Database of the European Chrysididae: notes and doubtful records

Last updated on November 30th, 2023


The following list comprises the species that have doubtfully been reported from Italy. Such records are impossible to verify/accept/discard without a further exam of the specimens.

Elampus ambiguus Dahlbom, 1854

Móczár (1964) considered ambiguus as a variety of Elampus constrictus and we follow his interpretation.

Elampus caeruleus Dahlbom, 1854

Omalus viridiventris Abeille, 1878.
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Europe (Germany, Austria).
The Italian records (Costa, 1863, 1882; Dalla Torre & Kohl, 1879; Mocsáry, 1889; Cobelli, 1903, 1910; Grandi, 1931; Zangheri, 1969; Rosa, 2005b) are likely to refer to Elampus constrictus.

Elampus rufitarsis (Tournier, 1879)

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: SW URSS (Russia (Sarepta)).
The Italian records (Cobelli, 1903, 1910) are likely to refer to Elampus constrictus.

Elampus soror (Mocsáry, 1889)

Móczár (1964) considered soror as a variety of Elampus constrictus and we follow his interpretation.
The Italian records (Mocsáry, 1889; Móczár, 1964) are likely to refer to Elampus constrictus.

Hedychridium integrum (Dahlbom, 1831)

cupreum (Dhlb.).
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: C-N Europe (Scandinavia), Spain, Germany, Mongolia.
Cited by Invrea (1922a) and included by Strumia (1995, 2005) in the Checklist of the Italian Fauna, it is Hedychridium cupratum instead.

Hedychridium lampas (Christ, 1791)

lampadum Lins.
Considered synonym of Hedychridium roseum by Kimsey & Bohart (1990). Rosa (2006a) and Arens (2010a) recognized the specimens included under this name as belonging to different species, i.e. female specimens of Hedychridium mediocrum and Hedychridium scutellare. Thus, the Italian records of “lampas” need a new identification.

Hedychridium subroseum Linsenmaier, 1959

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic: SW Europe, N Africa (Tunisia).

Hedychrum micans Lucas, 1849

Not of the Italian fauna.

Hedychrum nobile antigai Buysson, 1896

nobile buyssoni Lins.
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Portugal, Spain, S France, Corsica (as n. buyssoni).
The Italian records (Erlandsson, 1972; Rosa, 2003b) are likely to refer to Hedychrum nobile.

Holopyga scutellaris Zimmermann, 1956

Described from Madagascar, and endemic.
Reported in Sicily, but nevermore collected.
Reference: Mocsáry, 1889.

Holopyga viridis (Guèrin, 1842)

Not of the Italian fauna.
Cited from Calabria by Invrea (1933) as Holopyga gloriosa viridis. Reported in South of Italy and Sardinia by Strumia (1995, 2001).
Distribution: N Africa, Turkey, Palestine.

Omalus chlorosomus Lucas, 1849

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: N Africa.

Chrysis aestiva Dahlbom, 1854

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Middle East (Israel, Anatolia), Greece (Rhodos).
Cited for Italy by ancient Authors (De Stefani, 1888; Mocsáry, 1889; Buysson, 1890; Mantero, 1899; Ducke, 1901; Invrea, 1922, 1933), in Italy the species is replaced by Chrysis mixta and Chrysis maderi. Some old identifications are probably wrong and referred to Chrysis mixta (western Italy) and Chrysis maderi (eastern Italy). Strumia (1995) listed one specimen from Corse, which should be referred to Chrysis sardarica perrecta Linsenmaier, also found in Sardinia.

Chrysis aurofacies Trautmann, 1926

Reported in Italy by Strumia, probably erroneously; the specimens from C and S Italy are likely to belong to Chrysis gracillima.
Known from Spain as Chrysis gracillima aurofacies.

Chrysis bihamata Spinola, 1838

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: S Europe, W Asia, N Africa, Egypt, Arabia S., Tchad.
Cited for Italy by Bischoff (1910). In the Berlin Museum the specimen is not present anymore and the datum should be therefore verified.

Chrysis basalis Dahlbom, 1854

Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: N Africa (Algeria).
Cited for Sicily by De Stefani (1888), but nevermore collected. The datum should be therefore verified.

Chrysis cupratoides Bohart, 1990

According to Strumia (2006), the species is reported in Umbria, Italy by Linsenmaier (1997) but it is a synonym of Spintharina cuprata.

Chrysis destefanii Mocsáry, 1889

Nevermore collected after description (Strumia, 2001). See Chrysis phryne.

Chrysis diacantha diacantha Mocsáry, 1889

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic: Caucasus, Serbia, Albania (diacantha diacantha), S France, Spain (diacantha franciscae).

Chrysis dimidiata Fabricius

Reported in Liguria, Italy by Spinola, 1806 and nevermore collected.
Synonym of Chrysis viridula according to Kimsey & Bohart (1990).

Chrysis dubia Rossi, 1790

Reported in Tuscany, Italy by Rossi (1790) and nevermore collected.

Chrysis germari intergermari Linsenmaier, 1959

Reported in Sicily and – doubtfully – in North of Italy (Strumia, 1995), the Italian records belong to Chrysis germari s.str.

Chrysis gribodoi spilota Linsenmaier, 1951

Reported in Valle d’Aosta, Italy by Linsenmaier (1997b) and Rosa (2002c), it is likely to belong to Chrysis gribodoi s.str.

Chrysis integra integra Fabricius, 1787

Reported in Sicily by De Stefani, 1888 as Chrysis viridula integra, meaning Chrysis integra sicula.

Chrysis manicata Dahlbom, 1854

chloris Mocs., matrona Sem.
Not of the Italian fauna. Distribution: Palaearctic: Yugoslavia, Greece, Rhodes, Cyprus, Palestine, Iran, Egypt, Anatolia.
Cited for Sicily by Bischoff (1910).

Chrysis marginata marginata Mocsáry, 1889

Not of the Italian fauna, but of SE Europe and W Asia: Rhodos, Cyprus, Crete, Bulgaria, Anatolia, Middle East, S URSS.

Chrysis ramburi ramburi Dahlbom, 1854

Not of the Italian fauna.
All the known records from Italy refer to Chrysis chrysostigma.

Chrysis succincta succincta Linnaeus, 1767

Such taxon is kept among the Italian fauna doubtfully.
Due to some confusion among the taxa of the “succincta group”, all the records and the distribution data must be confirmed.

Chrysis tingitana Bischoff, 1935

Not of the Italian fauna, probably an accidental introduction (Strumia, 1995).
Distribution: Morocco.

Chrysis viridissima viridissima Klug, 1845

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic & Afrotropical: N Africa, Middle East, Nigeria, Tanzania.

Chrysis viridissima fasciolata Klug, 1845

Described of Italy, but without any written location. Probably a mistake.
Reported in Italy by referenced Authors, but without locality (Strumia, 1995).

Chrysis viridula gemma Abeille, 1878

Reported in Italy by referenced Authors (i.e. Buysson), but without locality (Strumia, 1995).

Chrysis violacea Rossi, 1790

Reported in Tuscany, Italy by Rossi (1790), but nevermore collected.

Chrysura dichropsis (Buysson, 1891)

Not of the Italian fauna. Probably the Italian records refer to Chrysura simulacra.
Distribution: Palaearctic: Morocco, Cyprus, Middle East.

Chrysura igneoalternans

Reported in Sardinia, Italy by Costa (1883), but nevermore collected.
Nomen oblitum.

Chrysura lydiae lydiae (Mocsáry, 1889)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of SE Europe, Anatolia, Middle East.
All the Italian records refer to Chrysura lydiae allegata.

Chrysura oraniensis (Lucas, 1849)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of Greece, Cyprus, Rhodos, Turkey, Middle East (Israel), N Africa.
All the Italian records refer to Chrysura oraniensis porphyrea.

Praestochrysis lusca (Fabricius, 1804)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of Far East (from India to Thailand to Japan), Australia and Papua New Guinea. Introduced to Hawaii.
Probably imported to Italy (Fabricius: Italy, Mader: occulta from Lombardy according to Strumia, 1995), but not naturalized.

Pseudochrysis Semenov, 1891

Nomenclature changePseudochrysis Semenov, 1891 is the valid genus name for a group of cuckoo wasps frequently referred to as Pseudospinolia Linsenmaier, 1951 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). by Rosa P, Pavesi M, Soon V, Niehuis O (2017), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 64(1): 69-75.

Spintharina integerrima (Klug, 1845)

Not of the Italian fauna.
Distribution: Palaearctic: Middle East (Saudi Arabia).

Stilbum calens calens (Fabricius, 1781)

Not of the Italian fauna. Known of Siberia.
All the Italian records cited as calens refer probably to the subspecies Stilbum calens zimmermanni.

Stilbum cyanurum siculum Tournier, 1878

Not a subspecies, but only a widespread chromatic variety.
Some literature records are probably referable to misidentification of the species based on specimens with a reddish color.

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All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Database of the European Chrysididae: notes and doubtful records, in: website. Interim version 31 March 2025, URL: