Drawings of Chrysididae

Last updated on September 11th, 2020

Here you find some pictures of Chrysididae drawn from publications and from websites. For each image the Copyright statement is reported. If you wish to contribute with your drawings, please upload them directly to Chrysis.net Forum. Alternatively, send them to our e-mail address .

Rob Tuckerman, 2017, "Chrysid wasp"
Rob Tuckerman, 2017, "Chrysid wasp"
A. Anichtchenko
A. Anichtchenko Chrysis fasciata zetterstedti
Mark A. Deyrup, 1982: Chrysis archboldi Kimsey
Mark A. Deyrup, 1982 Chrysis archboldi Kim.
K. Tsuneki
K. Tsuneki E. auratus maculatus E. auratus viridiventris
W.Linsenmaier, Die Goldwespen der Schweiz
W. Linsenmaier, 1997 Die Goldwespen der Schweiz
W.Linsenmaier, Insects of the World
W. Linsenmaier, 1973 Insects of the World
W.Linsenmaier, Insects of the World
W. Linsenmaier, 1973 Insects of the World
W. Linsenmaier, 1997 Die Goldwespen der Schweiz
L. Berland, 1976 - Atlas des Hyménoptères de France
L. Berland, 1976 - Atlas des Hyménoptères de France
L. Berland, 1976 - Atlas des Hyménoptères de France
W. H. Gilby, Stilbum cyanurum - Cuckoo wasp
W.H. Gilby, 60's-70's Stilbum cyanurum
Chryside (Hyménoptère), 1963
Anonymous, 1963, in: French chromolith.
C. Caspari
C. Caspari, 1955, in: Mitteleuropaische Insekten
Unknown, 1953, Wasps
K. Wulfert, 1932
K. Wulfert, 1932 Chrysis ignita
Émile-Alain Séguy, 1920s, Insectes. Pochoir prints
Godman et al., 1879
Godman et al., 1879 Biologia Centrali-Am.
Pierre Jean François Turpin in: V. Batelli, 1831 - Dizionario delle scienze naturali
P.J.F. Turpin in: V. Batelli, 1831...
J. Curtis, 1824 - British Entomology
J. Curtis, 1824 Chrysis fulgida
J. Curtis, 1824 - British Entomology
J. Curtis, 1824 Hedychrum ardens
J. Curtis, 1824 - British Entomology
J. Curtis, 1824 Cleptes nitidula
E. Donovan (1793-1813), C. Gay (1844-1871), G. Cuvier (1836-1849)
E. Donovan, 1793-1813 et al.
L. Jurine - Nouvelle méthode de classer... 1807
L. Jurine - Nouvelle méthode de classer... 1807
D. Diderot, Histoire Naturelle
D. Diderot - Histoire Naturelle 1792-1797

Copyright, Authorship, and Ownership statements

All text and images of this page are copyright ©️ Chrysis.net unless otherwise stated - please see individual cases for authorship and copyright details. The specimens pictured are from the authors' or other collaborators' personal collections and from the collections of various museums. Unless otherwise specified, the whole content of this web site is for personal, non-commercial, scientific, and educational purposes given proper accreditation to the page from which they were derived are provided, and under Chrysis.net Terms and Conditions.

For citation purposes

Agnoli G.L. & Rosa P. (2025) Drawings of Chrysididae, in: Chrysis.net website. Interim version 31 March 2025, URL: https://www.chrysis.net/chrysididae/drawings/.