Bibliography of Chrysididae – Search

Last updated on August 21st, 2020

85 record(s):

Aaron S.F., 1886 - The North American Chrysididae. Transactions of the American Entomological Sociey, 12: 209-248.

Abbott I., 1995 - Prodromus of the occurrence and distribution of insect species in the forested part of south-west Western Australia. CALM Science, 1(4): 365-464.

Abeille de Perrin E., 1877 (a) - Una battue aux Chrysides. Feuille jeunes naturalistes, VII: 57-59

Abeille de Perrin E., 1877 (b) - Diagnoses d'espèces nouvelles et remarques sur des espèces rares. Feuille jeunes naturaliste, VII: 65-68.

Abeille de Perrin E., 1878 - Synopsis critique et sinonymique des Chrysides de France. Annales de la Société linnéene de Lyon, XXVI: 1-108.

Abeille de Perrin E., 1878 - Diagnoses de Chrysides nouvelles. Marseille, 1878, pp.6 published by the author.

Abeille de Perrin E., 1879 (a) - Réponse aux observations sur les critiques. Le Naturaliste, 1: 107-108.

Abeille de Perrin E., 1879 (b) - Un dernier mot sur les Chrysides. Le Naturaliste, 1: 138.

Abeille de Perrin E., 1881 - no title. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulose, 13: 156-163.

Adamovic L., 1929 - Die Pflanzenwelt der Adrialander. Verlag Gustav Fischer, Iena

Adamska M. & Bilinski S.M., 1997 - Microtubules are responsible for the asymmetrical distribution of organelles in the oocytes of the hymenopteran, Chrysis ignita. Folia Histochem Cytobiol, 35(4): 221-225. Erratum in: Folia Histochem Cytobiol 1998, 36(1): 51

Adema H., 1997 - Een oude stronk met een entomologische verrassing. [An old stump with an entomological surprise]. Natura-(Hoogwoud), Juli 94(4): 103-104.

Adlerz G., 1905 - Den parasitiska metoden hos Chrysis virdula L.. Arckiv för Zoologi, Bd.3, n°8: 1-9.

Adlerz G., 1910 - Chrysis ignita L. och Chr. neglecta Shuck. sasom foderparasiter. Arckiv för Zoologi, Bd.6, n°11: 1-7.

Aerts W., 1939 - Hymenopteren als Bewohner einer Lösswand im Vorgebirge bei Köln. Decheniana, 98: 119-137.

Aerts W., 1950 - Hymenopteren des Rheidter Werthchens bei Köln. Decheniana, 104: 33-59.

Aerts W., 1955 - Grabwespen (Sphegidae) und andere Hymenopteren des Rheinlandes. Decheniana, 108: 55-68.

Agassiz L., 1842 (1842-1846) - Nomenclator zoologicus continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum [sic] disposita, adjectis auctoribus, libris, in quibus reperiuntur, anno editionis, etymologia et familiis, ad quas pertinent, in singulis classibus. Jent et Gassmann, Soloduri [= Solothurn, Switzerland]. "Published in 12 fascicles. Each of the 29 classes or orders with its own pagination. Praefacio Operis (XLII pp.) in Fasc. IX, 1846; Hymenoptera (36 pp.) in Fasc. VII or VIII (?), 1846; Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis (393 pp.) in Fasc. XII, 1847. Index Universalis separately reprinted in 1947; and in 8° in 1848, 1135 pp. Dating after Bowley and Smith, 1968, Kevan, 1970, and Evenhuis, MS."

Agnoli G.L., 1995 - Una nuova sottospecie sarda di Parnopes grandior (Pallas, 1771). Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana, 127 (1): 49-51.

Ahlstrom K.R., 1995 - Insects of North Carolina. Fourth Supplement. Part 1: Hymenoptera. North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Raleigh. 147 pp.

Alayo P.D., 1974 - Intoduccion al estudio de los Himenópteros de Cuba. Superfamilia Bethyloidea. Serie Biologica No. 52 Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Instituto de Zoologia La Habana.

Alfieri A., 1913 - Chrysidides nouvelles pour l'Egypte. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique d'Egypte, 5: 139-140.

Alfken J.D., 1909 - Beitrage zur kenntnis der Apidenfauna von Ostpreussen. Schr. Phys. Okonom. Ges. Konigsberg, 50: 320-345.

Alfken J.D., 1915 - Verzeichnis der Golgwespen (Chrysiden) Nordwest Deutschland. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlchen Vereins zu Bremen, 23: 291-295.

Alfken J.D., Bishoff H. & Maidl F., 1934 - Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Studien- und Sammelreise nach Griechenland, namentlich nach den Inseln des Agaischen Meeres. III. Hymenopteren. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathem.-naturw., Klasse, Abt. I. Bd.I.: 1-69

Anasiewicz A. & Miczulski B., 1962 - Przyczynek do znajomosci fauny owadow zamieszkujacych suche pedy krzewow jagogowych. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne, 27/28: 257-264.

Anichtchenko A.V., 2002 - Осы блестянки (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Прибайкалья и Забайкалья [The Chrysidid Wasps (Hymenoptera Chrysididae) of Cis- & Transbaikalia]. Биоразнообразие Байкальского Региона. Труды Биолого-почвенного факультета ИГУ (Biodiversity of the Baikal Region. Proceedings of the Biology and Soil Department of the Irkutsk State University). Vol. 2002 [in Russian]

Anonymous, 1978 - Changsha mawang dui 1-hao Hanmu chutu Dongzhiwu biaoben de Yanjiu [Studies on the animal and plant specimens unearthed from the Han tomb no.1 at Mawangtui, Changsha]. Wenwu Chuban She, Peking. :1-104.

Anonymous, 1994 - New records. Sandnats, 17(2): 16

Antiga P. & Bofill J., 1903 - Catàlech de Insectes de Catalunya. Hymenópteres. VIII. Familia Chrysids. Bulletì de la Institucia Catalana d'Historia Natural. Barcelona. 14pp.

Antiopova L.F., 2003 - Жалящие перепончатокрылые (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) юго-западного и юго-восточных районов Псковской области Северо-Западная Россия и Белоруссия: вопросы экологической, историческо и общественной географии. [Stinging hymenoptera (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of the south-west and south-eastern districts of Pskov Region, North-West Russia and Belarus: questions of ecological, historical and social geography]. Матер. общественно-научн. конф. с междунар. участием. Статьи и тезисы. Псков. (Mater. Conf. Social Sciences Intern. participation. Articles and abstracts. Pskov.). pp. 120-126. [in Russian]

Antropov A.V., 1992 - Критика и библиография. Осы-блестянки мировой фауны. Линн С. Кимси и Ричард М. Бохарт [Book Reviews. The Chrysidid wasps of the world. By Lynn S. Kimsey and Richard M. Bohart]. Russian Entomological journal, 1 (1): 91-93. [in Russian]

Antropov A.V., 1995 - A new tribe of cuckoo-wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Uzbekistan. Zool. Zh., 74 (10): 55-59. [in Russian with English summary]

Archer M.E., 1988 - The aculeate wasp and bee assemblage (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of a woodland: Bernwood Forest in the English Midlands. Entomologist, 107: 24-33.

Archer M.E., 1990 (a) - Recorder's third report on the aculeate Hymenopera in Watsonian Yorkshire. Naturalist, 115: 105-107.

Archer M.E., 1990 (b) - The solitary aculeate wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of an English suburban garden. Entomologist's Gazette, 41: 129-142.

Archer M.E., 1991 - Notable wasps and bees (Hym., Aculeata) in the Isle of Wight, New Forest and Hampshire during 1988. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 127: 34.

Archer M.E., 1992 (a) - A comparison of the solitary wasps and bees (Hym., Aculeata) of Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire and Lydford Moorland, Devon. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 128: 51-57.

Archer M.E., 1992 (b) - Aculeate wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of Skipwith Common and a comparison of Skipwith Common with Allerthorpe and Strensall Commons. Naturalist, 117: 19-25.

Archer M.E., 1993 (a) - Notable wasps and bees (Hym., Aculeata) taken on Jersey and Sark. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 129: 45-47.

Archer M.E., 1993 (b) - The aculeate wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) at Duncombe Park in Watsonian Yorkshire. Naturalist, 118: 37-44.

Archer M.E., 1994 (a) - Recorder's fifth report on the aculeate Hymenoptera in Watsonian Yorkshire. The development of a decade 10 km. square recording system and the computerization of records. Naturalist, 119: 73-77.

Archer M.E., 1994 (b) - Recent rare and scarce wasps and bees (Hym. Aculeata) recorded from Guernsey and Herm. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 130: 103-104.

Archer M.E., 1995 - Aculeate wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of Blaxton Common in Watsonian Yorkshire with the introduction of a new national quality scoring system. Naturalist, 120: 21-29.

Archer M.E., 1996 (a) - The aculeate wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of Herm and Sark, Channel Islands. Entomologist's Gazette, 47: 53-59.

Archer M.E., 1996 (b) - The aculeate wasps and bees (Hym., Aculeata) of Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire and the development of a national quality assessment scheme. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 132: 35-44.

Archer M.E., 1996 (c) - The aculeate wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of Shipley Glen in Watsonian Yorkshire with a «then» and «now» comparison. Naturalist, 121: 53-59.

Archer M.E., 1996 (d) - Pemphredoninae wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Pemphredoninae) of Watsonian Yorkshire. Naturalist, 122: 121-135.

Archer M.E., 1997 - The Aculeate wasps and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of two calcareous localities in Watsonian Yorkshire: Burton Leonard Lime Quarries and Cave World. Naturalist, 122: 45-52.

Archer M.E., 2000 - The Chrysis ignita group considered in a British context. BWARS Newsletter, Spring 2000, 6-14

Archer M.E., 2001 - The Chrysis ignita group considered in a British context. Part 2. BWARS Newsletter Autumn 2001, 9-15

Archer M.E., 2003 - Second report into the Chrysis ignita group – a provisional approach to gain confidence in identifying the specimens. BWARS Newsletter, Spring 2003, 6-8

Archer M.E., 2009 - The separation of specimens from the Morgan species of the Chrysis ignita (L.) species group with C. mediata Linsenmaier and C. pseudobrevitarsis Linsenmaier (Hym., Chrysididae).. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 145: 111-123.

Arens W., 1999 - Zum Verhalten von Tropidodyneurs interruptus (Brullé 1832) (Vespoidea, Eumenidae) und seines Brutparasiten Chrysis jaxartis Sem. am Nest. Linzer biol. Beitr., 31/1, 147-158

Arens W., 2001 - "Revision der Arten der Chrysis dichroa-Gruppe auf der Peloponnes mit Beschreibung dreier neuer Arten (Hymenoptera; Chrysididae)". Linzer biol. Beitr., 33: 1157-1193

Arens W., 2002 - "Zum Status von Chrysis smyrnensis Mocsary und Bescreibung einer neuen kleinasiatischen Art aus der dichroa-Gruppe (Hymenoptera; Chrysididae)". Linzer biol. Beitr., 34 (2): 935-952

Arens W., 2004 (a) - "Revision der Gattung Holopyga auf der Peloponnes mit Beschreibung zweier neuer Arten (Hymenoptera; Chrysididae)". Linzer biol. Beitr., 36 (1): 19-55

Arens W., 2004 (b) - Beitrag zur Taxonomie griechischer Goldwespen, mit Beschreibung dreier neuer Arten (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Linzer biol. Beitr., 36: 741-760

Arens W. & Hartmann P., 2004 (c) - Faltenwespen, Wegwespen, Goldwespen und andere Aculeate Hymenopteren in der Umgebung von Bayreuth (Hymenoptera). Ber. Naturw.Ges. Bayreuth 25: 267-277. Bayreuth

Arnold G., 1908 - Hymenoptera aculeata in the New Forest. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 44: 17.

Arnold G., 1910 - The host of Hedychridium coriaceum. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 46: 18.

Arnold G., 1982 - Collection: Menke, A.S. Important Hymenoptera collection transferred. Sphecos, 5: 8.

Arnone M. & Romano M., 1995 - Hymenoptera Chrysididae. "In: ""Arthropoda di Lampedusa, Linosa e Pantelleria (Canale di Sicilia, Mar Mediterraneo)"". Il Naturalista Siciliano, 19 (suppl.): 777-783."

Arnone M. & Romano M., 1998 - Nuovi reperti di Chrysididae e Mutillidae in Sicilia e Sardegna (Hymenoptera). Il Naturalista siciliano, S.IV, XXII (1-2): 19-24.

Asensio E. & Gallego C., 1985 - Contribución al estudio de los Hymenoptera anidantes en cavidades preestablecidas. I. Apoidea. Actas II Congreso Ibérico de Entomologìa. 2 (1): 453-462

Ashmead M.A., 1890 - "On the Hymenoptera of Colorado; descriptions of new species, notes, and a list of the species found in the state". Bulletin of the Colorado Biological Association, 1: 1-47.

Ashmead M.A., 1894 - The habits of the Aculeate Hymenoptera. Psyche, 7: 19-26, 39-46, 59-66, 75-79.

Ashmead W.H., 1896 (1895) - The phylogeny of the Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 3: 323-336.

Ashmead W.H., 1902 - Classification of the fossorial, predaceus and parasitc wasps, of the superfamily Vespoidea. The Canadian Entomologist, vol. 34 n°9: 219-231

Ashmead W.H., 1904 (a) - A list of the Hymenoptera of the Philippine Islands, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the New York entomological Society, 12: 1-22.

Ashmead W.H., 1904 (b) - Descriptions of new genera and species of Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands. Proceedings ot the U.S. National Museum, 28: 127-158, pl. I-II.

Ashmead W.H., 1904 (c) - A new genus and some new species of Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands. The Canadian Entomologist, vol. 36 n°10: 281-285.

Ashmead W.H., 1905 - Additions to the recorded Hymenopterous fauna of the Philippine Islands, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 28: 957-971.

Asís J.D., Gayubo S.F. & Tormos J., 1991 - Notes on the natural history of Stizus perrisii ibericus Beaumont (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). J. Nat. Hist., vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1331-1337

Asís J.D., Gayubo S.F. & Tormos J., 1991 - Comportamiento nidificador de dos especies de Cerceris y descripcion de la larva madura de C. bicincta (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 19: 5-10.

Asís J.D., Tormos J. & Gayubo S.F., 1994 - Biological observations on Trypoxylon attenuatum and description of its mature larva and its natural enemy Trichrysis cyanea (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Chrysididae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 67: 199-207.

Asís J.D., Tormos J. & Gayubo S.F., 2004 - Nesting behaviour and provisioning in Bembix merceti and Bembix zonata (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Journal of Natural History, 38 (14): 1799-1809.

Assmuss E.Ph., 1862 - Enumeratio Hymenopterorum Chrysidiformium gubernii Mosquensis. Bull. Soc. Imper. Natur. Moscou, 35 (3): 264-270.

Atanassov N., 1940 - Beitrage zum Studium der Goldwespen bulgariens (Chrysididae-Hymenoptera). Izv. Bulg. ent. Druzh., 11: 203-216. (Mitt. Bulg. Ent. Gess. 11: 203-216).

Atanassov N., 1962 - Untersuchungen uber die Systematik und die Oekologie der Hymenopteren arten aus den Gebiet von Petric. Izv. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk 12: 109-172

Atanassov N., 1964 - Hymenoperen arten aus der Thrakishen Tiefebere (Sudbulgarien). Bulg. Akad der Wissensch. Zoolog. Institut und Museum Fana Thrakiens, Bd.1: 145-206

Atanassov N., 1965 - Hymenoptera aus der Insel Thasos. Bulg. Inst. Zool. Mus. Acad. Sci. Bulgarie, 19: 85-99.

Atanassov N., 1972 - Arten Hymenoptera von West-Balkan-Gebirge: I. Teil. Bulletin de l'Institut de Zoologie et Musée Kh. (Tome) XXXV: 179-228

Aurivillius C., 1911 - Svensk Insektfauna. 13. Hymenoptera. 2. Tubulifera. Entomologisk Tidskrift, XXXII: 1-12.

Azevedo C. & Santos H., 2000 - Perfil da fauna de himenòpteros parasitòides (Insecta, Hymenoptera) em uma àrea de Mata Atlãntica da Reserva Bològica de Duas Bocas, Cariacica, ES, Brasil. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão. Nova Série, 11&12: 117-126.

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All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Bibliography of Chrysididae, in: website. Interim version 29 January 2025, URL: