Chrysis aequinoctialis Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis analis Spinola, 1808
Chrysis assimilis Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis basalis Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis bihamata Spinola, 1838
Chrysis chilensis Spinola, 1851
Chrysis comparata Lepeletier, 1806
Chrysis dichroa Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis distinguenda Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis dives Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis elegantula Spinola, 1838
Chrysis emarginatula Spinola, 1808
Chrysis exsulans Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis grohmanni Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis incrassata Spinola, 1838
Chrysis laeta Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis magnifica Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis malachitica Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis megerlei Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis mucronata Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis pallidicornis Spinola, 1838
Chrysis palliditarsis Spinola, 1838
Chrysis pulchella Spinola, 1808
Chrysis punctatissima Spinola, 1840
Chrysis purpurata Fabricius, 1787
Chrysis ramburi Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis refulgens Spinola, 1806
Chrysis reichei Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis singularis Spinola, 1838
Chrysis smaragdula Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
Chrysis spinigera Spinola, 1840
Chrysis splendens Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis succinctula Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis truncatella Dahlbom, 1854
Chrysis varicornis Spinola, 1838
Chrysis versicolor Spinola, 1808
Elampus gayi Spinola, 1851
Euchroeus candens Dahlbom, 1854
Hedychridium mochii Strumia, 1994
Hedychrum brasilianum Dahlbom, 1854
Hedychrum difficile Linsenmaier, 1959
Hedychrum incrassatum Dahlbom, 1854
Hedychrum virens Dahlbom, 1854
Holophris mochianus Strumia, 1995
Holopyga janthina Dahlbom, 1854
Holopyga luzulina Dahlbom, 1854
Parnopes denticulatus Spinola, 1838
Parnopes fischeri Spinola, 1838
Pyria stilboides Spinola, 1838
Taxonomic status of Chrysis aequinoctialis Dahlbom, 1854
Type status
holotypus ♂
Subfamily and Tribe
Chrysidinae > Chrysidini
Current combination
Chrysis aequinoctialis Dahlbom, 1854
Original combination
Chrysis aequinoctialis Dahlbom, 1854
Current status
Geographic origin
Original Label Content
Chrysis aequinoctialis, Spin. inédite Reiche Bresil
Regional Museum of Natural History of Turin (Italy)
Main Author
Anders Gustaf Dahlbom
About the photos
Identified by
License holder
Photos of the type specimen
Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements
All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions .
For citation purposes
Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Chrysis aequinoctialis , in: Database of the Types of Chrysididae, Authors and Museums, website. Interim version 29 March 2025, URL: