Search Results - Elampus

Genus Elampus Spinola, 1806

Genus Elampus Spinola, 1806From: Kimsey L.S. & Bohart R.M., 1990 (1991) - The chrysidid wasps of the world. Oxford University Press, ix-652 pp.


Elampus Spinola 1806:10. Type: Chrysis panzeri Fabricius 1804:172. Desig. by Latreille 1810:437.
Ellampus Agassiz 1846:135. Incorrect emendation for Elampus Spinola 1806.
Notozus Förster 1853:351. Type Notozus frivaldszkii Förster 1853:332 (= Chrysis panzeri Fabricius 1804). Desig. by Ashmead 1902:228.


Generic diagnosis

Facial setae scattered and erect; scapal basin nearly flat; malar space less than 1 MOD long; female with erect dense fringe of setae along gena; head generally lenticular, carinate, and angulate behind eyes; scutum and scutellum regularly and generally densely punctate; metanotum with large flat medial projection or mucro; mesopleuron strongly projecting anterolaterally, with well-developed omaulus and scrobal carina forming sharp ventral angle; fore femur with ventral carina and often sub-basally angulate; tarsal claws with 1-5 subsidiary teeth; fore wing medial vein strongly arched, arising at or slightly before cu-a, stigma short, broad, and apically rounded; T-III produced into apical, more or less membrane-filled, snout, and lateral margin sinuate; digitus and cuspis long and slender.


This genus is found in most zoogeographic areas except the Australian and Oriental Regions. There are 8 species in North America, 3 neotropical ones, 5 African and 41 in the Palearctic Region.


Elampus apparently parasitize ground-nesting Sphecidae. Krombein (1967) reported Eviridicyaneus on Hoplisoides costalis (Cresson). Mimesa has also been given as the host of Epanzeri by Spooner (1948), Mocsáry (1889), and Móczár (196la). Rosenheim and

Grace (1987) reared viridicyaneus from cells of Mimumesa mixta (W. Fox).


Elampus can be distinguished by the mucronate metanotum, T-III produced into an apical snout-like structure, scutum evenly and often densely punctate, female with a short and even genal fringe, the fore wing with medial vein strongly arched, and stigma short and apically rounded.

Most closely related to the Omalus line, both have the same wing venation, the medial cell asetose, a strongly carinate mesopleuron, and posteriorly angulate head. In many species the head is almost lenticular. There are several Philoctetes that resemble Elampus, having an apical snout on T-III and a mucronate metanotum.

Elampus consists of 63 closely related species. Species distinctions are based on facial and flagellar dimensions, shape of the fore femur, and modifications of T-III. The shape of the apical snout on T-III and the extent of the apical membrane is particularly useful. Colour is important but must be used with some caution. It is not uncommon to see both green and brassy or coppery individuals in the same species. In several species, including viridis, the snout membrane is nearly circular without emargination. One species, bidens, lacks a true snout, and the apex of T-III is bent under with two submedial teeth. Several species, including guillarmodibidens, and scutellaris, have the fore femur strongly elbowed. Many Palearctic species tend to be bicoloured, with the head and thorax blue, green, or purple and the abdomen brassy or coppery red. In a few species, including versicolor and namibiensis, the snout membrane is red.

There is a certain amount of sexual dimorphism in this group. The most obvious difference is the genal fringe always found in females. Males only have a few long irregularly spaced setae in the same position. Females also tend to be more extremely modified than males. If the male fore femur is sub-basally elbowed in a species, the female fore femur probably has an elongate sub-basal tooth. This dimorphism has resulted in a certain amount of synonymy, with conspecific males and females given different names.

There has been no overall treatment of Elampus, only a number of regional revisions, including: North America (Bohart and Kimsey, 1982, Huber and Pengelly, 1978), Afrotropical species (Kimsey 1988a), and those of Europe (Linsenmaier 1959a, b, 1987).

European species

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:



Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Paolo Rosa

The beginning of my interest on Chrysidids dates back to one day in August 1989, when I was in Aosta Valley with my father, Vittorio Rosa. That day we started our adventure with the cuckoo wasps. Our first mentor was Maurizio Pavesi, who introduced us into the world of this beautiful waps family, suggesting the main literature and identifying our first collected specimens.


In 1999 I had the honour of meeting Walter Linsenmaier and his family shortly before he died and I started my friendship and collaboration with other European colleagues, such as Oliver Niehuis, Villu Soon and Christian Schmid-Egger. After receiving the invitation to write the volume on Chrysidids for the "Fauna d'Italia" series in 2009, I began a journey to discover the old types and collections deposted in Italian and European museums and I am still working on this project, finding unexpected taxonomic and nomenclatorial problems.


A) Michele Zilioli, Paolo, Villu Soon. B) Paolo, Oliver Niehuis, Marco Bernasconi, Ladislaus Reser. C) Paolo, Laszlo Móczár, Villu Soon.


In the nineties we collected Chrysidids around Italy together with other Italian experts:

Michele, Maurizio, Gian Luca

Gian Luca Agnoli, Maurizio Pavesi, Franco Strumia, Antonio Busetto, Luca Fancello, Guido Pagliano, Gianpaolo Abbo, Luciano Galbiati and many other friends. Unfortunately, Vittorio died very young, before I discussed my thesis on Chrysidids at the University and before we could publish our results together. My interest in cuckoo wasps made me overcome that moment and thanks to Gian Luca's invitation to be part of I continued to study Chrysidids.


Since 1999 I have managed a private company by setting up exhibitions in museums, universities and parks, providing entomological material to privates and institutes and writing books or providing editorial support to printing houses. Chrysididae remained a hobby for a long time.

A) Paolo & Liuba with our colleagues of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Stockholm), bottom right: Mattias Forshage and Hege Vårdal. B) Heinz Wiesbauer, Esther Ockermüller, Andreas Ebmer, Herbert Zettel, Paolo & Liuba. C) Bogdan Wiśniowski and Paolo.

My scientific career changed after 2014, when prof. Xai-fu Xu invited me to China to study Chinese cuckoo wasps. That was the turning point for my studies, and I will always be grateful to Zai-fu for that. Unfortunately, Zaifu also died very young, and the Chinese cuckoo study is currently on standby.

Paolo, Prof. Xu and his students

Soon after, the collaboration with new Russian colleagues and friends gave new life to my studies. Special thanks go to Sergey Belokobylskij and Arkady Lelej for their continued support of my studies, to the staff of St. Petersburg and Vladivostok, in particular to Maxim Proshchalykin and Valery Loktionov.

A) Ekaterina V. Tselikh, Dmitri R. Kasparyan, Sergey Belokobylskij, Andrey I. Khalaim, Liuba & Paolo. B) Paolo, Arkady Lelej, Alexander Radchenko, George Melika. C) Valery Loktionov, Paolo, Maxim Proshchalykin.

In recent years I have met and collaborated with more than 150 experts, mostly hymenopterists, who have supported my research work and I am grateful to all of them.


One last mention for my wife. I couldn't have worked that hard without her and her love.


Current employment

  • University of Mons, Laboratory of Zoology, Place du Parc 20, 7000 Mons, Belgium

Education and training

  • Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Naturali. (marks: 110/110 cum laude). Universita degli Studi di Pavia (1994-2000). MSc equivalent. Title of the thesis: "I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Valle d'Aosta".

Work experience - Entomologist Freelance

26 Feb 2020 – Agreement with Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG, Wollgrasweg 41, 70599 Stuttgart, Deutschland. Ust--IdNr.: DE 147 639 185, Steuernummer: 08 97108 02011

25 Nov 2019 – 15 Dec 2019 ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Weinbergstrasse 56/58, 8092 Zürich (Switzerland). Technical expert (level 8) at Entomological Collections.

3 Nov 2019 – 17 Nov 2019 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg (Russia) Research project. Entomologist.

7 Sept 2019 – 16 Sept 2019 Federal Scientific Centre for East Asian Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of Russian, Vladivostok (Russia). Research visit, lecturer and moderator at the international Symposium.

14 July 2019 – 27 July 2019 Natural History Museum, Vienna (Austria). Supported by SYNTHESYS Project which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 "Capacities" Program: Application AT-TAF-2439.

16 Apr 2018 – 29 Apr 2018 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg (Russia). Research project funded by Russian Foundation of Basic Research project N. 19–04–00027 and N. 15–29–02466. Entomologist.

3 Dec 2017 –16 Dec 2017 Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany. BIOTA project.

26 Mar 2017 – 15 Apr 2017 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg (Russia). Research project funded by Russian State Research Project No. 01201351189. Entomologist.

31 Jan 2016 – 13 Feb 2016 Museum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (France). Supported by SYNTHESYS Project which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 "Capacities" Program: Application FR-TAF-5995 Agreement 312253.

21 Jun 2016 – 7 Dec 2017 Agreement with GEOBOOKS S.r.l., Piazzale della Pianta 5, Corsico (MI) P.IVA: 02542570300. Entomologist.

27 Jul 2015 – 20 Aug 2015 Resercher at South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou (China) Research Grant founded by National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2013 CB127600) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30770265). Entomologist.

7 Dec 2014 – 20 Dec 2014 Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (Hungary). Supported by SYNTHESYS Project which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 "Capacities" Program: Application Grant HU-TAF-4013.

20 Aug 2014 – 31 Aug 2014 Reswrcher at South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou (China) Research Grant founded by National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2013 CB127600) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30770265). Entomologist.

21 Oct 2014 – 3 Dec 2014 Resercher at South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou (China) Research Grant founded by National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2013 CB127600) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30770265). Entomologist.

13 Jul 2014 – 9 Aug 2014 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg (Russia). Research project funded by Russian State Research Project No. 01201351189. Entomologist.

20 Apr 2013 – 31 Jul 2014 Fondazione Bioparco di Roma, Viale del Giardino Zoologico, 20 (Italy), Curator of the Entomological Area “Butterflies & Co.”.

23 Nov 2010 – 1 Mar 2013 Manager of the company: Entomolab Urania di Rosa dr. Paolo & C. (VAT NUMBER: 07218370968).

1 Nov 2010 – 31 Jan 2013 Natur-Museum Luzern (Switzerland) Three agreements dated 1.11.2010, 10.01.2012 and 18.07.2012. Entomologist.

22 Jan 2012 – 21 Apr 2012 Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona (Italy). Curator of the exhibition “Dominatori a sei zampe”. Organizator and moderator of three conferences held at the Museum.

30 Jan 2012 – 10 Feb 2012 Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm (Sweden).

2010, 2011, 2013. (a) LIFE project – Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen Vielfalt am Rande der Grosstadt Wien (Austria) (Rosa & Zettel 2011, 2013). (b) Catalogue of the Ethiopian Chrysididae (Madl & Rosa 2012).

12 Apr 1999 – 31 Dec 2010 Individual company “Urania ripheus di Paolo Rosa” VAT NUMBER: 012781470153 (Ricerca e sviluppo nelle Scienze Naturali e Ingegneria) (codice 7310G).

23 Oct 2009 – 31 Jan 2010 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Italy) Curator of the exhibition “Da sei a centozampe, l’evoluzione in cammino” (Festival della Scienza).

1 Sept 2009. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza (Italy). Entomologist.

2006-2007. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Italy). Entomologist.

2003-2005. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, St.-Pierre, Aosta (Italy). Agreement date 14 Jul 2003 validity for 3 years. Entomologist.

14 Dec 2004 – 14 Feb 2005 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano (Italy). Agreement n° 5434. Entomologist.

11 Sept 2003 – 31 Dec 2003 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano (Italy). Agreement n° 442. Entomologist.

23 Apr 2003 Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, Pontevecchio di Magenta (MI) (determina n.132). Entomologist.

28 Jan 2003 – 28 Jan 2005 Alberto Peruzzo Editore, Viale Marelli 165, 20099 Sesto S. Giovanni (MI), P.IVA: 10803290153. Entomologist.

  1. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali (St.- Pierre, Aosta, Italy). Educational grant n°38366. Entomologist.

7 Dec 2002. Winner of the Award for the best thesis in Natural History of the Regione Valle d'Aosta proclaimed by the Museo di Scienze Naturali di St. Pierre (Aosta).

3 May 2001 – 6 Apr 2002 Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, Pontevecchio di Magenta (MI) (Agreement n.115). Entomologist.

4 Dec 2001. Winner of the XXI Binaghi Award, annual award for the young Italian entomologist of the year, proclaimed by the Italian Entomological Society.

23 May 2001. Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italy). Entomologist.

4 Oct 1999 – 9 Jun 2000 RAI RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA. Two agreements as expert technician (matricola n° 116171, contract numbers 3957, 5860).


Publications by Paolo Rosa

Impact points: 44.323

Citations: 853 (including self-citations)

Authored taxa: 120

Orcid Id:

Scopus Author Id: 55965351100


  1. Rosa P., Baiocchi D., Halada M. & Proshchalykin M. Yu. (2021) A new species and new records of cuckoo wasps from Pakistan and India (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). In: Proshchalykin M, Gokhman V (Eds) Hymenoptera studies through space and time: A collection of papers dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Arkady S. Lelej. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 84: 283-294. doi:
  2. Soon V., Castillo-Cajas R.F., Paukkunen J., Johanson N., Ødegaard F., Rosa P., Schmitt T., Niehuis O. (2021) Cuticular hydrocarbon profile comparison of a cuckoo wasp and its hosts revealed evidence for an undescribed cryptic species (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Vespidae). Insect Systematic and Diversity, 5 (1): 1–12. doi:
  3. Rosa P., Aswathi, P.G. & Bijoy C. (2021) An annotated and illustrated checklist of the Indian cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Zootaxa, 4929 (1): 1–100. DOI:
  4. Rosa P. & Greeff M. (2021) The types of Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) deposited at the Institute of Entomology of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Zootaxa, 4908 (2): 181–204. doi:
  5. Pauli T., Meusemann K., Kukowka S., Sann M., Donath A., Mayer C., Oeyen J.P., Ballesteros Y., Berg A., van den Berghe E., Escalona H.E., Guglielmino A., Niehuis M., Olmi M., Podsiadlowski L., Polidori C., de Rond J., Rosa P., Schmitt T., Strumia F., Wurdack M., Liu S-l, Zhou X., Misof B., Peters R.S., Niehuis O. (2021) Analysis of RNA-seq, DNA target enrichment, and Sanger nucleotide sequence data resolves deep splits in the phylogeny of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5(1): 1–12. doi:
  6. Rosa P., Proshchalykin M.Yu., Halada M., Aibek U. (2020) First checklist of the chrysidid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of Mongolia, with description of new species. ZooKeys, 999: 49–107.
  7. Rosa P. & Pavesi M. (2020) The case of Holopyga gogorzae Trautmann, 1926 and revision of the miranda group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Natural History Sciences, Atti Soc. it. Sci. nat. Museo civ. Stor. nat. Milano, 7 (2): 39–56. doi:
  8. Rosa P., Heim H. & Bernasconi M. (2020) The Palaearctic types of Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) deposited in the Linsenmaier collection, Luzern. Part 1. Cleptes Zootaxa, 4881 (1): 54–72. doi:
  9. Wiesbauer H., Rosa P. & Zettel H. (2020) Die Goldwespen der Mitteleuropa. Biologie, Lebensräume, Artenporträts. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 248 pp. ISBN 978-3-8186-1149-1
  10. Mainieri Galileo M.H., Rosa P. & Santos-Silva A. (2020) Two replacement names for South American Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Zootaxa, 4834 (2): 298–300. doi:
  1. Rosa P. (2020) New records of Chrysididae from Iran (Hymenoptera). Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 52 (1): 461–474.
  2. Rosa P., Gadallah N.S. & Brothers D.J. (2020) Biodiversity of the aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of the Arabian Peninsula: Chrysidoidea, Chrysididae. Zootaxa, 4754 (1), 92–101. doi:
  3. Rosa P., Madl M., Zettel H. & Zimmermann D. (2020) An illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Chrysididae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) types deposited at the Natural History Museum Vienna. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B: 17–140.
  4. Rosa P., Thai P.H. & Mita T. (2020) Rediscovery of Lustrina Kurian (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), with redescription of assamensis Kurian. Zootaxa, 4718 (2): 285–291. doi:
  5. Mita T. & Rosa P. (2019) Redescription of Chrysidea pumiloides Zimmermann, 1956, and description of three new species of Chrysidea from Madagascar (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). European Journal of Taxonomy, 564: 1–20. doi:
  6. Rosa P. (2019f) Cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) of Central Asia. IV Euroasian Symposium on Hymenoptera (Vladivostok, 9–15 September 2019): abstracts. Vladivostok: FSC Biodiversity FEB RAS, 2019: 32–33.
  7. Farhad A., Rosa P., Fathipour Y., Hajiqanbar H., Talebi A.A. (2019) Two new species of Chrysis Linnaeus (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Iran. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 22: 1005–1012. doi:
  8. Rosa P. (2019e) A new remarkable species in the Chrysis ignita group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) and an overview on Central Asian species, with new synonymies. Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 51 (1): 397–417.
  9. Rosa P. (2019d) Cleptes pallipes androgyna du Buysson, 1896 is a gynandromorph of Cleptes semiauratus (Linnaeus, 1761) (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 51 (1): 391–396.
  10. Rosa P. (2019c) Two new species of Hedychrum Latreille (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from India and Nepal, with review of the genus distribution in Asia. Far Eastern Entomologist, 385: 1–11. doi:
  11. Rosa P., Lelej A.S., Belokobylskij S.A., Vinokurov N.B. & Zaytseva L.A. (2019) Illustrated and annotated check-list of the Russian cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Entomofauna, supplement 23: 1–360.
  12. Rosa P. & Agnoli G.L. (2019) Two new remarkable Hedychridium Abeille from Kyrgyzstan (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 28(1): 42–50. doi:
  13. Rosa P. (2019b) New species of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) from Central Asia, Russia and Iran. Part 2. Far Eastern Entomologist, 377: 1–25.
  14. Rosa P. (2019a) Two new species of Hedychrum Latreille from Middle East and Pakistan (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zoology in the Middle East, 65 (1): 1–12. doi:
  15. Rosa P. (2018g) On the status of the cuckoo wasp genus Allochrysis, with descriptions of the Chrysis ear and slava species groups (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 268–286. doi:
  16. Rosa P. (2018f) New synonyms of specific and generic names in the family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(2): 261–267. doi:
  17. Rosa P. & Ratzlaff C. (2018) First record of Chrysellampus sculpticollis (Abeille de Perrin, 1878) in Germany (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Ampulex, 10: 17–19.
  18. Rosa P. (2018e) New species of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) from Central Asia, Russia and Iran. Part 1. Far Eastern Entomologist, 371: 1–27. doi:
  19. Pauli T., Castillo-Cajas R.F., Rosa P., Kukowka S., Berg A., van den Berghe E., Fornoff F., Hopfenmüller S., Niehuis M., Peters R.S., Staab M., Strumia F., Tischendorf S., Schmitt F., Niehuis O. (2018) Phylogenetic analysis of cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae) reveals the partially artificial nature of the current classification at the genus level in this family of Hymenoptera. Systematic Entomology, 44 (2): 322–335. doi:
  20. Rosa P., Zettel H. & Wiesbauer H. (2018) Die Hautflüglerfauna (Hymenoptera) des Lainzer Tiergartens in Wien: 3. Goldwespen (Chrysididae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 50 (1): 881–896.
  21. Rosa P. & Zettel H. (2018) First record of gynandromorphism in the subfamily Chrysidinae (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 50 (1): 801–808.
  22. Rosa P. (2018d) Review of Odontochrydium Brauns (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) with description of two species from the Palaearctic and Oriental regions. Zootaxa, 4450 (4): 445–457. doi:
  23. Rosa P. (2018c) A new Hedychridium Abeille de Perrin, 1878 from Kazakhstan (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 27(1): 177–183.
  24. Rosa P. (2018b) Chrysis serena Radoszkowski, 1891 synonym of Chrysis zonata Dahlbom, 1854. Zoosystematica Rossica, 27 (1): 169–176.
  25. Rosa P. (2018a) New records of cuckoo-wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Russia, with taxonomic notes. Far Eastern Entomologist, 360: 1–14.
  26. Farhad A., Rosa P. & Talebi A.A. (2018) Additions to the fauna of Iranian Elampini (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Chrysidinae), with key to species and taxonomic notes. Journal of Crop Protection, 7 (2): 191–206.
  27. Rosa P. (2017a) First record of Cleptes Latreille from Mongolia, with male description of Cleptes dauriensis Móczár (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 26 (2): 287–293.
  28. Rosa P. (2017b) Review of the Palaearctic species of the genus Colpopyga (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) with description of a new species. Zoosystematica Rossica, 26 (2): 294–306.
  29. Rosa P., Lelej A.S., Belokobylskij S.A., Loktionov V.M. & Zaytseva L.A. (2017) Family Chrysididae. In: Lelej A.S., Proshchalykin M.Yu. & Loktionov V.M. (Eds.), Annotated catalogue of the Hymenoptera of Russia. Volume 1. Symphyta and Apocrita: Aculeata. Russkaya kollektsia SPb: St Petersburg, pp. 126–144 (Proceedings of the Zoological Institue RAS, Supplement 6)
  30. Rosa P., Proshchalykin M. Yu., Lelej A.S., Loktionov V.M. & Mokrousov M. (2017) New records of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) from Russia with description of five new species. Far Eastern Entomologist, 345: 1–33.
  31. Rosa P., Lelej A.S. & Pavesi M. (2017) A new synonymy of Hedychridium rossicum Gussakovskij, 1948 = valesiense Linsenmaier, 1959, syn. n. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Far Eastern Entomologist, 344: 7–9.
  32. Rosa P., Proshchalykin M. Yu., Lelej A.S. & Loktionov V.M. (2017) Contribution to the Siberian Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). Part 2. Far Eastern Entomologist, 342: 1–42.
  33. Rosa P., Proshchalykin M. Yu., Lelej A.S. & Loktionov V.M. (2017) Contribution to the Siberian Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). Part 1. Far Eastern Entomologist, 341: 1–44.
  34. Bank S., Sann M., Mayer C., Meusemann K., Donath A., Podsiadlowski L., Kozlov A., Petersen M., Krogmann L., Meier R., Rosa P., Schmitt T., Wurdack M., Liu S., Zhou X., Misof B., Peters R.S., Niehuis O. (2017). Transcriptome and target DNA enrichment sequence data provide new insights into the phylogeny of vespid wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata: Vespidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 116:213-226. doi:
  35. Rosa P., Belokobylskij S.A. & Zaytseva L.A. (2017) The Chrysididae types described by Semenov-Tian-Shanskij and deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, Supplement 5, 266 pp.
  36. Corcos D., Inclán J., Cerretti P., Mei M., Di Giovanni F., Birtele D., Rosa P., De Biase A., Audisio P. & Marini L. (2017) Environmental heterogeneity effect on insect natural enemies varies across spatial scales and seasons: a multi-taxa approach. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 10 (6): 462 – 471. doi:
  1. Rosa P., Pavesi M., Soon V. & Niehuis O. (2017) Pseudochrysis Semenov, 1891 is the valid genus name for a group of cuckoo wasps frequently referred to as Pseudospinolia Linsemaier, 1951 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 64 (1): 69–75. doi:
  2. Rosa P., Wei N-s. & Xu Z-f. (2017) One new species and three new records of Chrysis Linnaeus from China (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zookeys, 669: 65–88. doi: http://doi.10.3897/zookeys.669.12398
  3. Rosa P., Vas Z. & Xu Z-f. (2017) The Palaearctic types of Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) deposited in Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Zootaxa, 4252 (1): 1–130.
  4. Rosa P., Zilioli M. & Jacobs M. (2017) Notes on endemic alpine chrysidids, with key to Alpine Philoctetes Abeille de Perrin, 1879 and remarks on two rarely collected species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Natural History Sciences, 4 (1): 9–18. doi:
  5. Wei N-s., Rosa P. & Xu Z-f. (2017 [2016]) A taxonomic study of the Chinese Chrysura Dahlbom, 1845 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Journal of Environmental Entomology, 38 (1): 205–209. doi: https://doi.10.3969/j.issn.1674-0858.2016.01.27
  1. Rosa P., Wei N-s. & Xu Z-f. (2016) The inaequalis species-group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Chrysis) in China, with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 4193 (2): 373–380. doi:
  2. Lelej A.S., Loktionov V.M. & Rosa P. (2016) The types of Pompilidae (Hymenoptera), described by Eduard Eversmann in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Far Eastern Entomologist, 319: 1–14.
  3. Rosa P., Wei N-s. & Xu Z-f. (2016) Istiochrysis nov., a new chrysidid genus from Oriental China (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Chrysidini). Zootaxa, 4111 (5): 591–597. doi:
  4. Rosa P., & Pagliano G. (2016 [2015]) Hymenoptera (Insecta) raccolti nel Parco del Ticino e nei suoi dintorni (Piemonte e Lombardia). Bollettino del Museo regionale di Scienze naturali di Torino, 32 (1-2): 55–124.
  5. Rosa P., Wei N-s., Feng J., Xu Z-f. (2016) Revision of the genus Trichrysis Lichtenstein, 1876 from China, with description of three new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 63(1): 109–136. doi:
  6. Rosa P., Wei N-s., Notton D. & Xu Z-f. (2016) Revision of the Oriental genus Holophris Mocsáry, 1890 and description of the genus Leptopareia Rosa & Xu, gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zootaxa, 4083 (2): 201–220. doi:
  7. Farhad A., Talebi A.A., Rosa P., Fathipour Y. & Hajiqanbar H. (2016) Contribution to the knowledge of the Chrysididae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) in the south of Iran, with nine new records. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40: 1–13. doi:
  8. Rosa P., Piccini S., Antonozzi C. & Tedeschi F. (2016-2017) Bugs World. Geobooks S.r.l., CPZ Costa di Mezzate (BG). ISSN 2531-3533. 70 issues (1120 pp. + 280 data sheets).
  9. Rosa P., Piccini S., Antonozzi C. & Matteuzzi F. (2016-2017) Butterflies World. Geobooks S.r.l., CPZ Costa di Mezzate (BG). ISSN 2531-3568. 48 issues (1120 pp. + 192 data sheets).
  10. Paukkunen J., Berg A., Soon V., Ødegaard F., Rosa P. (2015) An illustrated key to the cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the Nordic and Baltic countries, with description of a new species. ZooKeys, 548: 1–116. doi:
  11. Rosa P., Livory A. & Baldock D. (2015) Chrysis monticola Linsenmaier, 1999 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), a new species for the European fauna. Natural History Sciences. Atti della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano, 2 (2): 89–94. doi:
  12. Rosa P. & Xu Z-f. (2015) Contribution to the genus Chrysidea Bischoff, 1913 from China, with description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Zootaxa, 4040 (4): 465–468. doi:
  13. Rosa P., Wei N-s., Notton D. & Xu Z-f. (2015) The genus Philoctetes Abeille de Perrin, 1879 from China, with description of two new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zootaxa, 4040 (4): 433–444.
  14. Rosa P., Forshage M., Paukkunen J. & V. Soon (2015) Cleptes pallipes Lepeletier synonym of Cleptes semiauratus (Linnaeus) and description of Cleptes striatipleuris nov. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Cleptinae). Zootaxa, 4039 (4): 543–552. doi:
  15. Rosa P., Wei N-s. & Xu Z-f. (2015) Revalidation of genus Chrysellampus Semenov, 1932, with description of two new species from China (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zootaxa, 4034 (1): 148–160. doi:
  16. Rosa P., Wei, N-s. & Xu, Z-f. (2015) Contribution to the genus Omalus Panzer, 1801 of China, with descriptions of two new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Zootaxa, 4013 (1): 67–76. doi:
  17. Rosa P., Antropov A. & Xu Z-f. (2015) A catalogue of the Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) types deposited in the Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Russia. Zootaxa, 3990 (1): 1–31.
  18. Rosa P., Bernasconi M.V. & Wyniger D. (2015) The Linsenmaier Chrysididae collection housed in the Natur-Museum Luzern (Switzerland) and the main results of the related GBIF Hymenoptera Project (Insecta). Zootaxa, 3986 (5): 501–548. doi:
  19. Wei N-s., Rosa P. & Xu Z-f. (2015) A taxonomic study of the Chinese Stilbum Spinola, 1806 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Journal of Environmental Entomology, 37 (3): 670–676.
  20. Rosa P. & Vårdal H. (2015) An annotated catalogue of the types of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, with brief historical notes. ZooKeys, 495: 79–132.
  21. Mitroiu M., Noyes J., Cetkovic A., Nonveiller G., Radchenko A., Polaszek A., Ronquist F., Forshage M., Pagliano G., Gusenleitner J., Bartalucci M., Olmi M., Fusu L., Madl M., Johnson N., Jansta P., Wahis R., Soon V., Rosa P., Osten T., Barbier Y., de Jong Y. (2015) Fauna Europaea: Hymenoptera – Apocrita (excl. Ichneumonoidea). Biodiversity Data Journal, 3: e4186; 27pp. doi:
  22. Rosa P., Wiśniowski B. & Xu Z-f. (2015) Annotated type catalogue of the Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) deposited in the collection of Radoszkowski in the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków. ZooKeys, 486: 1– 100. doi:
  23. Rosa P. & Xu X-f. (2015) Annotated type catalogue of the Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) deposited in the collection of Maximilian Spinola (1780–1857), Turin. ZooKeys, 471: 1–96.
  24. Farhad A., Rosa P., Talebi A.A., Ameri A. (2015) The genus Chrysis (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) in Hormozgan province of Iran, with four new records for Iranian fauna. Entomofauna, 36 (2): 33–48.
  25. Rosa P., Wei N-s. & Xu Z-f. (2014) An annotated checklist of the chrysidid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from China. ZooKeys, 455: 1–128. doi:
  26. Paukkunen J., Rosa P., Soon V., Johansson N. & Ødegaard F. (2014) Faunistic review of the cuckoo wasps of Fennoscandia, Denmark and the Baltic countries (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Zootaxa, 3864 (1): 1–67.
  27. Wei N-s., Rosa P. Liu J-x. & Xu Z-f. (2014) The genus Omalus Panzer, 1801 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from China, with descriptions of four new species. ZooKeys, 407: 29–54. doi:
  28. Wei N-s., Rosa P. & Xu Z-f. (2014) Contributions to the knowledge of the Chinese Primeuchroeus Linsenmaier, 1968 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), with a key to species. ZooKeys, 373: 43–56.
  29. Farhad A., Talebi A. A., Fathipour Y., Hajiqanbar H. R., Rosa P. and Ameri A. (2014) First record of Spintharina dubai Bohart, 1987 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) from Iran. 21th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 23–26 August, Urmia University, Urmia, 2014: 420. (
  30. Pavesi M. & Rosa P. (2013) La collezione di Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Botanica Zoologia, 37: 47–66.
  31. Wei N-s., Rosa P. & Xu Z-f. (2013) Revision of the Chinese Cleptes (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) with description of new species. Zookeys, 362: 55–96. doi:
  32. Rosa P. & Lotfalizadeh H. (2013) A new species-group of Chrysura Dahlbom, 1845 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), with description of baiocchii sp. nov. from Iran. Zootaxa, 3737 (1): 24–32. doi:
  33. Rosa P., Lotfalizadeh H. & Pourrafei L. (2013) First checklist of the chrysidid wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) of Iran. Zootaxa, 3700 (1): 1–47. doi:
  34. Rosa P. & Zettel H. (2013) Chrysididae. In: Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen Vielfalt am Rande der Großstadt Wien. (2. überarbeitete Auflage) Buch. Wiesbauer, H. Zettel, M.A. Fischer & R. Maier (Ed.), Gugler Druck, St. Pölten, pp.: 195–200. ISBN 3-901542-34-5.
  35. Faragò S., Volpe A. & Rosa P. (2013) I multilayer nelle cuticole iridescenti degli Hymenoptera, Chrysididae. La Seta, Milano, 4: 12–16.
  36. Torabipour Sh., Ebrahimi E., Lotfalizadeh H. & Rosa P. (2013): New records of two species of the genus Pentachrysis Lichtenstein (Hym.: Chrysididae) in Iran. Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, 81(1): 85–
  37. Torabipour Sh., Ebrahimi E., Lotfalizadeh H. & Rosa P. (2013 [''2012'']): Faunstic study of tribe Elampini (Hym.: Chrysididae) in Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum (HMIM), Iran. Journal of Field Crop Entomology, 2 (1): 1–
  38. Rosa P. & Soon V. (2012) Hymenoptera: Chrysididae. Fauna Europaea version 2.5. Available from:
  39. Madl M. & Rosa P. (2012) A Catalogue of the Chrysididae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) of the Ethiopian Region excluding Malagasy Subregion. Linzer biologische Beiträge, 44 (1): 5–169.
  40. Rosa P. & Zettel H. (2011) Goldwespen (Chrysididae). In: Wiesbauer, H., Zettel, H., Fischer, M.A. & Maier, R. (Eds.), Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen: Vielfalt am Rande der Großstadt Wien. 1. Auflage, Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Gugler Druck, Pölten, 388 pp. [195–200, 345–346]. ISBN 3-901542-34-5.
  41. Faragò S., Volpe A. & Rosa P. (2011) Cuticole iridescenti: parte II. Lo Stilbum cyanurum. La Seta, 63 (3): 23–27.
  42. Faragò S., Volpe A. & Rosa P. (2010) Cuticole iridescenti: studio sugli Hymenoptera, Chrysididae. La Seta, 62 (2) (2010): 52–55.
  43. Rosa P. (2009) Catalogo dei tipi dei Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria” di Genova. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, 100: 209–272.
  44. Rosa P. (2008) La Natura in 1000 forme e colori. Veri Insetti da collezione. Nuova Edizione con 360 pagine di testo e foto a colori sul mondo degli insetti, Aracnidi e altri Artropodi. Alberto Peruzzo Editore. Collezionabili. ISSN 1971 –1514.
  45. Rosa P. (2007) La Natura in 1000 forme e colori. Vere Farfalle da collezione. Alberto Peruzzo Editore. ISSN 1972 –3563.
  46. Rosa P. (2006–2007) La Natura in 1000 forme e colori. Veri Insetti da collezione. Alberto Peruzzo Editore. ISSN 1971–1514.
  47. Rosa P. (2006c) Gli Imenotteri Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Collezione Campadelli. Catalogo sistematico della Collezione Campadelli. III contributo. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, 7 (2004): 87–96.
  48. Rosa P. (2006b) I Crisidi della Valle d’Aosta. Monographs of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Saint-Pierre, vol. 6, 394 pp, 108 maps, 12 drawings, 69 SEM photos, 47 colour photos.
  49. Rosa P. (2006a) Insetti & Co. DeAgostini Editore, Novara. ISSN 1828-9509.
  50. Rosa P. (2005b) La collezione di Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Natura, Milano, 94 (2): 128 pp.
  51. Rosa P. (2005a) I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Romagna. Stato attuale delle conoscenze. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, 6 (2003): 29–40.
  52. Rosa P. (2004b) Chrysis schmideggeri sp., a new cuckoo-wasp of the Chrysis rubricata-group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Atti della Società Italiana di Sienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, 145 (2): 307–319.
  53. Rosa P. (2004a) Alcune osservazioni sulle relazioni tra Vegetazione e Crisidi in Italia (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, 11 (52): 79–90.
  54. Rosa P. (2003–2004) Le farfalle più belle del Mondo. Alberto Peruzzo Editore, Milano. 304 pp. [volume translated in Spanish and Portuguese].
  55. Rosa P. (2003b) Cleptes (Leiocleptes) mareki sp., from China (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Cleptinae). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano. 144 (2): 318–328.
  56. Rosa P. (2003a) Nuovi reperti di Crisidi per l’Italia, con note tassonomiche. (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, 10 (51): 301–313.
  57. Rosa P. (2002d) I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Valle d’Aosta. Check-list e note introduttive. Revue Valdôtaine d’Histoire Naturelle, 56: 63–70. doi:
  58. Rosa P. (2002c) Imenotteri Crisidi. In AA.VV.: Atlante della Biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino – Edizione 2002. Vol. II. Monografie. Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, pp. 91–131.
  59. Rosa P. (2002b) Imenotteri Crisidi. In AA.VV.: Atlante della Biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino – Edizione 2002. Vol. I. Elenchi sistematici. Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, pp. 365–
  60. Liotta G., Rosa P., Agrò A., Lambiase S. & Laudani U. (2002a) Valutazione dell’infestazione da insetti xilofagi nella Sagrestia Nuova della Certosa di Pavia. Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere (Memorie Lettere), 42: 73–82.
  61. Liotta G., Rosa P., Lambiase S. & Laudani U. (2001) Stato fitosanitario degli arredi lignei. Certosa di Pavia, Sagrestia Nuova. Centro interdipartimentale di studi e ricerche per la conservazione dei beni culturali, Pavia, 1-58.



Winner of the SYNTHESYS grant AT-TAF-2439 at the Naturhistorische Museum (Wien, Austria).

Winner of the SYNTHESYS grant FR-TAF-5995 at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (France).

Winner of the SYNTHESYS grant HU-TAF-4013 at the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Budapest (Hungary) (Rosa, Vas & Xu, 2018).

Winner of the best scientific thesis for the Region Valle d'Aosta proclaimed by the Museo di Storia Naturale of Saint-Pierre, Aosta.

Winner of the XXI Binaghi Award, annual award for the young Italian entomologists of the year, proclaimed by the Italian Entomological Society.


Selected articles published on newspapers and journals on the scientific activity of Paolo Rosa

Coen L. (2005). Salvate le farfalle regine così fragili. La Repubblica, 19 luglio 2005: 23.

Fagnani M. G. (2003). Parco del Ticino: "casa" di 4932 specie viventi. Corriere della Sera, 16 giugno 2002: 48.

Lovati C. (1999). Paolo Rosa, l'entomologo che ha messo in scatola l'Amazzonia. Corriere della Sera, 28 ottobre 1999: 48. (Mostra: "Il mondo a sei zampe e non solo", Fondazione Metropolitan, Milano).

Montali G. (2013). Dove osano le farfalle. Oggi, 31: 68-72. (Mostra: "Farfalle & Co.", Fondazione Bioparco, Roma).

Piccini S., Antonozzi C. & Tedeschi F. (2016) “Chi è Paul Bugs?” Bugs World. Volume 4. Geobooks S.r.l., CPZ Costa di Mezzate (BG). ISSN 2531-3533. 70 issues (1120 pp. + 280 data sheets).

Roncati M. (2009). Da sei a centozampe: l'evoluzione in cammino. L'hobby della scienza e della tecnica, 16: 3. (Mostra: "Da sei a centozampe, l'evoluzione in cammino", Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova).

Stefani M. (2009). Da 6 a 100 zampe. Airone, 341: 52-53. (Mostra: "Da sei a centozampe, l'evoluzione in cammino", Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova).

Tassi F. (2008). Un gioiello di vespa. Oasis, 175: 109.


Reviewer for the following peer-review journals

Acta Entomologica Serbica; Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici; Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik; Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino; Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana; Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift; Insect Conservation and Diversity; Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology; Journal of Hymenoptera Research; Journal of Insect Biodiversity; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington; Scopolia; Systematic Entomology; Turkish Journal of Zoology; Vestik Zoologii; Zookeys; Zootaxa; Zoology in the Middle East.


International Commetees

Fauna Europaea (



Oral contributions at Congresses and Conferences

Lecturer and moderator at the IV Eurasian Symposium on Hymenoptera (9th – 15th September 2019), titles: “The cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of Central Asia” and “Two sides of the same story: private and professional entomology”.

Lecturer at the VI scientific meeting of the Swiss Systematic Society (15th November 2013), title: “Linsenmaier, the Natur-Museum Luzern and the systematics of the Chrysididae”.

Lecturer at the Entomological event “Dominatori a sei zampe” with the presentation “Insetti nel mondo del cinema”. Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona, 26 Mar 2011


Field Research Experience

Austria, Bolivia; Brasil; Chile; China; Egypt; France (Mercantour National Park); Greece (mainland, Creete, Peloponnese, Rhodes); Kyrgyzstan; Mexico; Morocco; Peru; Portugal (mainland, Azores Is.); Spain; South Africa; Russia; Tunisia; Ukraine (Kanev Nature Reserve; Karadag Nature Reserve, Crimea). Different working experience abroad (exhibitions, etc.): Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland. Italy: Aosta Valley: Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso; Abruzzo: Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo; Lombardy and Piedmont: Parco del Ticino; Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Puglia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Tuscany, Veneto, Sardinia, Sicily.


Authored Taxa: 120

Chrysidea falsa Rosa & Xu, 2015; Chrysidea merina Mita & Rosa, 2019; Chrysidea rioae Mita & Rosa, 2019; Chrysidea vazimba Mita & Rosa, 2019; Chrysis andreyi Rosa, 2017; Chrysis arkadyi Rosa, Halada, Baiocchi, Proshchalykin, 2021; Chrysis aswathiae Rosa, 2013; Chrysis baldocki Rosa, 2021; Chrysis balthasari Rosa, 2019; Chrysis belokobylskiji Rosa, 2019; Chrysis bernasconii Rosa, 2021; Chrysis brunneamarginata Farhad, Rosa & Talebi, 2019; Chrysis chalybaeia Rosa, 2019; Chrysis diadema Rosa, 2018; Chrysis extraordinaria Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2016; Chrysis fastigiata Rosa, 2018; Chrysis fusca Rosa, 2017; Chrysis gamberoonensis Farhad, Rosa & Talebi, 2019; Chrysis gertiana Rosa, 2018; Chrysis gurkoi Rosa, 2019; Chrysis hyalinopyga Rosa, 2019; Chrysis improba Rosa, 2019; Chrysis inconsueta Rosa, 2017; Chrysis kazenasi Rosa, 2018; Chrysis kizilkumiana Rosa, 2015; Chrysis lapislazulina Rosa & Xu, 2017; Chrysis leleji Rosa, 2018; Chrysis lyda Rosa, 2017; Chrysis lyubae Rosa, 2019; Chrysis manuelae Madl & Rosa, 2012; Chrysis milkoi Rosa, 2019; Chrysis mokrousovi Rosa, 2017; Chrysis niehuisi Rosa, 2019; Chrysis nikolaji Rosa, 2017; Chrysis parabrevitarsis Soon, Castillo, Paukkunen, Johanson, Ødegaard , Rosa, Schmitt & Niehuis, 2021; Chrysis priapus Rosa, 2018; Chrysis proauriceps Rosa, 2017; Chrysis pusillima Rosa & Madl, 2012; Chrysis robertsi Rosa, 2021; Chrysis schmideggeri Rosa, 2004; Chrysis sericata Rosa, 2018; Chrysis shestakovi Rosa, 2018; Chrysis sibirica Rosa, 2017; Chrysis sooni Rosa, 2017; Chrysis tarbinskyi Rosa, 2017; Chrysis travancoriana Rosa, 2021; Chrysis uzbekistana Rosa, 2017; Chrysis vinokurovi Rosa, 2017; Chrysis viridisibirica Rosa, 2017; Chrysis vittoriorosai Rosa, 2019; Chrysis vulcanica Rosa, 2015; Chrysis yurii Rosa, 2017; Chrysellampus obtusidentibus Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2015; Chrysellampus proximocellis Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2015; Chrysura baiocchii Rosa, 2013; Cleptes albonotatus Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes eburnecoxis Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes flavolineatus Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes helanshanus Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes mareki Rosa, 2003; Cleptes mongolicus Rosa, Halada & Agnoli, 2020; Cleptes niger Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes shengi Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes sinensis Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes tibetensis Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes transoxianus Rosa, 2018; Cleptes villosus Wei, Rosa & Xu, 2013; Cleptes striatipleuris Rosa, Forsage, Paukkunen & Soon 2015; Colpopyga nesterovi Rosa, 2017; Elampus agnolii Rosa, 2017; Elampus coloratus Rosa, 2017; Elampus gladiator Rosa, 2021; Euchroeus victorius Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium alatum Rosa, 2018; Hedychridium arensi Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium belokobylskiji Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium fadeevi Rosa, 2018; Hedychridium gabriellae Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium karakolense Rosa & Agnoli, 2019; Hedychridium kilimniki Rosa, 2018; Hedychridium leleji Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium loktionovi Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium longigena Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium mocsaryi Rosa, 2021; Hedychridium propodeale Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium proshchalykini Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium sibiricum Rosa, 2017; Hedychridium tarbinskyi Rosa & Agnoli, 2019; Hedychrum crassitarse Rosa, 2019; Hedychrum linsenmaieri Rosa, 2019; Hedychrum migliaccioi Rosa, 2019; Hedychrum zenobia Rosa, 2019; Holophris thailandica Rosa, Wei, Notton & Xu, 2016; Holopyga lucens Rosa, 2018; Istiochrysis ziliolii Rosa, Feng & Xu, 2016; Leptopareia luzonensis Rosa, Wei, Notton & Xu, 2016; Odontochrydium bicristatum Rosa, 2018; Odontochrydium xui Rosa, 2018; Omalus helanshanus Wei, Rosa, Liu & Xu, 2014; Omalus probiaccinctus Wei, Rosa, Liu & Xu, 2014; Omalus pseudoimbecillus Wei, Rosa, Liu & Xu, 2014; Omalus tibetanus Wei, Rosa, Liu & Xu, 2014; Omalus corrugatus Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2015; Omalus hainanensis Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2015; Philoctetes cynthiae Rosa, 2017; Philoctetes longiflagellis Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2015; Philoctetes lyubae Rosa, 2017; Philoctetes pavesii Rosa, 2018; Philoctetes simulator Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2015; Pseudochrysis gengiskhan Rosa, 2017; Pseudomalus agnolii Rosa, 2017; Trichrysis coeruleamaculata Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2016; Spinolia spinosa Rosa & Halada, 2020; Trichrysis tridensnotata Rosa, Wei & Xu, 2016; Trichrysis yuani Rosa, Feng & Xu, 2016.


Leptopareia Rosa & Xu, 2016; Istiochrysis Rosa & Xu, 2016; Urimaso Galileo, Rosa & Santos-Silva, 2020; Hosticus Galileo, Rosa & Santos-Silva, 2020


Patronimic Taxa:




Chrysis rosai Arens, 2017:





Macroocula rosai Pagliano, 2021:

Miscophus paolorosai Schmid-Egger, 2011:

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Database of the Italian Chrysididae: HELP

The species report is structured in the following sections.


Image(s) = picture of a typical adult specimen (= habitus) and/or picture of a typical adult specimen in nature.

Chorology = the map of the geographic distribution of the species.

Map of Italy = the distribution map of Italy, subdivided in its administrative regions, colored on the base of the presence/absence of the species according to personal and bibliographical data (see also the Italian distribution detail).

Icons = links to external sites to search for the given species, among forums (, Forum Entomologi italiani, HymIS), other textual resources (Google, Yandex) or images (Google Images, Flickr) and videos (YouTube).


Systematic position

Subfamily & Tribe = systematic categories. The Subfamily is a systematic category inferior to the Family (Chrysididae), including a group of Tribes and Genera. The latin termination is -inae and requires the capital letter. Example: Chrysidinae. The Tribe is a systematic category inferior to the Subfamily (Chrysidinae), including a group of Genera. The latin termination is -ini and requires the capital letter. Example: Chrysidini.

Genus & species = systematic categories. The Genus is a systematic category inferior to the Tribe, including a group of closely related species. It's the first name of the binomial (Genus and species) or trinomial (Genus and species and subspecies) nomenclature introduced by Carolus Linnaeus in 18th century. It requires the capital letter. It doesn't have a latin termination, but it's a latinized name. Example: ChrysisElampusStilbum. The species is a population of organisms whose members share a same series of morphologic characters and are able to reproduce in nature only among themselves and produce fertile offspring. The concept of species was established by Ernst Mayr in 1940. The species is the fundamental category of the whole taxonomical hierarchy and indicates the limit of the organisms able to reproduce. It is always written with the low case. The species name, Latin or latinized, should match with the Genus name. The subspecies is a systematic category inferior to the species, indicating a group of organisms geographically isolated from the other populations of the species and showing sometimes morphologic differences, but anyway able to reproduce with the other specimens of the species when the subspecific populations come to contact. Author and year indicate the Author who firstly described the species through a paper published in a given year.

Species group = it's a sub-aggregate of a Genus, including a limited assemblage of closely associated species. It's sometimes used instead of the Subgenus level.

Original combination = it's the way the species or the subspecies was originally described by its Author, who decided to refer it to a Genus (or a higher class) not necessarily conserved according to actual interpretations.

Type series = lists the typical specimens (holotypus, allotypus, paratypes, etc.) and the placement of the typical specimens in public (Mus. = Museum) or private (Coll.) collections.

Original description = it's the text of the original description of the species/subspecies from the Author, according to the original publication.

Synonyms and subspecies = one or more names which have been given to the same species by other Authors in time; the earliest name takes generally priority.

Systematic notes = observations and comments on the systematics of the taxon.

Size (mm) = size of the adult, in millimeters.


Geographic distribution

World distribution

Type locality = the location indicated for the typical series in the original description.

Kimsey & Bohart = the locations indicated in: Kimsey L.S. & Bohart R., 1991 - The Chrysidid wasps of the World. Oxford Press, 652 pp.

Linsenmaier = the locations indicated by Linsenmaier (various years).

Other Authors = the locations indicated by other valued Authors.

Chorology = the known geographic distribution of the species, described by a distribution pattern called chorological category. Examples: W-Mediterranean distribution, Oriental distribution, etc. At present time a chorologic classification of the Italian Chrysidids doesn't exist. Our suggestion is based on the species listed by Rosa (2002, 2005, 2006).

Distribution notes = observations and comments on the world distribution.


Italian distribution according to the Checklist of the species of the Italian Fauna

The Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana reports the presence of the species in four italian macro-regions (North, South, Sicily and Sardinia), as decided by the Italian Checklist Commission.
(1) Strumia F., 1995 - Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Minelli A, Ruffo S., La Posta S (eds). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 99. Calderini, Bologna.
(2) Strumia F., 2001 - Hymenoptera Chrysididae. Aggiornamento alla Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. Boll. Soc. entomol. ital., 133 (I): 88-92.
(3) Strumia F., 2005 - Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Ruffo S. & Stoch F. (eds.), Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. 10.000 specie terrestri e della acque interne. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, II Serie. Sezione Scienze della Vita 16: 269-270 + CD-ROM.

Endemism = the term is used here to indicate that the species lives only in Italy or in a specifica region/area of Italy.


Italian distribution by Administrative Region (Literature records, Personal evidences and other sources)

Here you find the presence/absence of the species in the different Administrative Regions of Italy (from North to South): Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta, Lombardia, Trentino A.A., Veneto, Friuli V.G., Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia, Sardegna, including the following smaller islands:

  • Toscana: Gorgona, Capraia, Elba, Pianosa, Giglio, Montecristo, Giannutri.
  • Lazio: Ponza, Ventotene, Palmarola.
  • Campania: Ischia, Procida, Capri.
  • Puglia: San Domino, Caprara, San Nicola.
  • Sicilia: Is. Eolie (Stromboli, Panarea, Alicudi, Filicudi, Salina, Lipari, Vulcano), Is. Egadi (Marettimo, Favignana, Levanzo), Ustica, Pantelleria, Lampedusa.
  • Sardegna: Arcip. La Maddalena, Tavolara, Asinara, San Pietro, Sant'Antioco.

The columns for presence/absence report the data drawn from:

  • the Literature (Literature records)
  • the website Forum Entomologi Italiani (FEI records)
  • private collections (Personal records)

FEI and Personal records may contain unpublished data.

Distribution notes = observations and comments on the Italian distribution.



Known Hosts

Polyphagous = if the species is a parasite of more than one systematic group (i.e. Sphecids + Vespids).

[Family] = the Family of insects parasitized by the species and sharing the same environment. Data drawn from the literature show the bibliographical references in brackets.

Notes on Hosts = unpublished notes about the hosts.


Known Habitat

Habitat = the environmental features known for the species, i.e. known plants and microhabitats. Data drawn from the literature show the bibliographical references in brackets.

Plants for rest/refuge = the flowers and plants used by the species for rest and or for refuge. Data drawn from the literature show the bibliographical references in brackets.

Parasites = the parasites of the species. Data drawn from the literature show the bibliographical references in brackets.

Biological notes = observations and comments drawed from personal field observations.

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Genus Philoctetes Abeille, 1879

Genus Philoctetes Abeille, 1879From: Kimsey L.S. & Bohart R.M., 1990 (1991) - The chrysidid wasps of the world. Oxford University Press, ix-652 pp.


Philoctetes Abeille 1879:27. Type: Holopyga cicatrix Abeille 1879 (Diplorrhos micatus Kimsey). Desig. by Ashmead 1902:228.
Diplorrhos Aaron 1885:216. Type: Diplorrhos plicatus Aaron 1885:216. Monobasic. N. synonymy.
Chrysellampus Semenov 1932:5. Type: Chrysellampus heros Semenov 1892:71. Orig. desig. and monobasic. N. synonymy.
Dictenulus Semenov 1932:6. Type: Ellampus specularis Semenov 1932:18. Orig. desig. N. synonymy.
Parellampus Semenov 1932:7. Type: Parellampus praeteritorium Semenov 1932:7.

Generic diagnosis

Scapal basin generally smooth and asetose; malar space 1 MOD or shorter; genal carina generally faint, extending from mandibular socket; vertex generally densely punctate; pronotum deeply concave laterally, punctate medially; scutum with punctures clumped along notauli, or less commonly more evenly distributed; mesopleuron carinate or rounded, juncture of omaulus, verticaulus, and scrobal carina not strongly projecting, signum carina usually present, scrobal sulcus oblique; metanotum usually conical, even mucronate in several species; fore wing medial cell asetose, medial vein strongly arched and arising before cu-a, stigma short, broad and apically rounded; fore femur carinate ventrally; tarsal claws with 1-3 subsidiary teeth; T- I—III strongly convex; T-III lateral margin straight: or sinuate, usually deeply notched apicomedially, or bent under, without transparent rim.


Philoctetes variatus has been reared from various twig-nesting Pemphredoninae (Sphecidae), including Diodontus occidentalis W. Fox, Pemphredon grinnelli (Roh.), Stigmus inordinattis W. Fox, and Passaloecus cuspidatus F. Smith (Powell 1963, Parker and Bohart 1966, Evans 1973b). Philoctetes intermedium has been reared from Diodontus virginianus (Roh.) (Krombein 1963).


The majority of species are Holarctic, with 8 in the Nearctic Region and 34 in the Palearctic. One unusual species, afer, is Afrotropical. The highest diversity is in southern USSR and western China.


As a whole, Philoctetes is the least specialized of the three genera related to Omalus, although it does include some highly derived species. The mesopleuron usually has an omaulus, scrobal carina, and verticaulus. However, one or more of these carinae may be weakly developed or even absent. In addition, the tarsal claws only have one to three subsidiary teeth, with most species having two. Diagnostic features are: omaulus and scrobal carina forming a broadly V-shaped angle, scutal punctures clumped along notauli, and metanotum usually sharply angled, or even mucronate. A mucronate metanotum occurs in cupratusafer, and seminudus. Several species, including intermedium, have an Elampus-like snout on the apex of T-III. Most species have T-III notched apicomedially. This notch may be simple or snout-like, as in intermedius, or have a dorsal nose-like projection as in plicatus and downeyi. Other species, including hirsutus and nikolskyi, have extensive long, erect, black setae. One group, including caudatus, deflexus, fedtsbenkoilimpidipennis, and omaloides, has the metanotum sharply conical and the apex of T-III is bent under giving it a nose-like appearance, without a medial notch.

We have used somewhat different characters to define Philoctetes than previous authors, and as a result the Philoctetes of Linsenmaier (1959) is not comparable. There are no major revisions of this group, and the only reliable regional treatments are those of Bohart and Campos (1960) and Bohart and Kimsey (1982), where it is given as Diplorrhos.

European species

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Database of the European Chrysididae: notes and doubtful records


The following list comprises the species that have doubtfully been reported from Italy. Such records are impossible to verify/accept/discard without a further exam of the specimens.

Elampus ambiguus Dahlbom, 1854

Móczár (1964) considered ambiguus as a variety of Elampus constrictus and we follow his interpretation.

Elampus caeruleus Dahlbom, 1854

Omalus viridiventris Abeille, 1878.
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Europe (Germany, Austria).
The Italian records (Costa, 1863, 1882; Dalla Torre & Kohl, 1879; Mocsáry, 1889; Cobelli, 1903, 1910; Grandi, 1931; Zangheri, 1969; Rosa, 2005b) are likely to refer to Elampus constrictus.

Elampus rufitarsis (Tournier, 1879)

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: SW URSS (Russia (Sarepta)).
The Italian records (Cobelli, 1903, 1910) are likely to refer to Elampus constrictus.

Elampus soror (Mocsáry, 1889)

Móczár (1964) considered soror as a variety of Elampus constrictus and we follow his interpretation.
The Italian records (Mocsáry, 1889; Móczár, 1964) are likely to refer to Elampus constrictus.

Hedychridium integrum (Dahlbom, 1831)

cupreum (Dhlb.).
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: C-N Europe (Scandinavia), Spain, Germany, Mongolia.
Cited by Invrea (1922a) and included by Strumia (1995, 2005) in the Checklist of the Italian Fauna, it is Hedychridium cupratum instead.

Hedychridium lampas (Christ, 1791)

lampadum Lins.
Considered synonym of Hedychridium roseum by Kimsey & Bohart (1990). Rosa (2006a) and Arens (2010a) recognized the specimens included under this name as belonging to different species, i.e. female specimens of Hedychridium mediocrum and Hedychridium scutellare. Thus, the Italian records of "lampas" need a new identification.

Hedychridium subroseum Linsenmaier, 1959

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic: SW Europe, N Africa (Tunisia).

Hedychrum micans Lucas, 1849

Not of the Italian fauna.

Hedychrum nobile antigai Buysson, 1896

nobile buyssoni Lins.
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Portugal, Spain, S France, Corsica (as n. buyssoni).
The Italian records (Erlandsson, 1972; Rosa, 2003b) are likely to refer to Hedychrum nobile.

Holopyga scutellaris Zimmermann, 1956

Described from Madagascar, and endemic.
Reported in Sicily, but nevermore collected.
Reference: Mocsáry, 1889.

Holopyga viridis (Guèrin, 1842)

Not of the Italian fauna.
Cited from Calabria by Invrea (1933) as Holopyga gloriosa viridis. Reported in South of Italy and Sardinia by Strumia (1995, 2001).
Distribution: N Africa, Turkey, Palestine.

Omalus chlorosomus Lucas, 1849

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: N Africa.

Chrysis aestiva Dahlbom, 1854

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Middle East (Israel, Anatolia), Greece (Rhodos).
Cited for Italy by ancient Authors (De Stefani, 1888; Mocsáry, 1889; Buysson, 1890; Mantero, 1899; Ducke, 1901; Invrea, 1922, 1933), in Italy the species is replaced by Chrysis mixta and Chrysis maderi. Some old identifications are probably wrong and referred to Chrysis mixta (western Italy) and Chrysis maderi (eastern Italy). Strumia (1995) listed one specimen from Corse, which should be referred to Chrysis sardarica perrecta Linsenmaier, also found in Sardinia.

Chrysis aurofacies Trautmann, 1926

Reported in Italy by Strumia, probably erroneously; the specimens from C and S Italy are likely to belong to Chrysis gracillima.
Known from Spain as Chrysis gracillima aurofacies.

Chrysis bihamata Spinola, 1838

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: S Europe, W Asia, N Africa, Egypt, Arabia S., Tchad.
Cited for Italy by Bischoff (1910). In the Berlin Museum the specimen is not present anymore and the datum should be therefore verified.

Chrysis basalis Dahlbom, 1854

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: N Africa (Algeria).
Cited for Sicily by De Stefani (1888), but nevermore collected. The datum should be therefore verified.

Chrysis cupratoides Bohart, 1990

According to Strumia (2006), the species is reported in Umbria, Italy by Linsenmaier (1997) but it is a synonym of Spintharina cuprata.

Chrysis destefanii Mocsáry, 1889

Nevermore collected after description (Strumia, 2001). See Chrysis phryne.

Chrysis diacantha diacantha Mocsáry, 1889

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic: Caucasus, Serbia, Albania (diacantha diacantha), S France, Spain (diacantha franciscae).

Chrysis dimidiata Fabricius

Reported in Liguria, Italy by Spinola, 1806 and nevermore collected.
Synonym of Chrysis viridula according to Kimsey & Bohart (1990).

Chrysis dubia Rossi, 1790

Reported in Tuscany, Italy by Rossi (1790) and nevermore collected.

Chrysis germari intergermari Linsenmaier, 1959

Reported in Sicily and - doubtfully - in North of Italy (Strumia, 1995), the Italian records belong to Chrysis germari s.str.

Chrysis gribodoi spilota Linsenmaier, 1951

Reported in Valle d'Aosta, Italy by Linsenmaier (1997b) and Rosa (2002c), it is likely to belong to Chrysis gribodoi s.str.

Chrysis integra integra Fabricius, 1787

Reported in Sicily by De Stefani, 1888 as Chrysis viridula integra, meaning Chrysis integra sicula.

Chrysis manicata Dahlbom, 1854

chloris Mocs., matrona Sem.
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Yugoslavia, Greece, Rhodes, Cyprus, Palestine, Iran, Egypt, Anatolia.
Cited for Sicily by Bischoff (1910).

Chrysis marginata marginata Mocsáry, 1889

Not of the Italian fauna, but of SE Europe and W Asia: Rhodos, Cyprus, Crete, Bulgaria, Anatolia, Middle East, S URSS.

Chrysis ramburi ramburi Dahlbom, 1854

Not of the Italian fauna.
All the known records from Italy refer to Chrysis chrysostigma.

Chrysis succincta succincta Linnaeus, 1767

Such taxon is kept among the Italian fauna doubtfully.
Due to some confusion among the taxa of the "succincta group", all the records and the distribution data must be confirmed.

Chrysis tingitana Bischoff, 1935

Not of the Italian fauna, probably an accidental introduction (Strumia, 1995).
Distribution: Morocco.

Chrysis viridissima viridissima Klug, 1845

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic & Afrotropical: N Africa, Middle East, Nigeria, Tanzania.

Chrysis viridissima fasciolata Klug, 1845

Described of Italy, but without any written location. Probably a mistake.
Reported in Italy by referenced Authors, but without locality (Strumia, 1995).

Chrysis viridula gemma Abeille, 1878

Reported in Italy by referenced Authors (i.e. Buysson), but without locality (Strumia, 1995).

Chrysis violacea Rossi, 1790

Reported in Tuscany, Italy by Rossi (1790), but nevermore collected.

Chrysura dichropsis (Buysson, 1891)

Not of the Italian fauna. Probably the Italian records refer to Chrysura simulacra.
Distribution: Palaearctic: Morocco, Cyprus, Middle East.

Chrysura igneoalternans

Reported in Sardinia, Italy by Costa (1883), but nevermore collected.
Nomen oblitum.

Chrysura lydiae lydiae (Mocsáry, 1889)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of SE Europe, Anatolia, Middle East.
All the Italian records refer to Chrysura lydiae allegata.

Chrysura oraniensis (Lucas, 1849)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of Greece, Cyprus, Rhodos, Turkey, Middle East (Israel), N Africa.
All the Italian records refer to Chrysura oraniensis porphyrea.

Praestochrysis lusca (Fabricius, 1804)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of Far East (from India to Thailand to Japan), Australia and Papua New Guinea. Introduced to Hawaii.
Probably imported to Italy (Fabricius: Italy, Mader: occulta from Lombardy according to Strumia, 1995), but not naturalized.

Pseudochrysis Semenov, 1891

Nomenclature changePseudochrysis Semenov, 1891 is the valid genus name for a group of cuckoo wasps frequently referred to as Pseudospinolia Linsenmaier, 1951 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). by Rosa P, Pavesi M, Soon V, Niehuis O (2017), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 64(1): 69-75.

Spintharina integerrima (Klug, 1845)

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic: Middle East (Saudi Arabia).

Stilbum calens calens (Fabricius, 1781)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of Siberia.
All the Italian records cited as calens refer probably to the subspecies Stilbum calens zimmermanni.

Stilbum cyanurum siculum Tournier, 1878

Not a subspecies, but only a widespread chromatic variety.
Some literature records are probably referable to misidentification of the species based on specimens with a reddish color.

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Latest papers on the Italian Chrysidids

The following list includes the published papers on the Italian Chrysidids during the last years. The list reports faunistic and systematic studies including descriptions of new Italian taxa or detailed studies involving Italian specimens.

Year: 2009

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Catalogo dei Tipi dei crisidi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria" di Genova (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria", Genova, Vol. C: 209-272.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: [Catalogue of Chrysidid Types housed in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria", Genova (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)]. A critical and annotated catalogue of the 161 type specimens of Hymenoptera Chrysididae belonging to 98 taxa and housed in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria" is given. The Lectotypes of the following 11 taxa are designated: Elampus medanae Du Buysson, 1890; Holopyga mlokosiewitzi var. gribodoi Du Buysson, 1896; Hedychrum cirtanum Gribodo, 1879; Chrysis brasiliana Guérin, 1842; Chrysis doriae Gribodo, 1874; Chrysis ignita var. viridefasciata Hoffmann, 1935; Chrysis igniventer Guérin, 1842; Chrysis imperforata Gribodo, 1879; Chrysis mariae Du Buysson, 1887; Chrysis miegii Guérin, 1842; Chrysis truncata Guérin, 1842. The following synonymy is proposed: Notozus constrictus Förster, 1853 = Notozus productus var. mutans Du Buysson, 1896 n. syn. The synonymy Ellampus puncticollis Mocsáry, 1887 = Ellampus affinis Wesmael, 1839 n. syn., is recognised, but it is suggested with a reversal of priority in accordance with the purpose of the stability of the nomenclature; such a case will be submitted to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for approval. A new combination is proposed: Pseudomalus magrettii (Du Buysson, 1890) n. comb. Lastly, the actual position and validity of several type specimens are also discussed.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Trichrysis baratzsensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) from Sardinia.
Journal: Zootaxa 2318: 589–595.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Trichrysis baratzsensis sp. nov., from Lago Baratz (Sassari province, Sardinia), is described and compared with all other Palaearctic congeners. A key for the identification of Mediterranean Trichrysis species is also provided.

Year: 2008

Author: Pagliano G.
Title: Elenco mondiale dei generi di Hymenoptera con specie tipo.
Journal: Monografie del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino, 43, 465 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: This monograph is dedicated to the study of genera and subgenera of Hymenoptera and their systematic position, listing for every taxa their type species. The names were compared and 744 of them were found to be homonyms both of genera of Hymenoptera and of other order of Insecta, of of other phyla of the animal kingdom. This work may be very helpful to hymenopterologists of Museum, Univeristy and also to amateurs of the extensive order of Hymenoptera.

Author: Strumia, F. & Yildirim, E.
Title: Contribution to the knowledge of Chrysididae fauna of Turkey (Hymenoptera, Aculeata).
Journal: Frustula Entomologica, N.S. XXX (XLIII) (2007): 55-92.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: We present a first list of faunistic data of Cleptinae (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) collected mainly in the northeastern Turkey. Very few records were previously available in the literature for this family from this interesting zoogeographical region. Two species, Cleptes aerosus and Cleptes semiauratus are new for Turkey fauna.

Author: Strumia F. & Pagliano G.
Title: Imenoteri Mutilidi e Crisididi racolti nell'orto botanico dell'Università dela Calabria.
Journal: Atti Soc. tosc. Sci. nat., Mem., Serie B, 114 (2007): 85-90.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: [Hymenoptera mutillidae and chrysididae collected in the botanical garden of «Università della Calabria (Cosenza)] From June 2002 to November 2003 Hymenoptera Mutillidae and Chrysididae were collected by mean of a Malaise trap located in the botanical garden of Cosenza University (Calabria). We found a rich population of Mutillidae particularly in the late summer (August and September). The most common species were the Myrmosinae Krombeinella thoracica (Fabricius, 1793) and the Chrysidinae Trichrysis cyanea (Linnaeus 1758). We found 22 and 21 species respectively of Mutillidae and Chrysididae, corresponding to the 34.4% and 8.6% of the Italian fauna. By comparison with the results obtained from others 25 Malaise traps located in Italy, Corse and Sardinia, the botanical garden of Cosenza University results to be richest biotope for the Hymenoptera Mutillidae.

Author: Strumia, F., Pagliano, G. & Wolf, H.
Title: Mutillidae, Chrysididae e Pompilidae dell'isola dell'Asinara (Sardegna, Italia) (Hymenoptera).
Journal: Frustula Entomologica, N.S. XXX (XLIII) (2007): 47-53.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Mutillidae, Chrysididae and Pompilidae of Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy) (Hymenoptera). Fourteen species of Mutillidae, sixteen of Pompilidae and twenty seven of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) are reported from Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy). The most interesting species is Smicromyrme asinarensis Pagliano & Strumia, 2006, a new species separately described.

Year: 2007

Author: Pagliano G.
Title: Recensioni: Paolo Rosa. I Crisidi della Valle d'Aosta (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Boll. Soc. ent. ital., 139(3): 181-182.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Book review.

Year: 2006

Author: Rosa P.
Title: I Crisidi della Valle d’Aosta.
Journal: Monografie del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Saint-Pierre (Aosta), No.6, 400 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Chrysididae of the Aosta Valley (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). An updated catalogue of the species collected by the author in the last 15 years is given. Descriptions of both sexes and data on chorology, ecology, biology and taxonomy for each species are given. Identification keys to genera and species are also provided. An illustrated part leads to the recognition of the species in the field. More info.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: La collezione Campadelli di Imenotteri Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, Ferrara, 7 (2004).
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Chrysidid Wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the Campadelli Collection (Systematic catalogue of the Campadelli Collection. III). The list of the Chrysididae conserved in the Campadelli's collection, recently donated to the "Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara", is given. Three species, Philoctetes bogdanovi (Radoszkowski), Chrysis coeruleiventris Abeille and Chrysis mediadentata Linsenmaier are reported for the first time from Emilia-Romagna; Chrysura sulcata is also new for Northern Italy.
Keywords: Chrysididae, faunal records, Campadelli.

Year: 2005

Author: Rosa P.
Title: I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Romagna. Stato attuale delle conoscenze.
Journal: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, 6 (2003): 29-40.
Keywords: Crisidi, faunistica, Romagna.
Language: Italian.
A faunistic catalogue of Hymenoptera Chrysididae of Romagna (Italy, Emilia-Romagna) is given. Bibliographical data, corrected and revised on current systematics, and unpublished data are listed. Comments and systematic notes are given for the most interesting species. In all 94 taxa are listed: 54 taxa are reported for the first time for Romagna and 32 taxa for Emilia-Romagna district.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: La collezione di Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano.
Journal: Natura, Milano, vol. 94 (II): 128 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The cuckoo-wasps collection (Hymenoptera Chrysididae) of the "Museo Civico di Storia Naturale" of Milano. The Chrysididae collection of the "Museo Civico di Storia Naturale" of Milano is one of the most important in Italy. It includes more than 8600 specimens, mostly collected in Italy and belonging to 287 mainly Palaearctic taxa. A historical overview and a catalogue are given; for each species the following pieces of information are provided: number of specimens, locality and collection data, and, whenever necessary, some comments on chorology and taxonomy. Many taxa are reported for the first time for most Italian regions. During this work two undescribed species, which will be studied in the near future, two new records for Italy (Chrysis pulcherrima ascoensis Linsenmaier e C. cingulicornis dalmatina Linsenmaier), two for Northern Italy (Chrysis cingulicornis Förster e C. pseudodichroa Linsenmaier), and three for Southern Italy (Hedychridium valesiense Linsenmaier; Chrysis mysticalis simii Perraudin, Stilbum calens wesmaeli Dahlbom) were also noticed. A new species-group, Chrysis curta group, whose species were previously included in the C. millenaris group, is here proposed. It is characterized by: 1) distinctly incised anterior clypeal margin; 2) black spots on S-II broad and fused, or nearly so; 3) anal margin of T-III short and widened; 4) genital capsule robust, in dorsal view the gonocoxae are short and basally separate; 5) in females internal tergites with well developed membranous lobes, similar to those of the genus Chrysis and seemingly different from those of the millenaris group, which recall the genus Chrysura. Some taxonomic changes are also proposed: Philoctetes punctulatus (Dahlbom) n. comb., P. bogdanovi (Radoszkowski) n. comb., P. putoni (Buysson) n. comb. and Chrysis semistriata Linsenmaier n. stat., a Sardinian endemic, for the first time considered as a valid species. The examination of internal tergites and sternites of some taxa suggested the affinities between some species-groups. In particular, the relation between Spintharina versicolor (Spinola) and S. vagans (Radoszkowski) is confirmed; Chrysis hydropica and C. pulchella groups are distinct, and the latter is well recognizable by the shape of the internal urites of males; C. scutellaris and C. comparata groups are closely related, and a previously unnoticed similarity between C. cerastes and C. comparata groups is also discussed; C. viridula and C. splendidula groups are well separable on the basis of the shape of the fifth tergite. More info.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Ruffo S., Stoch F. (eds.), Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. 10.000 specie terrestri e della acque interne.
Journal: Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona - 2. Serie. Sezione Scienze della Vita 16: 269-270 + CD-ROM.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: A project for the computerization of the data distribution of terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates and invertebrates of the Italian territory. Thanks to the work of 105 specialists, more than 450,000 records on 10,000 species have been collected and entered into a database, together with geographic and mapping data. The collected data made it possible to map the values of specific richness, rarity and the number of endemic species and subspecies in Italy (the 25% of the total). Extinct, endangered and vulnerable species have been identified, as well as the species that can be used as bioindicators and for environmental impact assessments. The data collected will allow the creation of models of distribution, the compilation of a Red List of the Italian fauna and the integration with the supplements to the Habitats Directive for a better effectiveness in the protection of the Italian heritage faunistic. More info.

Year: 2004

Author: Arens W.
Title: Beitrag zur Taxonomie griechischer Goldwespen, mit Beschreibung dreier neuer Arten (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: Linzer biol. Beitr. 36: 741-760.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Abstract: .

Author: Niehuis O. & Wägele J.W.
Title: Phylogenitic analysis of the mitochondrial genes LSU rRNA and COI suggests early adaptive differentiation of anal teeth in chrysidine cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 30: 615-622.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Cuckoo wasps are a morphologically diverse group of Hymenoptera with parasitoid or cleptoparasitic life histories. In the present paper, we explore the phylogenetic signal in fragments of the mitochondrial genes LSU rRNA and COI to resolve the group's phylogeny. We analyzed sequence data of 33 species representing the taxa Cleptinae, Elampini, Parnopini, and Chrysidini. Most of the currently recognized relationships of major cuckoo wasp lineages are supported by the molecular data. A key difference concerns the phylogenetic position of the Euchroeus (= Brugmoia) group within the tribe Chrysidini. It seems likely that an erroneous interpretation of morphological characters has led to inappropriate rooting of that tribe. We suggest that species of the Euchroeus group be interpreted as forming the stem group of the Chrysidini and that the remaining genera of that tribe be united in a subordinated taxon. Our results imply that the evolution of anal dentition, of significance for breaking into sealed host nests otherwise not accessible to cuckoo wasps, already happened at the base of the Chrysidini and that an even number of anal teeth arose prior to an odd number.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Alcune osservazioni sulle relazioni tra Vegetazione e Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) in Italia.
Journal: Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, Cremona, 11: 79-90.
Keywords: Hymenoptera, cuckoo wasps, Aosta Valley, faunistic notes.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Some new records of plants visited by Cuckoo-wasps in Italy (with the exception for Daucus carota L. and Achillea millefolium L.) are listed. Some species of Umbelliferae (Laserpitium gallicum L., Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier et Levrier e Imperatoria verticillaris (L.) DC.) attract very well many Chrysidids species. Other interesting observations on mountain plants and cuckoo-wasps feeding on pine resins and substances exuded by the opening chestnut shells.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Chrysis schmideggeri n. sp., a new cuckoo-wasp of the Chrysis rubricata-group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, 145 (II): 307-319.
Keywords: Chrysididae, Chrysis schmideggeri n. sp., North Africa, taxonomy, C. rubricata.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Chrysis schmideggeri n. sp. is described from North Africa; it is related to C. rubricata Mocsáry, from which it differs for its longer first flagellomere, the narrower scapal basin, the non-divergent propodeal teeth, the third tergite with a medial longitudinal carina before the pit row, the entirely red metasoma, and the male genitalia. A comparison with C. rubricata Mocsáry is also given, while C. patruela Linsenmaier, previously considered as belonging to the C. rubricata group, is proved to belong to the C. curta group after the examination of the type series.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Lectotype designation of Hedychridium virescens Buysson, 1908, male description of Cleptes jungeri Linsenmaier, 1994 and of the female of C. triestensis Moczar, 2000 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: .
Keywords: Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Cleptes, Hedychridium, zoogeography, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Spain.
Language: English.
Abstract: The male of Cleptes jungeri Linsenmaier, 1994, from Spain, and the female of Cleptes triestensis Mocsar, 2000, from Italy and Corsica, are described for the first time. Populations of C. triestensis, a species previously known through a single individual caught in 1915 near Trieste, were recently found in the "Parco Regionale della Maremma" (Tuscany), in Corsica and Northern Sardinia. The presence of Cleptes nigritus in Italy is confirmed and the presence of Cleptes putoni in Central Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Spain is demontrated. An interesting chimaera of C. triestensis is described. The two original specimens described as Hedychridium aheneum Dahlbom, 1854 var. virescens by Buysson in 1908 and now in the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) collection are studied. One results to be a female indiviual of the South Palearctic species H. amatum Nurse, 1904 (= H. zimmermanni Balthasar, 1953), the second, a female, is a self-standing species and is designed as the lectotype of Hedychridium virescens Buysson, 1908.

Author: Strumia F. & Scaramozzino P.L.
Title: Origine degli Imenotteri dell'arcipelago toscano in relazione alle faune della Corsica e della Toscana.
Journal: Frustula Entomologica (2002) n.s. XXV (XXXVIII): 148-164.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: We present and discuss a new statistical approach to the study of the zoogeographic affinity of the Hymenoptera faunaof the islands of "Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano", Italy.

Year: 2003

Author: Rosa P.
Title: I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Valle d'Aosta. Check-list e note introduttive.
Journal: Revue Valdôtaine d'Histoire Naturelle, Aosta, 56 (2002): 59-65.
Keywords: Hymenoptera, cuckoo wasps, Aosta Valley, faunistic notes.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Since 1991 a faunistic research was managed on cuckoo-wasps of Aosta Valley and the results of are herein presented; 15 genera, 98 species and 7 subspecies have been collected and 95 taxa are new to Aosta Valley. A complete check-list of cuckoo-wasps is given.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Nuovi reperti di crisidi per l'Italia, con note tassonomiche (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, Cremona, n.51, vol.10: 301-313.
Keywords: Chrysididae, Italy, new records, taxonomic notes.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: New records of 17 species and 6 subspecies of Hymenoptera Chrysididae from Italy are reported. New taxa for Italy: Hedychridium ibericum Linsenmaier, H. valesianum Linsenmaier stat.nov., Philoctetes perraudini (Linsenmaier) n.comb., Chrysura judith (Balthasar), C. pseudodichroa (Linsenmaier), Chrysis diacantha franciscae Linsenmaier, Chrysura simplex ampliata (Linsenmaier), Chrysis longula sublongula Linsenmaier, C. rutiliventris vanlithi Linsenmaier, Stilbum calens wesmaeli Dahlbom. New taxa for Nothern Italy: Elampus constrictus (Förster), Chrysura isabella (Trautmann), Chrysis immaculata Buysson, Chrysis germari intergermari, Linsenmaier. New taxa for Southern Italy: Cleptes putoni Buysson, Chrysis daphnis Mocsáry, Chrysis lusitanica Bischoff and Pseudomalus puncticollis (Mocsáry). New species for Sardinia: Hedychridium lampas (Christ) and Hedychrum nobile antigai Buysson. New species for Sicily: Chrysis pulcherrima Lepeletier. It is considered as valid the species Spinolia segusiana (Giraud), previously a synonym of Spinolia lamprosoma (Förster). Taxonomic notes are reported for most taxa.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Cleptes (Leiocleptes) mareki n.sp., from China. (Hymenoptera Chrysididae Cleptinae).
Journal: Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, 144 (II): 407-414.
Keywords: Cleptes mareki n.sp., Leiocleptes, China.
Language: English.
Abstract: Cleptes mareki n.sp. from China is described. This species belongs to the Cleptes (Leiocleptes) nitidulus species-group. Cleptes mareki n.sp. can be distinguished from all of the other known species of the subgenus Leiocleptes by the following characters combination: dark blue head and mesosoma, almost entirely black metasoma, laterally with a feeble violet-blue reflection, and without any lateral sharp edge; mesosoma with simple, small and scattered punctures and tergites III-IV with double punctuation. A comparison with the supposedly related species Cleptes doii Tsuneki is also given.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: New and rare Hedychridium species from Italy and Mediterranean islands (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Italian Journal of Zoology, 70: 191-198.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Two new species of Hedychridium (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) are described (H. tyrrhenicum n. sp. and H. etruscum n. sp.) and the synonymy between H. wolfi Linsenmaier, 1959, from Sardinia, and H. perraudini Linsenmaier, 1968, from Corsica, is established. The geographical distribution of these species is discussed, showing that H. tyrrhenicum is an ancient species of many central Mediterranean islands, while H. wolfi is endemic to the Corso-Sardinian block (including the small islands of Asinara, Capraia, Elba, and Montecristo), and H. etruscum is known only from the Tuscany and Latium coasts and the islands of Elba, Giglio, Gorgona, and Pianosa. In addition, H. etruscum and H. wolfi are the only Chrysididae species known from Montecristo. The geographical ranges of the new species are distinct; H. tyrrhenicum appears to be dominant, in its range, with respect to the widespread H. monochroum, as is H. etruscum on Elba, while the contrary is the case on the Tuscany Mainland; H. wolfi coexists with H. tyrrhenicum and H. etruscum on the Monte Capanne on Elba. The presence of H. carmelitanum in Sicily is confirmed. A key is given for the identification of the italian species of the H. monochroum group, namely carmelitanum, etruscum, monochroum, and tyrrhenicum.

Author: Generani M., Pagliano G., Scaramozzino P.L. & Strumia F.
Title: Gli Imenotteri delle Isole di Capraia, Giglio, Gorgona, Pianosa e Montecristo (Arcipelago toscano) (Insecta: Hymenoptera).
Journal: Frustula Entomologica (2001) n.s. XXIV (XXXVII): 51-74.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: We present an updated checklist of the Hymenoptera known from Capraia, Giglio, Gorgona, Montecristo and Pianosa islands.

Year: 2002

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Chrysididae [pp. 150-151]. In: Mason F., Cerreti P., Tagliapietra A., Spreight M.C.D., Zapparoli M. (eds.), Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana, Primo Contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 1.
Journal: G.Arcari Editore, Mantova, pp. 176.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Chrysididae is one of the largest families of Aculeate Hymenoptera (about 300 species in Italy) and approximately 90% of the Italian species can be estimated known. The species known from Bosco della Fontana form an interesting silvicolous complex associated with dead wood and old trees, where a large number of their host (Hymenoptera) nest. The most interesting and rare chrysid species found in Bosco della Fontana is Chrysis fasciata, closely followed by C. fulgida, C. indigotea, C. longula and Pseudomalus violaceus. All of these species need action to be taken to ensure their conservation. (Follows a list of 14 Chrysidids.).

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Imenotteri crisidi. pp. 365-373. In AA.VV., 2002 - Atlante della biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino - Edizione 2002. Elenchi sistematici.
Journal: Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Checklist of the Chrysidids species studied in the Ticinum Valley Park.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Imenotteri crisidi. Monografia. pp. 91-131. In AA.VV. 2002 - Atlante della biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino - Edizione 2002. Monografie.
Journal: Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Gli Imenotteri Chrysididae delle isole dell'arcipelago toscano e loro relazione con i popolamenti della Toscana e del blocco Sardo-Corso.
Journal: Atti del convegno: "Enviroment and Identity in the Mediterranean" Università di Corte, Corsica - July 3-5, 2002.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Year: 2001

Author: Pagliano G., Scaramozzino P.L., Strumia F.
Title: Introduction and spread of four Aculeate Hymenoptera in Italy, Sardinia and Corsica.
Journal: .
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Observation on the arrival in Italy of four conspicuous wasps species: Sceliphron caementarium (Drury), Sceliphron curvatum (Smith), Isodontia mexicana (Saussure) (Sphecidae) and Chrysis marginata Mocsáry (Chrysididae). Description of the spread of these four species in Italy and in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia based on 30 years of field observations and on the examination of material in the largest insect collections in Italian institutions.

Author: Móczár L.
Title: World revision of the Cleptes semiauratus group (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Linzer biologische Beitrage: 33 (1): 905-931.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Eleven species were ranged in the C. semiauratus group within the subgenus Cleptes s.str. Two new species are described: Cleptes anatolensis sp.n. (male) from Turkey and C. graecus sp.n. (male) from Greece. C. pallipes Lepeletier 1806 is revalidated from synonymy with C. semiauratus Linnaeus 1761. The erroneously known and cited C. semiauratus (female and male) are redescribed. A key is compiled. Variability, corrections and new data of distribution are given.

Comment: Some specimens of Cleptes pallipes and Cleptes semiauratus from Italy are studied in the material examinated by the Author.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: La corretta preparazione dei Chrysididae.
Journal: HY-MEN 10: 19-20.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: How to prepare Chrysidids according to the Author's idea.

Author: Filippi L.
Title: Alcuni giorni in compagnia di Serapias vomeracea laxiflora (Orchideaceae) e di Chrysura refulgens (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: HY-MEN 10: 11-13.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.

Comment: Observations between Chrysura refulgens, Serapias vomeracea laxiflora and environmental temperature.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. Aggiornamento alla Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana.
Journal: Boll. Soc. Entomol. Italiana, 133 (I): 88-92.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: Updating of the previous Check-list of the Italian Chrysidids: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In Minelli A, Ruffo S., La Posta S (eds). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 99.

Author: Móczár L.
Title: World revision of the Cleptes satoi group (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 92: 297-324.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Fourteen Cleptes species including 2 subspecies were ranged in the satoi group within the subgenus Cleptes s.str. Two new species and two new subspecies are described: Cleptes margaritae sp.n. ? from Tadzhikistan, C. triestensis sp.n. ? from Italy, C. mishimaensis hokkaidoi ssp.n. ? from Japan, and C. nigritus rhodosensis ssp. n. ? from Greece. The previously unknown male of Cleptes halinae Kutnetzov-Ugamskij, 1927 from Korea, and the redescription ofItaliano C. nigritus Mercet, 1904 female from the Iberian peninsula are published. The designation of the holotype of Cleptes japonicus Tosawa, 1940 and that of C.satoi Tosawa, 1940 are corrected to lectotype. The holotype of Cleptes mishimaensis Tsuneki, 1986 published as female by the author, proved to be a male. Cleptes nigriventris Buysson, 1898 is a synonym of C.nigritus Mercet, 1904. A key, check-list and other information are given. With 30 figures.

Author: Generani M., Scaramozzino P.L. & Strumia F.
Title: Analisi dell'affinità tra le faune imenotterologiche di Montecristo, Capraia, Gorgona, Corsica e Toscana.
Journal: Environnement et identité en Méditerranée, Université Pascal Paoli (Corse), 2000: 198-200.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Hymenoptera insects were collected by Malaise taps placed on the Corsica, Montecristo, Capraia and Gorgona islands and along Tuscany coast during the 1999. Cluster analysis show a statistically meaningful difference between the faunas of Montecristo and Gorgona islands and that of the others localities.

Year: 2000

Author: Niehuis O.
Title: The European species of the Chrysis ignita group: revision of the Chrysis angustula aggregate (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Mitt. Mus.Nat.Kd. Berl., Deutch.entomol. Z. 47 (2000) 2: 181-201.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: This paper revises the taxonomy of the European species of the Chrysis angustula aggregate and discusses it in a historical review. An illustrated key to the species is presented. For all species and their synonyms I provide the complete reference, type locality, state of type, type depositary, and the derivation of the name. The records of the species are depicted on maps and discussed zoogeographically. The phenology of the females is presented. I designate lectotypes of Chrysis brevidens Tournier, 1879, Chrysis ignita ssp.excavata Haupt, 1956, Chrysis ignita ssp.solida Haupt, 1956, and Chrysis ignita ssp.sparsepunctata Zimmermannm, 1944. Chrysis (mediata) fenniensis Linsenmaier, 1959, is a junior synonym of Chrysis ignita solida Haupt, 1956, and Chrysis (ignita) excavata is a junior subjective synonym of C.longula Abeille, 1879. I regard the syntypes of Chrysis gracilis Schenck, 1856, as lost and classify Chrysis brevidentata Schenck, 1856, and Chrysis gracilis as nomina dubia. Chrysis angustula alpina ssp.n. (France) and Chrysis leptomandibularis sp.n. (Germany) are described new to science.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: L'attività scientifica delle Università di Pisa e Corte.
Journal: Unione Europea. Progetto Interreg II - Toscana-Corsica. 1997-1999. Edizioni ETS.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: Analysis, introduction and presentation of the European Union Project: Interreg II. List of some species collected for the first time in Tuscany, in its islands and in Corse.

Author: Canovai R., Giannotti P., Giannetti S., Loni A., Raspi A., Santini L., Dellacasa M., Generani M., Pagliano G., Strumia F., Scaramozzino P.L., Zuffi M., Baldaccini N.E., Puglisi L., Battesti M.J. & Brocard E.
Title: Biodiversità: compilazione delle specie dell'entomofauna e dei piccoli vertebrati della Corsica e della Toscana marittima.
Journal: Progetto Interreg II Corsica-Toscana 1997-1999, ETS Ed., pp. 75-86.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Title: Nuovi imenotteri dell'Isola di Montecristo (Arcipelago Toscano) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae, Gasteruptiidae, Evaniidae, Ichneumonidae, Chrysididae, Tiphiidae, Scoliidae, Formicidae, Sphecidae, Apoidea).
Journal: Frustula Entomol., 21(34): 75-83.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Authors present a list of Hymenoptera collected on Montecristo Island (Tuscany - Italy) in Summer 1998 by using a Malaise trap. Specimens of families, genera and species new for Montecristo fauna are listed.

Author: Felicioli A., Strumia F., Filippi L. & Pinzauti M.
Title: Observations on the relations between Orchids of the Genus Serapias and their pollinators in an area of central Tuscany.
Journal: Frustula ent., 21: 103-108.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The presence of male and females of solitary Apoidea Hymenoterans belonging to various species was recorded inseide Serapias vomeracea flowers in May 1996 in an area of central Tuscany. Male insects were detected during night-time hours, and female during day-time. Temperatures recorder during the early daylight hours inside flowers exposed to sunlight were on average 3°C higher than the surronunding air temperature. These data could support the hypothesis that the flower offers pronubial insects shelter and heat in exchange for pollination. However, since female already have a broodnest in wich they could chelter during darkness and/or unfavourable weather conditions, an alternative explanation could be proposed, suggesting that females prefer Serapias flowers for performing thermoregulation.

Year: 1999

Author: Campadelli G., Pagliano G., Scaramozzino P.L. & Strumia F.
Title: Parassitoidi e inquilini di Sceliphron caementarium (Drury, 1773) (Hymenoptera Sphecidae) in Romagna.
Journal: Boll. Mus. reg. Sci. nat. Torino, 16 (1-2): 225-240.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Author: Pagliano, G. & Scaramozzino, P.L.
Title: Fauna imenotterologica delle Langhe. Oasi xerotermica di Borgomale. (Nota faunistica III).
Journal: Riv.Piem.St. Nat., 20: 139-192.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: After several entomological investigations on Hymenoptera from Italy, the Authors think that the xerothermic oasis of Borgomale (Langhe, Southern Piedmont) has furnished many more species than other Italian areas. The Authors give a checklist for each of the verified species, the zoogeographical distribution, the presence in the Italian districts and short biological notes.

Comment: Interesting work for its taxonomical and zoogeographical contents. Among the species listed herein, Hedychrum longicolle, Chrysis rufitarsis and Chrysura purpureifrons are noticeable.

Year: 1998

Author: Niehuis O.
Title: Zum taxonomischen Status von Holopyga australis [sic!] LINSENMAIER, 1959 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Entomofauna 19 (24): 408-417. Ansfelden.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Abstract: .

Author: Arnone, M. & Romano M.
Title: Nuovi reperti di Chrysididae e Mutillidae in Sicilia e Sardegna (Hymenoptera).
Journal: Naturalista sicil., S.IV, XXII (1-2): 19-24.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: New records of Chrysididae and Mutillidae in Sicily and Sardinia (Hymenoptera). Authors list six new records of Chrysididae and Mutillidae, namely Cleptes aerosus and C.saussurei (Chrysididae), Smicromyrme ligustica, S.nuptura, S.scutellaris and S.varinella (Mutillidae) for Sicily. S.ligustica is also reported for the first time in Sardinia, S.nuptura is a new italian record. Mutilla europaea, recorded in Sicily in the past century, is now confirmed.

Author: Niehuis O.
Title: Hedychridium wahisi, sp.n., a new cuckoo wasp from Italy (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Beitr.Ent. 48: 525-530.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Hedychridium wahisi sp.n. is described from Italy; the species belongs to the Hedychridium plagiatum - species group. H.wahisi sp.n. can be distinguished from all known species of this group especially by its blue head, blue mesonotum, and its blue gastral tergum III. H.wahisi sp.n. is tentatively regarded as an Adriatomediterranean faunal element.

Year: 1997

Author: Móczár, L.
Title: Revision of Cleptes (Leiocleptes) species of the world (Hymenoptera,Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Folia Entomologica Hungarica LVIII: 89-100.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: The species of the reinstated Leiocleptes subgenus is discussed with "alienus", "nitidulus" and the new "morawitzi" and "rugulosus" species groups. The checklist and the key for the Leiocleptes species groups and species of the world are compiled. Cleptes splendidus (Fabricius, 1794) revalidated from synonymy and trasferred to Leiocleptes subgenus. New synonym of Cleptes consimilis Buysson, 1887 is established. Furhter female and male are demonstrated of the lately revalidated and insufficiently known Cleptes femoralis Mocsáry, 1890. Some status from earlier species group is changed. New taxonomic and distribution data and information are presented concerning variability.

Author: Linsenmaier, W.
Title: Die Goldwespen der Schweiz.
Journal: Veroffentlichungen aus dem Natur-Museum Luzer, n° 9, 140 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Comment: The Chrysidids of Switzerland. One of the best Author's publications, with incredible color drawings.

Author: Móczár, L.
Title: Revision of the Cleptes nitidulus group of the world (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Entomofauna 18 (3): 25–44.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Two species are described: Cleptes dauriensis sp.nov. ? from Russia and C.nyonensis sp.nov. ? from France. The previously unknown male of C.rugulosus Linsenmaier 1968 and female of C.anceyi Buysson, 1891 are described. C.femoralis Mocsáry, 1890 and C.insidiosus Buysson, 1891 are reinstated. Three synonyms are established: C.antakyensis Linsenmaier, 1968 = indentical with C.femoralis Mocsáry, 1890, C.hyrcanus Semenov, 1920 = C.semycianeus Tournier, 1879. Lectotypes are designed in C.caucasicus Semenov, 1920 and in C.morawitzi Radoszkowski, 1877. In some species the statement of the holotype to lectotype and the lectotype to holotype are corrected. New data and variability of some species are given. A key is completed for the 25 species.

Author: Linsenmaier W.
Title: Altes und Neues von den Chrysididen.
Journal: Entomofauna 18: 245-300.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Abstract: Completion in the Systematic und Distributions, with corrections in the Synonymy relative to my Publications, with new Species, Subspecies and Subgenera, and with remarcs to Types and Lectotypes.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Gli Insetti di Roma, a cura di M.Zapparoli.
Journal: Ed. Fratelli Palombi.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: The Author lists 17 species of Chrysidids collected in the city of Rome (with the limit of the Grande Raccordo Anulare). In the district of Rome the Author knows 58 different species.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Alcune osservazioni sugli ospiti di imenotteri crisididi (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: Frustula entomol. (1997) n.s. 20 (33): 178-183.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Observations on possible hosts for eleven Chrysididae species are presented. The hosts belong to the Sphecidae or Apoidea (Hymenoptera) and for three species, namely Hedychridium rufipes Buysson, Chrysis berlandi Linsenmaier, and Chrysura ignifrons (Brullé) they are the first discovered. A few more parasitoid-host combinations are new to science.

Year: 1995

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Un nuovo Pseudomalus di Italia, Corsica e Grecia.
Journal: Boll.Soc.entomol.Ita. 127 (3): 243-250.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Pseudomalus meridianus sp.n. (Hymenoptera Chrysididae) is described from Italy, Greece and Corsica. The new species is easily distinguished from the most closely related P.violaceus Scopoli by: a- head non converging posteriorly (fig.1a,e) b- facial cavity V shaped (fig.1a,e); c- mesopleuron striate between punctures; d- lateral area of mesonotum striate; e- forefemur expanded and rectangular in shape (fig.1 d,g); f- T-III apical margin deeply emarginate (fig.1 c,f); h- male F-I non metallic or near so. A key is given for the identification of the european Pseudomalus of the auratus group: auratus, meridianus sp.n., triangulifer and violaceus. Two new hosts of P.triangulifer are Pemphredon (Cemunus) lethifer (Schuckard) and P. (C.) rugifer (Dahlbom) (Hymenoptera Sphecidae). Type (female), allotype and paratype in the author's collection, paratypes (male) in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova.

Author: Negrisolo, E.
Title: The Aculeate communities (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of two coastal areas of the Veneto region (North eastern Italy).
Journal: .
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: This paper deals with the aculeate communities of two coastal area, respectively Eraclea Mare (VE) and Porto Caleri (RO), of Veneto Region (North eastern Italy) 157 species are recorded for these areas. The two faunas have been compared using Sørensen's index of similarity (score 0.50). lists of the species visiting Eryngium maritimum L., Echinophora spinosa L. and Limonium bellidifolium (Gouan) Dumort. are given.

Author: Agnoli G.L.
Title: Una nuova sottospecie sarda di Parnopes grandior Pallas.
Journal: Boll. Soc. entomol. ita. 127: 49-51.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Parnopes (s.str.) grandior linsenmaieri n.ssp. from Sardinia (Italy) is described, as a geographical subspecies. Like P. unicolor Grib. the n.ssp. hasn't any metallic coloration on the gaster. Compared to typical form, linsenmaieri n.ssp. has another chromatic-morphologic differences, but not so considerable to establish a new species. Typical Parnopes grandior (Pall.) is not present on the isle, where endemic linsenmaieri n.ssp. takes the place of typical grandior. Bembix geneana Costa seems to be the probable host of linsenmaieri n.ssp. More info

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Indagine sui Crisidi e mutillidi invernali.
Journal: Frustula entomol. XVIII: 177-187.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Chrysididae and Mutillidae fauna of late summer and autumn (September to November 1994 and 1995) was studied on a territory of about 1000 square km around Pisa (Toscana - Italy) by using mainly Moericke traps. 36 species of Chrysididae and 7 species Mutillidae resulted to be active up to late October..

Author: Arnone, M. & Romano M.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae.
Journal: Naturalista Siciliano 19 (suppl.): 777-783.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.

Abstract: The species of Chrysididae collected on the islands of Lampedusa, Linosa and Pantelleria are listed. The most relevant species found on Lampedusa was Chrysis exsulans, new record both for Italy and Europe. Pseudomalus auratus, Chrysis leachii and Chrysis auriceps are new records for the island; the presence of Chrysis cerastes is confirmed. A single specimens was collected in Linosa, Chrysis auriceps, new record for the island. Two species were found in Pantelleria: Pseudomalus auratus, new record for the island, and Chrysis semicincta tricolor.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Minelli A, Ruffo S., La Posta S (eds). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 99.
Journal: Calderini, Bologna.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Checklist of the Italian Chrysidids. The work, the fist of this kind for the Italian territory, points out the presence of 222 species and 35 subspecies (30 are recorded for the first time, 12 are endemic (1 in central Italy, 10 in Sardinia and 1 in Sicily) and 12 need a further confirmation).

Year: 1994

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Primo catalogo faunistico dei Crisidi italiani
Journal: Atti Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia Italiano Udine XVII: 227-230.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The first faunal Checklist of the Italian Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) - A critical review of the italian species of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) has been made in the frame of the general survey of italian fauna under commitent of the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche). The italian fauna, including Sicily and Sardinia islands, consist of 222 species and 35 ssp. (13 taxa only need further confirmation). Thirty species were found to be new for Italy, and 12 to be endemic (ten in Sardinia, one in Sicily, one in South Italy). At least four additional new species are under publication. No evidence of extinct species is found; one species (Chrysis marginata Mocsary ssp. aliunda Linsenmaier) is likely to be a recent introduction.

Author: De Marzo L.
Title: Catture di Crisidi su Orchidee spontanee mediante una trappola viscosa.
Journal: Atti XVII Congresso italiano di Entomologia. Udine 1994: p.869.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Catches of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) on spontaneous orchids by a glue trap. A tra was experimented in a locality of Apulia (Souther Italy) for insects, which are attracted by flowering orchids. Technical description of the device is given together with a list of the caught Chrysididae. The list includes both new faunistic reports and a Chrysura species new to science.

Year: 1993

Author: Lucchetti, D.
Title: Lista preliminare degli imenotteri dell'arcipelago della Maddalena.
Journal: Boll. Soc. entomol. Ita. 125: 103-108.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Preliminar list of the Hymenoptera of the La Maddalena Islands (Sardinia). A list of 33 species collected in the islands is given. The author gives also a short description of the localities in wich he collected them.

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Bibliography of Chrysididae, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Preparation of Chrysididae

When the specimens are correctly mounted, their study and identification becomes easier. For this purpose, try to avoid a collection of specimens glued on the mounting cards in their dead position (rolled-up), or glued with too much glue, as well as try to avoid to pin the specimens with large pins that could hide or destroy some characters. Anyway, if you are used to pin the specimens, use the standard insect pins size #00 or #0, that are thinner, and insert them in the lateral-center of the thorax, as you do with wasps and beetles. Or use the micro-pins, also known as 'minuten pin', that have a diameter of 0.10mm, 0.15mm, 0.20mm and 0.25mm.

Standard insect pins
Different preparation methods: specimens glued on traditional white cards; specimens glued on transparent acetate cards (that allow the examination of the ventral side); pinned specimens.

Alternatively, you can use the traditional mounting cards for entomological use, made in high quality Bristol paper with slightly rounded edges.
We prefer the transparent cards made in transparent acetate, that facilitates the examination of the diagnostic characters of the ventral side.
If you like cards, whether white or transparent, we suggest to you to use a limited set of standard sizes, ie. 15x6mm and 20x8mm, that fit the average body sizes of Chrysidids and provide some uniformity to your specimens collection.

Mounting the specimens

Chrysidids can be handled with soft tweezers, paying attention to the fragile articulations of legs and antennas. A good part for handling them is the chitinic, strong thorax. A thin brush is useful to spread the legs and antennae.

There are some differences between mounting fresh specimens and mounting dried specimens: in the latter case, you need to re-humidify them before mounting.

Mounting fresh specimens

When the specimens are soft - like the freshly collected specimens - you can mount them directly on the entomological cards, using a soft thin brush to spread their legs, wings and antennas. If you have no time to mount them in a short time, you can put your fresh specimens in a vial containing some cotton with few drops of ethyl acetate (to avoid moulds): such method lets you keep your specimens soft for months. If you need to keep them soft for a longer period, you can store your vials in the freezer.

Mounting dried specimens

dehydrated specimensIf the specimens are dried (dehydrated), or if you need to re-mount them for a given reason, you have to relax them for some hours in a closed jar containing cotton and some water (humidifying chamber), like you do with other dried insects.

For a faster re-humidification of single specimens you can use a syringe to make water enter in their body. First, remove the needle, because you do not need it. Insert the dried specimen in the chamber, fill up the syringe with some water, turn the syringe upwards and press the piston in order to eliminate the air; then, closing the needle-hole with the inch to ensure the vacuum, pull gently the piston: the air contained in the specimen is extracted and replaced by water, forcing the humidification of the specimen. Then you can mount the specimen on the entomological card, if soft enough, or you can set it on a setting board.

Extracting and mounting the internal segments

Since the male genitalia have some useful diagnostic characters, it is preferable to extract them from the gaster, but such operation is a little bit advanced. Put the specimen with the belly up and insert a thin pin between the last sternites and the tergites, then extract the packet of the internal segments and place it on an entomological card. Then, under the stereomicroscope, you can glue the packet to the card and carefully spread the segments and the genital capsule using the pins.

Setting on a mounting board

Prepared ElampusWhen you need to set a specimen with care, or because it is not soft enough to be mounted directly on the card, you need a mounting board. A good material for such purposes is the extruded polystyrene in sheets for craft applications, known as Styrofoam™: it lets you easily insert the setting pins (#00, #0) and leave them in position until the specimen is dry.

With the tweezers, set the specimen lying down in ventral position, and then lock it to the board with 2-3 pins intercrossing the thorax. With other pins spread the legs, the head, the antennas and the wings, symmetrically. Legs and wings must be spread not too close to the body, in order to allow the examination of some diagnostic characters.

The specimen will remain for some days on the board, depending on ambient humidity. Recently-collected specimens require a longer time for a complete dehydration, because of their internal soft tissues.

Gluing on the entomological card

Specimen glued on the entomological mounting cardOnce dried, the specimen is glued on an entomological mounting card of adequate size and similar to the other cards used for the specimens of the same size. A small drop of glue under the thorax is enough to keep the specimen on the card. The glue must be easy to find/prepare and easy to remove from the specimen through humidification, like an ordinary vinyl glue.


To give them a scientific value, the mounted specimens must bear the capture labels, with the following data:

  • collection place: Country, State, Region, City, locality, etc.;
  • significant geomorphologic element, ie. lakes, forests, rivers, etc.
  • coordinates, if known;
  • collection date, using an international convention for which the month is in Roman numbers, i.e. 12.XII.2000 (where XII = 12 = December);
  • collector's name, i.e. "leg. C. Darwin" ("leg." from the latin legit = collected) or "C. Darwin coll." ("coll" is the abbreviation of "collected"), depending on the Latin or English terminology.

On another label you may add some notes about your field observations, i.e. on Daucus flower.

Try to avoid to use too personal simbols and numerations, because one day your specimens could migrate to other collections or Museums and cryptic labels could become a problem for the other researchers.

Here are some of the abbreviations that is possible to find on identification and locality labels:

aff. affinis having affinity with but not identical to; example: Chrysis aff. ignita.
auct. auctorum of Authors [written like that by various
ca. circa about [refers to dates]
cf. confer compare with; example: Chrysis cf. ignita.
et al. et alii and others [Authors]
ibid. ibidem from the same place
id. idem the same
in coll. in collectionem in the collection [usually followed by the name
of a collection or museum]
indet. indeterminans unidentified
in litt. in litteris in correspondence, used for an unpublished datum
leg. legit collected [followed or preceded by the collector's name]
loc. cit. loco citato in the place [work, paper, etc.] cited
n.b. nota bene take good note
s.l. sensu lato in a broad sense
sp. species species [singular; plural is species,
abbreviated as spp.]
sp. nov. species nova new species [singular; plural is species novae, abbreviated as
spp. nov.]
ssp. subspecies subspecies [singular; plural is subspecies,
abbreviated sspp.]
s. str. sensu stricto in the strict sense

More abbreviations are listed here.

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Morphology of Chrysididae

Body morphology of Chrysidids


Face morphology of Chrysidids

The HEAD is hypognathous, so the mouth apparatus is turned downwards. Two composed eyes and three simple ocelli are present, on the vertex. The space between the base of the eyes and the articulation of the jaws is the malar space, of taxonomic importance. The antennae are inserted little above the jaws, in correspondence of the upper part of the clypeus: here are the scape, the pedicel and 11 flagellomeres (F-1, F-2, etc.), generally cylindrical. The relative length of the first 3 flagellomeres is of diagnostic importance. The clypeus is generally short and wide, except for the Stilbum Genus. The jaws are simple and are armed with 0-3 apical teeth. The central part of the face is occupied by a depression (scapal basin) able to receive the antennas in a folded position. The upper part of the face is the forehead, often characterized by a crossing carina projecting behind to the area of the ocelli (vertex).


The THORAX is subdivided into 5 articulate segments: pronoto, mesonotum (scutum), scutellum, metanotum (postscutellum) and propodeum. The surficial sculpture can be absent (smooth teguments) or intense (punctuation, drills, carinas). To the pronotum, comprising the neck, articulates the first pair of legs. The mesonotum (scutum) is characterized by 3 regions (two lateral and one central = mesoscutum or medium mesonotum separated by notauli and laterally by the 2 tegulae that cover the wing articulation. The scutellum is generally shorter than the scutum. The metanotum can be characterized by a projection (ElampusParnopes), or can be fused with the propodeum; it is often characterized by the presence of lateral metathoracic teeth. The propodeum, precisely the first gastral segment, is generally vertical and lacks an upper flat face; it's also characterized by two lateral teeth. The legs are generally adapted for an excavating activity. The segments that compose the legs are the hip (coxa), the femur, the tibia and the tarsus. The terminal part of the tarsus is armed with dentate nails.

In modern hymenopterological nomenclature the terms mesosoma and metasoma are used instead of thorax and abdomen, respectively. The reason is that the first abdominal segment (propodeum) is joint with the morphological thorax and the famous "wasp-waist" articulates two abdominal segments and not the thorax to the abdomen.

Genital capsule of Chrysis ruddii ShuckardThe ABDOMEN of Chrysidids is significantly modified when compared to the abdomen of the other Hymenoptera, and is generally reduced to only 3 visible segments and other internal segments.The AmiseginaeCleptinae and Loboscelidiinae have 5 external abdominal segments in males and 4 in females, the Parnopinae have 4 in males and 3 in females, the Allocoeliini 2 tergites (dorsal segments) and 3 sternites (ventral segments) in both sexes. In the other tribes males and females have 3 abdominal segments.The external segments are generally very sclerotized and concave in the ventral side, except for CleptinaeAmiseginae and Loboscelidiinae, where the sternites are convex.A useful diagnostic structure is found in the anal edge of the last tergite, characterized by teeth, carinas, projections and spots.Above the anal edge a characteristic pit row is often present. The internal abdominal segments form a subcylindric telescopic tube, introflected during the rest, representing the female's ovipositor and the male's genital tube. The sting sensu strictu is reduced and is no more working. In males, at the end of the tube a genital capsula is present, standing on the eighth sternite, both structures of diagnostic importance.

General Chrysidid morphology
Body in lateral view (from Kimsey & Bohart, 1990)
Genital Chrysidid morphology
Internal abdominal segments (from Kimsey & Bohart, 1990)

When measuring morphological characters under a microscope, the following measures are used:

MOD, the Diameter of the Median Ocellus. This quantity is used as the unit for all the other measures taken on a given specimen, which become relative measures (eg. 2.0 MOD, 4.5 MOD, etc.) instead of absolute measures (eg. 3 millimeters). If measures are expressed in MOD units, and since the Diameter of the Median Ocellus is proportional to the size of the specimen, you can compare the same measures obtained on different specimens in order to draw average values and other statistics.

OOD (Ocellar-Ocular Distance), the minimum distance between lateral ocellus and compound eye.

PD (Puncture Diameter), the diameter of the punctuation on a given area, eg. on the pronotum, on the T-2, etc.


All the micrographs were taken with a JEOL JSM-5400 Scanning Electron Microscope, after a vacuum ionization of the dried specimen (Chrysis scutellaris) with gold (JVG-N1 Gauge and JEE-4B Evaporator).

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL:


Systematics of Chrysididae

The fundamental morphologic features which distinguish chrysidids from the other wasps are:

  • reduction of the number of the visible abdominal segments to 5 or less
  • an internal ovipositor or genital tube, constituted by the remaining abdominal segments
  • 11 antennal articles (flagellomeres), plus pedicel and scape
  • labial palps with 3 articles and maxillar palps with 5 articles
  • fore wings with 5 closed cells, or less, and
  • hind wings without closed cells.

According to the Zoological Record, Chrysidids are ranked in the taxonomic hierarchy as Aculeate Wasps, wasps equipped by a stinging apparatus. But, according to the present-day classifications, the traditional sections (infraorders) 'Terebrantia' ('Parasitica') and 'Aculeata' of the Suborder 'Apocrita' have been abandoned in the direction of taxonomy based on Superfamilies.

The Family Chrysididae comprises 5 Subfamilies and 83 Genuses. Their taxonomy down to the Genus level is as follows:

  • Class Insecta
    • Order Hymenoptera
      • Suborder Apocrita
        • Series Aculeata (obsolete)
          • Superfamily Chrysidoidea
            • Family Chrysididae
              • Subfamily Cleptinae
                • Cleptes*
                • Cleptidea
              • Subfamily Amiseginae
                • Adelphe
                • Afrosega
                • Alieniscus
                • Amisega
                • Anachrysis
                • Anadelphe
                • Atoposega
                • Baeosega
                • Bupon
                • Cladobethylus
                • Colocar
                • Duckeia
                • Exopapua
                • Exova
                • Imasega
                • Indothrix
                • Isegama
                • Kimseya
                • Kryptosega
                • Leptosega
                • Magdalium
                • Mahinda
                • Microsega
                • Myrmecomimesis
                • Nesogyne
                • Nipponosega
                • Obenbergerella
                • Perissosega
                • Reidia
                • Rohweria
                • Saltasega
                • Serendibula
              • Subfamily Loboscelidiinae
                • Loboscelidia
                • Rhadinoscelidia
              • Subfamily Chrysidinae
                • Tribe Allocoeliini
                  • Allocoelia
                • Tribe Elampini
                  • Adelopyga
                  • Chrysellampus*
                  • Colpopyga*
                  • Diplorrhos
                  • Elampus*
                  • Exallopyga
                  • Haba
                  • Hedychreides
                  • Hedychridium*
                  • Hedychrum*
                  • Holophris
                  • Holopyga*
                  • Microchridium
                  • Minymischa
                  • Muesebeckidium
                  • Oligogaster
                  • Omalus*
                  • Parachrum
                  • Philoctetes*
                  • Prochridium
                  • Pseudolopyga
                  • Pseudomalus*
                  • Xerochrum
                • Tribe Kimseyini
                  • Kimseya
                • Tribe Chrysidini
                  • Allochrysis
                  • Argochrysis
                  • Caenochrysis
                  • Ceratochrysis
                  • Chrysidea
                  • Chrysis*
                  • Chrysura*
                  • Chrysurissa
                  • Euchroeus*
                  • Exochrysis
                  • Gaullea
                  • Ipsiura
                  • Istiochrysis
                  • Morphochrysis*
                  • Neochrysis
                  • Odontochrydium
                  • Pentachrysis*
                  • Pleurochrysis
                  • Praestochrysis*
                  • Primeuchroeus
                  • Pseudochrysis*
                  • Spinolia*
                  • Spintharina*
                  • Spintharosoma
                  • Stilbichrysis
                  • Stilbum*
                  • Trichrysis*
              • Subfamily Parnopinae
                • Cephaloparnops
                • Isadelphia
                • Parnopes*

* the asterisk indicates the presence of the Genus in Europe.


Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Search Results Elampus, in: website. Interim version 27 September 2024, URL: