Ultimo aggiornamento 08 Giugno 2020
30 record(s):
Valkeila E., 1951 - Eräs pistiäisten kasvatusmenetelmä - A method for rearing Hymenoptera. Annales Entomologici Fennici, 17 (2): 85-88. |
Valkeila E., 1959 - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der finnischen Raub- und Goldwespen (Hym., Sphecoidea et Chrysidoidea). Annales Entomologici Fennici, 25 (3): 182. |
Valkeila E., 1962 - Eräiden lounaissuomalaisten luonnonhistoriallisten maakuntinen (V, U, St ja EH) myrkkypistiäiset (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). Lounais-Hämen Luonto, 13: 63-73. |
Valkeila E., 1971 (a) - Two new North European species of genus Chrysis. Ent. Ts. Arg., 92 (1-2): 82-93. |
Valletta A., 1971 (b) - A preliminary list of the Hymenoptera Aculeata (Excluding Ants) of the Maltese Islands. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 197: 45-46. |
Vasiliu M., 1985 - Les guepes-dorees (Hym., Chrysididae) dans la collection scientifique du Musee departemental de Suceava. Suceava Annuarul Muzeului Judetean Fascicola Stiintele Naturii, 8: 165-174. |
Vecht J. v. d., 1959 - Notes on Aculeate Hymenoptera described in the period 1758-1810. Entomologische Berichten, 19: 65-70. |
Veenendaal R.L., 1987 - Het verborgen ei van Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) [The hidden egg of Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)]. Entomologische Berichten, 47: 169-171. |
Veenendaal R.L., 2011 - Pseudomalus triangulifer, een nieuwe kogelgoudwesp voor de Nederlandse fauna (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) [Pseudomalus triangulifer, a cuckoo wasp new to the Dutch fauna (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)]. Nederlandse Faunistiche Mededelingen, 35: 17-20 |
Veitch R., 1928 - Fauna van Nederland. Leiden, 144 pp. |
Venne C. & Bleidorn C., 2002 - Ergänzungen zum Verzeichnis der Hautflügler Deutschlands. bembiX 16: 9-11. |
Vepřek D., 1994 - Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 15. Hymenoptera: Chrysididae. Klapalekiana, 30 (3-4): 194. |
Vepřek D., 2006 - Blanokřídlí (Hymenoptera) skupin Chrysidoidea-Chrysididae, Vespoidea, Apoidea-Spheciformes CHKO Kokořínsko. [Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea-Chrysididae, Vespoidea, Apoidea- Spheciformes of Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area]. Bohemia centralis, Praha, 27: 501–514, 2006 |
Vergne M., 1953 - Notes faunistiques. Hyménoptères d'Auvergne (Vespiformes) Cleptidae et Chrysidae. Revue des Sciences Naturelles d'Auvergne, 1953, fascicule 1-2: 19-23. |
Verhoeff C., 1892 (a) - Beitrage zur Biologie der Hymenopteren. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol., IV. |
Verhoeff C., 1892 (b) - Ueber einige Nymphen von Aculeaten. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, XXXVII: 413-416. |
Verhoeff C., 1892 (c) - Biologische Beobachtungen, besonders über Odynerus parietum. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, XXXVII: 467-80. |
Verhoeff P.M.F., 1950 - Taxonomie der niederlandischen Hedychrum-Arten (Hedychrum Latreille, Hym., Chrysididae). Publicaties van het natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg, Reeks 3: 3-8. |
Viereck H.L., 1903 - Hymenoptera of Beulah, New Mexico. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 29: 43-100. |
Viereck H.L., 1904 - The North American Chrysididae of the genus Parnopes. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 30: 245-250. |
Viereck H.L., 1906 - Notes and descriptions of Hymenoptera from the Western United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 32: 173-247. |
Viereck H.L., 1916 - The Hymenoptera, or wasp-like insects, of Connecticut. Hartford, Conn. Printed for the State Geological and Natural History Survey. 824 pp. |
Viereck H.L., 1922 - Obituary: A. Mocsáry 1814-1915. Entomological News, 33: 157-158. |
Vieujant R., 1951 - Hyménoptères intéressants pour la faune belge. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge, 87: 146. |
Vikberg V., 1986 (a) - Notes on some finnish taxa of Hymenoptera Apocrita Aculeata. Notulae Entomologicae 66(2): 61-64. |
Vikberg V., 1986 (b) - A checklist of aculeate Hymenoptera of Finland (Hymenoptera, Apocrita Aculeata). Notulae Entomologicae 66: 65-85. |
Villa A., 1876 - Confronto di Apparizioni Entomologiche negli anni 1875 e 1876. Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana, VIII: 225-227 |
Villers C.J. de, 1789 - Caroli Linnaei entomologia, etc.. Vol. 3, 657 pp. Piestre et Delamolliere, Lugduni. |
VV.AA., 1989 - Hymenoptera. The systematic list of Mavromoustakis' Collection. Ministry of Agricoltural and Natural Resources. Department of Agricolture. Nicosia, 130pp. |
VV.AA., 2000 - L'attività scientifica delle Università di Pisa e Corte - Progetto Interreg II - Toscana-Corsica. Edizioni ETS |
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Per citazioni
Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2024) Bibliografia dei Chrysididae – Risultati della ricerca, in: Chrysis.net website. Interim version 21 November 2024, URL: https://www.chrysis.net/it/bibliografia-dei-chrysididae-risultati-della-ricerca/?let=V.