Latest papers on the Italian Chrysidids

Last updated on August 28th, 2020

The following list includes the published papers on the Italian Chrysidids during the last years. The list reports faunistic and systematic studies including descriptions of new Italian taxa or detailed studies involving Italian specimens.

Year: 2009

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Catalogo dei Tipi dei crisidi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria” di Genova (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, Genova, Vol. C: 209-272.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: [Catalogue of Chrysidid Types housed in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, Genova (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)]. A critical and annotated catalogue of the 161 type specimens of Hymenoptera Chrysididae belonging to 98 taxa and housed in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria” is given. The Lectotypes of the following 11 taxa are designated: Elampus medanae Du Buysson, 1890; Holopyga mlokosiewitzi var. gribodoi Du Buysson, 1896; Hedychrum cirtanum Gribodo, 1879; Chrysis brasiliana Guérin, 1842; Chrysis doriae Gribodo, 1874; Chrysis ignita var. viridefasciata Hoffmann, 1935; Chrysis igniventer Guérin, 1842; Chrysis imperforata Gribodo, 1879; Chrysis mariae Du Buysson, 1887; Chrysis miegii Guérin, 1842; Chrysis truncata Guérin, 1842. The following synonymy is proposed: Notozus constrictus Förster, 1853 = Notozus productus var. mutans Du Buysson, 1896 n. syn. The synonymy Ellampus puncticollis Mocsáry, 1887 = Ellampus affinis Wesmael, 1839 n. syn., is recognised, but it is suggested with a reversal of priority in accordance with the purpose of the stability of the nomenclature; such a case will be submitted to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for approval. A new combination is proposed: Pseudomalus magrettii (Du Buysson, 1890) n. comb. Lastly, the actual position and validity of several type specimens are also discussed.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Trichrysis baratzsensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) from Sardinia.
Journal: Zootaxa 2318: 589–595.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Trichrysis baratzsensis sp. nov., from Lago Baratz (Sassari province, Sardinia), is described and compared with all other Palaearctic congeners. A key for the identification of Mediterranean Trichrysis species is also provided.

Year: 2008

Author: Pagliano G.
Title: Elenco mondiale dei generi di Hymenoptera con specie tipo.
Journal: Monografie del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino, 43, 465 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: This monograph is dedicated to the study of genera and subgenera of Hymenoptera and their systematic position, listing for every taxa their type species. The names were compared and 744 of them were found to be homonyms both of genera of Hymenoptera and of other order of Insecta, of of other phyla of the animal kingdom. This work may be very helpful to hymenopterologists of Museum, Univeristy and also to amateurs of the extensive order of Hymenoptera.

Author: Strumia, F. & Yildirim, E.
Title: Contribution to the knowledge of Chrysididae fauna of Turkey (Hymenoptera, Aculeata).
Journal: Frustula Entomologica, N.S. XXX (XLIII) (2007): 55-92.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: We present a first list of faunistic data of Cleptinae (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) collected mainly in the northeastern Turkey. Very few records were previously available in the literature for this family from this interesting zoogeographical region. Two species, Cleptes aerosus and Cleptes semiauratus are new for Turkey fauna.

Author: Strumia F. & Pagliano G.
Title: Imenoteri Mutilidi e Crisididi racolti nell’orto botanico dell’Università dela Calabria.
Journal: Atti Soc. tosc. Sci. nat., Mem., Serie B, 114 (2007): 85-90.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: [Hymenoptera mutillidae and chrysididae collected in the botanical garden of «Università della Calabria (Cosenza)] From June 2002 to November 2003 Hymenoptera Mutillidae and Chrysididae were collected by mean of a Malaise trap located in the botanical garden of Cosenza University (Calabria). We found a rich population of Mutillidae particularly in the late summer (August and September). The most common species were the Myrmosinae Krombeinella thoracica (Fabricius, 1793) and the Chrysidinae Trichrysis cyanea (Linnaeus 1758). We found 22 and 21 species respectively of Mutillidae and Chrysididae, corresponding to the 34.4% and 8.6% of the Italian fauna. By comparison with the results obtained from others 25 Malaise traps located in Italy, Corse and Sardinia, the botanical garden of Cosenza University results to be richest biotope for the Hymenoptera Mutillidae.

Author: Strumia, F., Pagliano, G. & Wolf, H.
Title: Mutillidae, Chrysididae e Pompilidae dell’isola dell’Asinara (Sardegna, Italia) (Hymenoptera).
Journal: Frustula Entomologica, N.S. XXX (XLIII) (2007): 47-53.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Mutillidae, Chrysididae and Pompilidae of Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy) (Hymenoptera). Fourteen species of Mutillidae, sixteen of Pompilidae and twenty seven of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) are reported from Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy). The most interesting species is Smicromyrme asinarensis Pagliano & Strumia, 2006, a new species separately described.

Year: 2007

Author: Pagliano G.
Title: Recensioni: Paolo Rosa. I Crisidi della Valle d’Aosta (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Boll. Soc. ent. ital., 139(3): 181-182.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Book review.

Year: 2006

Author: Rosa P.
Title: I Crisidi della Valle d’Aosta.
Journal: Monografie del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Saint-Pierre (Aosta), No.6, 400 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Chrysididae of the Aosta Valley (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). An updated catalogue of the species collected by the author in the last 15 years is given. Descriptions of both sexes and data on chorology, ecology, biology and taxonomy for each species are given. Identification keys to genera and species are also provided. An illustrated part leads to the recognition of the species in the field. More info.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: La collezione Campadelli di Imenotteri Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, Ferrara, 7 (2004).
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Chrysidid Wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the Campadelli Collection (Systematic catalogue of the Campadelli Collection. III). The list of the Chrysididae conserved in the Campadelli’s collection, recently donated to the “Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara”, is given. Three species, Philoctetes bogdanovi (Radoszkowski), Chrysis coeruleiventris Abeille and Chrysis mediadentata Linsenmaier are reported for the first time from Emilia-Romagna; Chrysura sulcata is also new for Northern Italy.
Keywords: Chrysididae, faunal records, Campadelli.

Year: 2005

Author: Rosa P.
Title: I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Romagna. Stato attuale delle conoscenze.
Journal: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, 6 (2003): 29-40.
Keywords: Crisidi, faunistica, Romagna.
Language: Italian.
A faunistic catalogue of Hymenoptera Chrysididae of Romagna (Italy, Emilia-Romagna) is given. Bibliographical data, corrected and revised on current systematics, and unpublished data are listed. Comments and systematic notes are given for the most interesting species. In all 94 taxa are listed: 54 taxa are reported for the first time for Romagna and 32 taxa for Emilia-Romagna district.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: La collezione di Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano.
Journal: Natura, Milano, vol. 94 (II): 128 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The cuckoo-wasps collection (Hymenoptera Chrysididae) of the “Museo Civico di Storia Naturale” of Milano. The Chrysididae collection of the “Museo Civico di Storia Naturale” of Milano is one of the most important in Italy. It includes more than 8600 specimens, mostly collected in Italy and belonging to 287 mainly Palaearctic taxa. A historical overview and a catalogue are given; for each species the following pieces of information are provided: number of specimens, locality and collection data, and, whenever necessary, some comments on chorology and taxonomy. Many taxa are reported for the first time for most Italian regions. During this work two undescribed species, which will be studied in the near future, two new records for Italy (Chrysis pulcherrima ascoensis Linsenmaier e C. cingulicornis dalmatina Linsenmaier), two for Northern Italy (Chrysis cingulicornis Förster e C. pseudodichroa Linsenmaier), and three for Southern Italy (Hedychridium valesiense Linsenmaier; Chrysis mysticalis simii Perraudin, Stilbum calens wesmaeli Dahlbom) were also noticed. A new species-group, Chrysis curta group, whose species were previously included in the C. millenaris group, is here proposed. It is characterized by: 1) distinctly incised anterior clypeal margin; 2) black spots on S-II broad and fused, or nearly so; 3) anal margin of T-III short and widened; 4) genital capsule robust, in dorsal view the gonocoxae are short and basally separate; 5) in females internal tergites with well developed membranous lobes, similar to those of the genus Chrysis and seemingly different from those of the millenaris group, which recall the genus Chrysura. Some taxonomic changes are also proposed: Philoctetes punctulatus (Dahlbom) n. comb., P. bogdanovi (Radoszkowski) n. comb., P. putoni (Buysson) n. comb. and Chrysis semistriata Linsenmaier n. stat., a Sardinian endemic, for the first time considered as a valid species. The examination of internal tergites and sternites of some taxa suggested the affinities between some species-groups. In particular, the relation between Spintharina versicolor (Spinola) and S. vagans (Radoszkowski) is confirmed; Chrysis hydropica and C. pulchella groups are distinct, and the latter is well recognizable by the shape of the internal urites of males; C. scutellaris and C. comparata groups are closely related, and a previously unnoticed similarity between C. cerastes and C. comparata groups is also discussed; C. viridula and C. splendidula groups are well separable on the basis of the shape of the fifth tergite. More info.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Ruffo S., Stoch F. (eds.), Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. 10.000 specie terrestri e della acque interne.
Journal: Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona – 2. Serie. Sezione Scienze della Vita 16: 269-270 + CD-ROM.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: A project for the computerization of the data distribution of terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates and invertebrates of the Italian territory. Thanks to the work of 105 specialists, more than 450,000 records on 10,000 species have been collected and entered into a database, together with geographic and mapping data. The collected data made it possible to map the values of specific richness, rarity and the number of endemic species and subspecies in Italy (the 25% of the total). Extinct, endangered and vulnerable species have been identified, as well as the species that can be used as bioindicators and for environmental impact assessments. The data collected will allow the creation of models of distribution, the compilation of a Red List of the Italian fauna and the integration with the supplements to the Habitats Directive for a better effectiveness in the protection of the Italian heritage faunistic. More info.

Year: 2004

Author: Arens W.
Title: Beitrag zur Taxonomie griechischer Goldwespen, mit Beschreibung dreier neuer Arten (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: Linzer biol. Beitr. 36: 741-760.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Abstract: .

Author: Niehuis O. & Wägele J.W.
Title: Phylogenitic analysis of the mitochondrial genes LSU rRNA and COI suggests early adaptive differentiation of anal teeth in chrysidine cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 30: 615-622.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Cuckoo wasps are a morphologically diverse group of Hymenoptera with parasitoid or cleptoparasitic life histories. In the present paper, we explore the phylogenetic signal in fragments of the mitochondrial genes LSU rRNA and COI to resolve the group’s phylogeny. We analyzed sequence data of 33 species representing the taxa Cleptinae, Elampini, Parnopini, and Chrysidini. Most of the currently recognized relationships of major cuckoo wasp lineages are supported by the molecular data. A key difference concerns the phylogenetic position of the Euchroeus (= Brugmoia) group within the tribe Chrysidini. It seems likely that an erroneous interpretation of morphological characters has led to inappropriate rooting of that tribe. We suggest that species of the Euchroeus group be interpreted as forming the stem group of the Chrysidini and that the remaining genera of that tribe be united in a subordinated taxon. Our results imply that the evolution of anal dentition, of significance for breaking into sealed host nests otherwise not accessible to cuckoo wasps, already happened at the base of the Chrysidini and that an even number of anal teeth arose prior to an odd number.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Alcune osservazioni sulle relazioni tra Vegetazione e Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) in Italia.
Journal: Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, Cremona, 11: 79-90.
Keywords: Hymenoptera, cuckoo wasps, Aosta Valley, faunistic notes.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Some new records of plants visited by Cuckoo-wasps in Italy (with the exception for Daucus carota L. and Achillea millefolium L.) are listed. Some species of Umbelliferae (Laserpitium gallicum L., Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier et Levrier e Imperatoria verticillaris (L.) DC.) attract very well many Chrysidids species. Other interesting observations on mountain plants and cuckoo-wasps feeding on pine resins and substances exuded by the opening chestnut shells.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Chrysis schmideggeri n. sp., a new cuckoo-wasp of the Chrysis rubricata-group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, 145 (II): 307-319.
Keywords: Chrysididae, Chrysis schmideggeri n. sp., North Africa, taxonomy, C. rubricata.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Chrysis schmideggeri n. sp. is described from North Africa; it is related to C. rubricata Mocsáry, from which it differs for its longer first flagellomere, the narrower scapal basin, the non-divergent propodeal teeth, the third tergite with a medial longitudinal carina before the pit row, the entirely red metasoma, and the male genitalia. A comparison with C. rubricata Mocsáry is also given, while C. patruela Linsenmaier, previously considered as belonging to the C. rubricata group, is proved to belong to the C. curta group after the examination of the type series.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Lectotype designation of Hedychridium virescens Buysson, 1908, male description of Cleptes jungeri Linsenmaier, 1994 and of the female of C. triestensis Moczar, 2000 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: .
Keywords: Hymenoptera Chrysididae, Cleptes, Hedychridium, zoogeography, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Spain.
Language: English.
Abstract: The male of Cleptes jungeri Linsenmaier, 1994, from Spain, and the female of Cleptes triestensis Mocsar, 2000, from Italy and Corsica, are described for the first time. Populations of C. triestensis, a species previously known through a single individual caught in 1915 near Trieste, were recently found in the “Parco Regionale della Maremma” (Tuscany), in Corsica and Northern Sardinia. The presence of Cleptes nigritus in Italy is confirmed and the presence of Cleptes putoni in Central Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Spain is demontrated. An interesting chimaera of C. triestensis is described. The two original specimens described as Hedychridium aheneum Dahlbom, 1854 var. virescens by Buysson in 1908 and now in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) collection are studied. One results to be a female indiviual of the South Palearctic species H. amatum Nurse, 1904 (= H. zimmermanni Balthasar, 1953), the second, a female, is a self-standing species and is designed as the lectotype of Hedychridium virescens Buysson, 1908.

Author: Strumia F. & Scaramozzino P.L.
Title: Origine degli Imenotteri dell’arcipelago toscano in relazione alle faune della Corsica e della Toscana.
Journal: Frustula Entomologica (2002) n.s. XXV (XXXVIII): 148-164.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: We present and discuss a new statistical approach to the study of the zoogeographic affinity of the Hymenoptera faunaof the islands of “Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano”, Italy.

Year: 2003

Author: Rosa P.
Title: I Crisidi (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) della Valle d’Aosta. Check-list e note introduttive.
Journal: Revue Valdôtaine d’Histoire Naturelle, Aosta, 56 (2002): 59-65.
Keywords: Hymenoptera, cuckoo wasps, Aosta Valley, faunistic notes.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Since 1991 a faunistic research was managed on cuckoo-wasps of Aosta Valley and the results of are herein presented; 15 genera, 98 species and 7 subspecies have been collected and 95 taxa are new to Aosta Valley. A complete check-list of cuckoo-wasps is given.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Nuovi reperti di crisidi per l’Italia, con note tassonomiche (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, Cremona, n.51, vol.10: 301-313.
Keywords: Chrysididae, Italy, new records, taxonomic notes.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: New records of 17 species and 6 subspecies of Hymenoptera Chrysididae from Italy are reported. New taxa for Italy: Hedychridium ibericum Linsenmaier, H. valesianum Linsenmaier stat.nov., Philoctetes perraudini (Linsenmaier) n.comb., Chrysura judith (Balthasar), C. pseudodichroa (Linsenmaier), Chrysis diacantha franciscae Linsenmaier, Chrysura simplex ampliata (Linsenmaier), Chrysis longula sublongula Linsenmaier, C. rutiliventris vanlithi Linsenmaier, Stilbum calens wesmaeli Dahlbom. New taxa for Nothern Italy: Elampus constrictus (Förster), Chrysura isabella (Trautmann), Chrysis immaculata Buysson, Chrysis germari intergermari, Linsenmaier. New taxa for Southern Italy: Cleptes putoni Buysson, Chrysis daphnis Mocsáry, Chrysis lusitanica Bischoff and Pseudomalus puncticollis (Mocsáry). New species for Sardinia: Hedychridium lampas (Christ) and Hedychrum nobile antigai Buysson. New species for Sicily: Chrysis pulcherrima Lepeletier. It is considered as valid the species Spinolia segusiana (Giraud), previously a synonym of Spinolia lamprosoma (Förster). Taxonomic notes are reported for most taxa.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Cleptes (Leiocleptes) mareki n.sp., from China. (Hymenoptera Chrysididae Cleptinae).
Journal: Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, 144 (II): 407-414.
Keywords: Cleptes mareki n.sp., Leiocleptes, China.
Language: English.
Abstract: Cleptes mareki n.sp. from China is described. This species belongs to the Cleptes (Leiocleptes) nitidulus species-group. Cleptes mareki n.sp. can be distinguished from all of the other known species of the subgenus Leiocleptes by the following characters combination: dark blue head and mesosoma, almost entirely black metasoma, laterally with a feeble violet-blue reflection, and without any lateral sharp edge; mesosoma with simple, small and scattered punctures and tergites III-IV with double punctuation. A comparison with the supposedly related species Cleptes doii Tsuneki is also given.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: New and rare Hedychridium species from Italy and Mediterranean islands (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Italian Journal of Zoology, 70: 191-198.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Two new species of Hedychridium (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) are described (H. tyrrhenicum n. sp. and H. etruscum n. sp.) and the synonymy between H. wolfi Linsenmaier, 1959, from Sardinia, and H. perraudini Linsenmaier, 1968, from Corsica, is established. The geographical distribution of these species is discussed, showing that H. tyrrhenicum is an ancient species of many central Mediterranean islands, while H. wolfi is endemic to the Corso-Sardinian block (including the small islands of Asinara, Capraia, Elba, and Montecristo), and H. etruscum is known only from the Tuscany and Latium coasts and the islands of Elba, Giglio, Gorgona, and Pianosa. In addition, H. etruscum and H. wolfi are the only Chrysididae species known from Montecristo. The geographical ranges of the new species are distinct; H. tyrrhenicum appears to be dominant, in its range, with respect to the widespread H. monochroum, as is H. etruscum on Elba, while the contrary is the case on the Tuscany Mainland; H. wolfi coexists with H. tyrrhenicum and H. etruscum on the Monte Capanne on Elba. The presence of H. carmelitanum in Sicily is confirmed. A key is given for the identification of the italian species of the H. monochroum group, namely carmelitanum, etruscum, monochroum, and tyrrhenicum.

Author: Generani M., Pagliano G., Scaramozzino P.L. & Strumia F.
Title: Gli Imenotteri delle Isole di Capraia, Giglio, Gorgona, Pianosa e Montecristo (Arcipelago toscano) (Insecta: Hymenoptera).
Journal: Frustula Entomologica (2001) n.s. XXIV (XXXVII): 51-74.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: We present an updated checklist of the Hymenoptera known from Capraia, Giglio, Gorgona, Montecristo and Pianosa islands.

Year: 2002

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Chrysididae [pp. 150-151]. In: Mason F., Cerreti P., Tagliapietra A., Spreight M.C.D., Zapparoli M. (eds.), Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana, Primo Contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 1.
Journal: G.Arcari Editore, Mantova, pp. 176.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Chrysididae is one of the largest families of Aculeate Hymenoptera (about 300 species in Italy) and approximately 90% of the Italian species can be estimated known. The species known from Bosco della Fontana form an interesting silvicolous complex associated with dead wood and old trees, where a large number of their host (Hymenoptera) nest. The most interesting and rare chrysid species found in Bosco della Fontana is Chrysis fasciata, closely followed by C. fulgida, C. indigotea, C. longula and Pseudomalus violaceus. All of these species need action to be taken to ensure their conservation. (Follows a list of 14 Chrysidids.).

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Imenotteri crisidi. pp. 365-373. In AA.VV., 2002 – Atlante della biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino – Edizione 2002. Elenchi sistematici.
Journal: Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Checklist of the Chrysidids species studied in the Ticinum Valley Park.

Author: Rosa P.
Title: Imenotteri crisidi. Monografia. pp. 91-131. In AA.VV. 2002 – Atlante della biodiversità nel Parco del Ticino – Edizione 2002. Monografie.
Journal: Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Gli Imenotteri Chrysididae delle isole dell’arcipelago toscano e loro relazione con i popolamenti della Toscana e del blocco Sardo-Corso.
Journal: Atti del convegno: “Enviroment and Identity in the Mediterranean” Università di Corte, Corsica – July 3-5, 2002.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Year: 2001

Author: Pagliano G., Scaramozzino P.L., Strumia F.
Title: Introduction and spread of four Aculeate Hymenoptera in Italy, Sardinia and Corsica.
Journal: .
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Observation on the arrival in Italy of four conspicuous wasps species: Sceliphron caementarium (Drury), Sceliphron curvatum (Smith), Isodontia mexicana (Saussure) (Sphecidae) and Chrysis marginata Mocsáry (Chrysididae). Description of the spread of these four species in Italy and in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia based on 30 years of field observations and on the examination of material in the largest insect collections in Italian institutions.

Author: Móczár L.
Title: World revision of the Cleptes semiauratus group (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Linzer biologische Beitrage: 33 (1): 905-931.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Eleven species were ranged in the C. semiauratus group within the subgenus Cleptes s.str. Two new species are described: Cleptes anatolensis sp.n. (male) from Turkey and C. graecus sp.n. (male) from Greece. C. pallipes Lepeletier 1806 is revalidated from synonymy with C. semiauratus Linnaeus 1761. The erroneously known and cited C. semiauratus (female and male) are redescribed. A key is compiled. Variability, corrections and new data of distribution are given.

Comment: Some specimens of Cleptes pallipes and Cleptes semiauratus from Italy are studied in the material examinated by the Author.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: La corretta preparazione dei Chrysididae.
Journal: HY-MEN 10: 19-20.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: How to prepare Chrysidids according to the Author’s idea.

Author: Filippi L.
Title: Alcuni giorni in compagnia di Serapias vomeracea laxiflora (Orchideaceae) e di Chrysura refulgens (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: HY-MEN 10: 11-13.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.

Comment: Observations between Chrysura refulgens, Serapias vomeracea laxiflora and environmental temperature.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. Aggiornamento alla Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana.
Journal: Boll. Soc. Entomol. Italiana, 133 (I): 88-92.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: Updating of the previous Check-list of the Italian Chrysidids: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In Minelli A, Ruffo S., La Posta S (eds). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 99.

Author: Móczár L.
Title: World revision of the Cleptes satoi group (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 92: 297-324.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Fourteen Cleptes species including 2 subspecies were ranged in the satoi group within the subgenus Cleptes s.str. Two new species and two new subspecies are described: Cleptes margaritae sp.n. ? from Tadzhikistan, C. triestensis sp.n. ? from Italy, C. mishimaensis hokkaidoi ssp.n. ? from Japan, and C. nigritus rhodosensis ssp. n. ? from Greece. The previously unknown male of Cleptes halinae Kutnetzov-Ugamskij, 1927 from Korea, and the redescription ofItaliano C. nigritus Mercet, 1904 female from the Iberian peninsula are published. The designation of the holotype of Cleptes japonicus Tosawa, 1940 and that of C.satoi Tosawa, 1940 are corrected to lectotype. The holotype of Cleptes mishimaensis Tsuneki, 1986 published as female by the author, proved to be a male. Cleptes nigriventris Buysson, 1898 is a synonym of C.nigritus Mercet, 1904. A key, check-list and other information are given. With 30 figures.

Author: Generani M., Scaramozzino P.L. & Strumia F.
Title: Analisi dell’affinità tra le faune imenotterologiche di Montecristo, Capraia, Gorgona, Corsica e Toscana.
Journal: Environnement et identité en Méditerranée, Université Pascal Paoli (Corse), 2000: 198-200.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Hymenoptera insects were collected by Malaise taps placed on the Corsica, Montecristo, Capraia and Gorgona islands and along Tuscany coast during the 1999. Cluster analysis show a statistically meaningful difference between the faunas of Montecristo and Gorgona islands and that of the others localities.

Year: 2000

Author: Niehuis O.
Title: The European species of the Chrysis ignita group: revision of the Chrysis angustula aggregate (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Mitt. Mus.Nat.Kd. Berl., Deutch.entomol. Z. 47 (2000) 2: 181-201.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: This paper revises the taxonomy of the European species of the Chrysis angustula aggregate and discusses it in a historical review. An illustrated key to the species is presented. For all species and their synonyms I provide the complete reference, type locality, state of type, type depositary, and the derivation of the name. The records of the species are depicted on maps and discussed zoogeographically. The phenology of the females is presented. I designate lectotypes of Chrysis brevidens Tournier, 1879, Chrysis ignita ssp.excavata Haupt, 1956, Chrysis ignita ssp.solida Haupt, 1956, and Chrysis ignita ssp.sparsepunctata Zimmermannm, 1944. Chrysis (mediata) fenniensis Linsenmaier, 1959, is a junior synonym of Chrysis ignita solida Haupt, 1956, and Chrysis (ignita) excavata is a junior subjective synonym of C.longula Abeille, 1879. I regard the syntypes of Chrysis gracilis Schenck, 1856, as lost and classify Chrysis brevidentata Schenck, 1856, and Chrysis gracilis as nomina dubia. Chrysis angustula alpina ssp.n. (France) and Chrysis leptomandibularis sp.n. (Germany) are described new to science.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: L’attività scientifica delle Università di Pisa e Corte.
Journal: Unione Europea. Progetto Interreg II – Toscana-Corsica. 1997-1999. Edizioni ETS.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: Analysis, introduction and presentation of the European Union Project: Interreg II. List of some species collected for the first time in Tuscany, in its islands and in Corse.

Author: Canovai R., Giannotti P., Giannetti S., Loni A., Raspi A., Santini L., Dellacasa M., Generani M., Pagliano G., Strumia F., Scaramozzino P.L., Zuffi M., Baldaccini N.E., Puglisi L., Battesti M.J. & Brocard E.
Title: Biodiversità: compilazione delle specie dell’entomofauna e dei piccoli vertebrati della Corsica e della Toscana marittima.
Journal: Progetto Interreg II Corsica-Toscana 1997-1999, ETS Ed., pp. 75-86.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Title: Nuovi imenotteri dell’Isola di Montecristo (Arcipelago Toscano) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae, Gasteruptiidae, Evaniidae, Ichneumonidae, Chrysididae, Tiphiidae, Scoliidae, Formicidae, Sphecidae, Apoidea).
Journal: Frustula Entomol., 21(34): 75-83.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Authors present a list of Hymenoptera collected on Montecristo Island (Tuscany – Italy) in Summer 1998 by using a Malaise trap. Specimens of families, genera and species new for Montecristo fauna are listed.

Author: Felicioli A., Strumia F., Filippi L. & Pinzauti M.
Title: Observations on the relations between Orchids of the Genus Serapias and their pollinators in an area of central Tuscany.
Journal: Frustula ent., 21: 103-108.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The presence of male and females of solitary Apoidea Hymenoterans belonging to various species was recorded inseide Serapias vomeracea flowers in May 1996 in an area of central Tuscany. Male insects were detected during night-time hours, and female during day-time. Temperatures recorder during the early daylight hours inside flowers exposed to sunlight were on average 3°C higher than the surronunding air temperature. These data could support the hypothesis that the flower offers pronubial insects shelter and heat in exchange for pollination. However, since female already have a broodnest in wich they could chelter during darkness and/or unfavourable weather conditions, an alternative explanation could be proposed, suggesting that females prefer Serapias flowers for performing thermoregulation.

Year: 1999

Author: Campadelli G., Pagliano G., Scaramozzino P.L. & Strumia F.
Title: Parassitoidi e inquilini di Sceliphron caementarium (Drury, 1773) (Hymenoptera Sphecidae) in Romagna.
Journal: Boll. Mus. reg. Sci. nat. Torino, 16 (1-2): 225-240.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: .

Author: Pagliano, G. & Scaramozzino, P.L.
Title: Fauna imenotterologica delle Langhe. Oasi xerotermica di Borgomale. (Nota faunistica III).
Journal: Riv.Piem.St. Nat., 20: 139-192.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: After several entomological investigations on Hymenoptera from Italy, the Authors think that the xerothermic oasis of Borgomale (Langhe, Southern Piedmont) has furnished many more species than other Italian areas. The Authors give a checklist for each of the verified species, the zoogeographical distribution, the presence in the Italian districts and short biological notes.

Comment: Interesting work for its taxonomical and zoogeographical contents. Among the species listed herein, Hedychrum longicolle, Chrysis rufitarsis and Chrysura purpureifrons are noticeable.

Year: 1998

Author: Niehuis O.
Title: Zum taxonomischen Status von Holopyga australis [sic!] LINSENMAIER, 1959 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Entomofauna 19 (24): 408-417. Ansfelden.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Abstract: .

Author: Arnone, M. & Romano M.
Title: Nuovi reperti di Chrysididae e Mutillidae in Sicilia e Sardegna (Hymenoptera).
Journal: Naturalista sicil., S.IV, XXII (1-2): 19-24.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: New records of Chrysididae and Mutillidae in Sicily and Sardinia (Hymenoptera). Authors list six new records of Chrysididae and Mutillidae, namely Cleptes aerosus and C.saussurei (Chrysididae), Smicromyrme ligustica, S.nuptura, S.scutellaris and S.varinella (Mutillidae) for Sicily. S.ligustica is also reported for the first time in Sardinia, S.nuptura is a new italian record. Mutilla europaea, recorded in Sicily in the past century, is now confirmed.

Author: Niehuis O.
Title: Hedychridium wahisi, sp.n., a new cuckoo wasp from Italy (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae).
Journal: Beitr.Ent. 48: 525-530.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Hedychridium wahisi sp.n. is described from Italy; the species belongs to the Hedychridium plagiatum – species group. H.wahisi sp.n. can be distinguished from all known species of this group especially by its blue head, blue mesonotum, and its blue gastral tergum III. H.wahisi sp.n. is tentatively regarded as an Adriatomediterranean faunal element.

Year: 1997

Author: Móczár, L.
Title: Revision of Cleptes (Leiocleptes) species of the world (Hymenoptera,Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Folia Entomologica Hungarica LVIII: 89-100.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: The species of the reinstated Leiocleptes subgenus is discussed with “alienus”, “nitidulus” and the new “morawitzi” and “rugulosus” species groups. The checklist and the key for the Leiocleptes species groups and species of the world are compiled. Cleptes splendidus (Fabricius, 1794) revalidated from synonymy and trasferred to Leiocleptes subgenus. New synonym of Cleptes consimilis Buysson, 1887 is established. Furhter female and male are demonstrated of the lately revalidated and insufficiently known Cleptes femoralis Mocsáry, 1890. Some status from earlier species group is changed. New taxonomic and distribution data and information are presented concerning variability.

Author: Linsenmaier, W.
Title: Die Goldwespen der Schweiz.
Journal: Veroffentlichungen aus dem Natur-Museum Luzer, n° 9, 140 pp.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Comment: The Chrysidids of Switzerland. One of the best Author’s publications, with incredible color drawings.

Author: Móczár, L.
Title: Revision of the Cleptes nitidulus group of the world (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Cleptinae).
Journal: Entomofauna 18 (3): 25–44.
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: Two species are described: Cleptes dauriensis sp.nov. ? from Russia and C.nyonensis sp.nov. ? from France. The previously unknown male of C.rugulosus Linsenmaier 1968 and female of C.anceyi Buysson, 1891 are described. C.femoralis Mocsáry, 1890 and C.insidiosus Buysson, 1891 are reinstated. Three synonyms are established: C.antakyensis Linsenmaier, 1968 = indentical with C.femoralis Mocsáry, 1890, C.hyrcanus Semenov, 1920 = C.semycianeus Tournier, 1879. Lectotypes are designed in C.caucasicus Semenov, 1920 and in C.morawitzi Radoszkowski, 1877. In some species the statement of the holotype to lectotype and the lectotype to holotype are corrected. New data and variability of some species are given. A key is completed for the 25 species.

Author: Linsenmaier W.
Title: Altes und Neues von den Chrysididen.
Journal: Entomofauna 18: 245-300.
Keywords: .
Language: German.
Abstract: Completion in the Systematic und Distributions, with corrections in the Synonymy relative to my Publications, with new Species, Subspecies and Subgenera, and with remarcs to Types and Lectotypes.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Gli Insetti di Roma, a cura di M.Zapparoli.
Journal: Ed. Fratelli Palombi.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Comment: The Author lists 17 species of Chrysidids collected in the city of Rome (with the limit of the Grande Raccordo Anulare). In the district of Rome the Author knows 58 different species.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Alcune osservazioni sugli ospiti di imenotteri crisididi (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae).
Journal: Frustula entomol. (1997) n.s. 20 (33): 178-183.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Observations on possible hosts for eleven Chrysididae species are presented. The hosts belong to the Sphecidae or Apoidea (Hymenoptera) and for three species, namely Hedychridium rufipes Buysson, Chrysis berlandi Linsenmaier, and Chrysura ignifrons (Brullé) they are the first discovered. A few more parasitoid-host combinations are new to science.

Year: 1995

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Un nuovo Pseudomalus di Italia, Corsica e Grecia.
Journal: Boll.Soc.entomol.Ita. 127 (3): 243-250.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Pseudomalus meridianus sp.n. (Hymenoptera Chrysididae) is described from Italy, Greece and Corsica. The new species is easily distinguished from the most closely related P.violaceus Scopoli by: a- head non converging posteriorly (fig.1a,e) b- facial cavity V shaped (fig.1a,e); c- mesopleuron striate between punctures; d- lateral area of mesonotum striate; e- forefemur expanded and rectangular in shape (fig.1 d,g); f- T-III apical margin deeply emarginate (fig.1 c,f); h- male F-I non metallic or near so. A key is given for the identification of the european Pseudomalus of the auratus group: auratus, meridianus sp.n., triangulifer and violaceus. Two new hosts of P.triangulifer are Pemphredon (Cemunus) lethifer (Schuckard) and P. (C.) rugifer (Dahlbom) (Hymenoptera Sphecidae). Type (female), allotype and paratype in the author’s collection, paratypes (male) in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova.

Author: Negrisolo, E.
Title: The Aculeate communities (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of two coastal areas of the Veneto region (North eastern Italy).
Journal: .
Keywords: .
Language: English.
Abstract: This paper deals with the aculeate communities of two coastal area, respectively Eraclea Mare (VE) and Porto Caleri (RO), of Veneto Region (North eastern Italy) 157 species are recorded for these areas. The two faunas have been compared using Sørensen’s index of similarity (score 0.50). lists of the species visiting Eryngium maritimum L., Echinophora spinosa L. and Limonium bellidifolium (Gouan) Dumort. are given.

Author: Agnoli G.L.
Title: Una nuova sottospecie sarda di Parnopes grandior Pallas.
Journal: Boll. Soc. entomol. ita. 127: 49-51.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Parnopes (s.str.) grandior linsenmaieri n.ssp. from Sardinia (Italy) is described, as a geographical subspecies. Like P. unicolor Grib. the n.ssp. hasn’t any metallic coloration on the gaster. Compared to typical form, linsenmaieri n.ssp. has another chromatic-morphologic differences, but not so considerable to establish a new species. Typical Parnopes grandior (Pall.) is not present on the isle, where endemic linsenmaieri n.ssp. takes the place of typical grandior. Bembix geneana Costa seems to be the probable host of linsenmaieri n.ssp. More info

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Indagine sui Crisidi e mutillidi invernali.
Journal: Frustula entomol. XVIII: 177-187.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The Chrysididae and Mutillidae fauna of late summer and autumn (September to November 1994 and 1995) was studied on a territory of about 1000 square km around Pisa (Toscana – Italy) by using mainly Moericke traps. 36 species of Chrysididae and 7 species Mutillidae resulted to be active up to late October..

Author: Arnone, M. & Romano M.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae.
Journal: Naturalista Siciliano 19 (suppl.): 777-783.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.

Abstract: The species of Chrysididae collected on the islands of Lampedusa, Linosa and Pantelleria are listed. The most relevant species found on Lampedusa was Chrysis exsulans, new record both for Italy and Europe. Pseudomalus auratus, Chrysis leachii and Chrysis auriceps are new records for the island; the presence of Chrysis cerastes is confirmed. A single specimens was collected in Linosa, Chrysis auriceps, new record for the island. Two species were found in Pantelleria: Pseudomalus auratus, new record for the island, and Chrysis semicincta tricolor.

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Hymenoptera Chrysididae. In: Minelli A, Ruffo S., La Posta S (eds). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 99.
Journal: Calderini, Bologna.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Checklist of the Italian Chrysidids. The work, the fist of this kind for the Italian territory, points out the presence of 222 species and 35 subspecies (30 are recorded for the first time, 12 are endemic (1 in central Italy, 10 in Sardinia and 1 in Sicily) and 12 need a further confirmation).

Year: 1994

Author: Strumia F.
Title: Primo catalogo faunistico dei Crisidi italiani
Journal: Atti Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia Italiano Udine XVII: 227-230.
Language: Italian.
Abstract: The first faunal Checklist of the Italian Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) – A critical review of the italian species of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) has been made in the frame of the general survey of italian fauna under commitent of the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche). The italian fauna, including Sicily and Sardinia islands, consist of 222 species and 35 ssp. (13 taxa only need further confirmation). Thirty species were found to be new for Italy, and 12 to be endemic (ten in Sardinia, one in Sicily, one in South Italy). At least four additional new species are under publication. No evidence of extinct species is found; one species (Chrysis marginata Mocsary ssp. aliunda Linsenmaier) is likely to be a recent introduction.

Author: De Marzo L.
Title: Catture di Crisidi su Orchidee spontanee mediante una trappola viscosa.
Journal: Atti XVII Congresso italiano di Entomologia. Udine 1994: p.869.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Catches of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) on spontaneous orchids by a glue trap. A tra was experimented in a locality of Apulia (Souther Italy) for insects, which are attracted by flowering orchids. Technical description of the device is given together with a list of the caught Chrysididae. The list includes both new faunistic reports and a Chrysura species new to science.

Year: 1993

Author: Lucchetti, D.
Title: Lista preliminare degli imenotteri dell’arcipelago della Maddalena.
Journal: Boll. Soc. entomol. Ita. 125: 103-108.
Keywords: .
Language: Italian.
Abstract: Preliminar list of the Hymenoptera of the La Maddalena Islands (Sardinia). A list of 33 species collected in the islands is given. The author gives also a short description of the localities in wich he collected them.

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All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Bibliography of Chrysididae, in: website. Interim version 29 March 2025, URL: