Gauß, Rudolf SMNS-E-goldenwaspscoll SMNS
Chrysis rutiliventris vanlithi Linsenmaier, 1959 Sweden Båstad Skåne 81938 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN NHRS NRM
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 OCCURRENCE Hymenoptera Naturalis
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
Chrysis rutiliventris rutiliventris Austria Hinterbrühl PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK Niehuis O.
Chrysis rutiliventris rutiliventris PRESERVED_SPECIMEN HYM ZFMK
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Sweden Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Austria Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU
Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1879 Germany Contact the museum for more info PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Entomology MZLU

Biology of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

Known Hosts

Eumenidae   ?Ancistrocerus oviventris, A. scoticus (Morgan, 1984)
Notes on Hosts

Known Habitat

Habitat on stones (Invrea, 1922); over 2,000 mts (Invrea, 1941)
Plants for rest/refuge Daucus (Invrea, 1922)
Biological notes  

Further pictures of Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879 drawn from GBIF

No pictures in GBIF.

More info on Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Chrysis rutiliventris Abeille, 1879, in: Database of the European Chrysididae. Interim version 31 March 2025, URL: